The discussions

If statement


Hello, I am really struggling to get the correct formula for below situation: example: Cell A2 is a "due date" Cell B2 is a "completion date" ...

4 replies Last reply on 30 Aug 2019 by

Dynamically assign a number in data set

Hello, I have a large data set and need to assign a number to each row if the status changes. Is there a short cut / dynamic way that I can assign...

3 replies Last reply on 29 Aug 2019 by

Transfer data from userform to sheet with the same format of table

hi, experts i have userform contains 3 textbox and sheet1 contains table i designed from 3 columns i would every time when fill data in userform ...

7 replies Last reply on 28 Aug 2019 by

How to find the latest time per name in a table with names and times


Hello; I have a sheet with a list of "use name" and "time" (which is a login date). I need to find for each user the latest date . But users have sev...

11 replies Last reply on 27 Aug 2019 by

Need to create linked sheets

Hello, I have an excel sheet this is for a list of unavailable items however I need to create another sheet for 1 specific team. So my sheet is lik...

8 replies Last reply on 26 Aug 2019 by

Sumproduct based on wbs

7 replies Last reply on 26 Aug 2019 by

Interest on term loan and working capital


Dear CCM, I dont know "interest on term loan and working capital, profit before taxes and profit after taxes""..etc anybody can help me to solve...

Last reply on 24 Aug 2019 by

Get help macro sheet

Hello, My name is vivekanandan i am try to create macro sheet like compare two different excel file and get the output in new excel file but i am ...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Aug 2019 by

Spreadsheet help moving data

So I'm trying to make a macro that moves data from an input sheet to the appropriate sheet based on information in a given cell that is being entered....

4 replies Last reply on 22 Aug 2019 by

Excel vba to color row based on wbs level

Hello I need a macro to change row color based on "Level" column. Thanks Ebti

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2019 by

Copy from one cell and paste to another sheet based on length of another column

Hi I am using the code below to copy and paste from one column to another based on cells containing data in column A, what I need to do it copy data f...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Aug 2019 by

Summarise hours incurred by month based on multiple criteria


Hi, I want to summarise hours incurred mthly (from the time_converted column) based on the grade and agency but can't seem to get the below formula...

4 replies Last reply on 19 Aug 2019 by

Are you still taking questions?

Hello, Are you still taking questions?

5 replies Last reply on 13 Aug 2019 by

Message to appear when 5 cells uncolored cells contain values.


Hello, A macro using excel that can return a message when 5 uncolored cells that are in a range of colored and uncolored cells contain values. The ...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Aug 2019 by

Code to move rows into another sheet based on certain values


Hello, I'm having trouble figuring out how to do something! I have a sheet (Design) with work order details on it (columns A-J will have data in). ...

6 replies Last reply on 13 Aug 2019 by

Create an ordering list for our consumables

Hello all, New user here! I am new to coding in Excel (pretty much Excel itself) and do not have access to Access. I would like to create an orde...

17 replies Last reply on 12 Aug 2019 by

False value removal

Hello, How to remove false value if I use below formula =IF($K4="Urban",IF(N4>0,1,0))

1 reply Last reply on 9 Aug 2019 by

Checking the values in sheet1 with multiple entries in sheet2, write the output

Hello Experts I am having 3 different sheets: In sheet 1, I have columns A- K & Sheet 2, I have columns A-G. I need to find column H values from Sh...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Aug 2019 by

Creating a data input sheet with excel

Hi, So I am attempting to create a dashboard whereby data can be inputted in different categories and then once the data is submitted it is sent t...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Aug 2019 by

Count cells containing text per row

Hello, I am trying to figure out and if statement to add 1 if there is text in a row so that at the end of the row I will get a total for each time ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Aug 2019 by

Excel formula to identify similar text

Good day, I am looking for help with an excel formula to identify similar text within two columns. In column A there will be a specific word wit...

5 replies Last reply on 6 Aug 2019 by

Search using variable

Hello, I am trying to enter a value (name or partial name) and perform a search in the specified column. I can easily put a specific string in the ...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jul 2019 by

Auto-populate a sheet with data from different other sheets


Hello, I have been having problems with having a general data sheet in my workbook. My problem is as follows: I have 3 different sheets, all of w...

59 replies Last reply on 29 Jul 2019 by

Copy rows to other sheets based on value in column


Hello, I have copy and pasted the code used to solve the problem for the question which began this thread. I have 6 tabs into which I want to...

16 replies Last reply on 26 Jul 2019 by

Transfer data from sheet1 to sheet2

Hello, i have data in sheet1 from range a1: f91 when i fill data and transfer to sheet2 it also transfer the empty rows here i wanna delet...

7 replies Last reply on 26 Jul 2019 by

Macro code vba exel sum dublicate data and delete

hi, everybody i need help code vba exel i have data in sheet1 begening from cells a2:g100 many data are dublicateed i would the sum dublicate ...

24 replies Last reply on 19 Jul 2019 by

Copy template, rename based on a reference list from a different spreadsheet

Hello: I am trying to make copies of a template in a worksheet, and rename those worksheets from a list on a separate worksheet. Currently my templa...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2019 by

Replace 'sheet' reference in a formula (not copy data, but get averages)


Hello, I'm working with a precipitation data base of multiple sheets. Each sheet is a year of measurements. The thing is that I'm trying to ge...

5 replies Last reply on 13 Jul 2019 by

Copying excel data from one sheet to another based upon contents of a cell

Hi, I have a spreadsheet containing two sheets. Sheet 1 contains the following: Col A - username Col B - Full Name Col C - Email address Col ...

3 replies Last reply on 11 Jul 2019 by

Am not too good on percentage calculation


Hello please what is the 10 percent of,7200000000

Last reply on 10 Jul 2019 by

How to duplicate rows x number of times

Does anybody know how I can repeat rows in a spreadsheet by n number of times specified in cell B in that row ie from this table: Column A, Col...

4 replies Last reply on 9 Jul 2019 by

Follow up q to how to add a certain number of days to a date in excel

Hello, Thank you for your article with the handy tip. What way would one make use of to fill the contents of a single row (or column, depending ...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Jul 2019 by

Macro to copy/paste down x times (where x is the number of rows)


Hello, I could sure use some help on a Macro. I need to copy the value in E1 and paste down to all cells in column E (E2 to E??) The issue ...

Last reply on 8 Jul 2019 by

Compare sheets macro

Can you please help me with the code for comparing two spreadsheets and giving the result in a separate sheet. The range may be different for the two ...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Jul 2019 by

Which macro (of many) changes the data in my workbook

I am working with an old macro enabled spreadsheet that has many tabs and many macros. On one tab I have a column that reports "yes" or "no" when the...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Jul 2019 by

Formula to subtract one cell value from another.

Hello, I am trying to do a formula that would subtract cell a2 from a1 if cell a3 has "Closed" in it. Is this possible?

1 reply Last reply on 1 Jul 2019 by

Auto transfer questioner with right answer to another sheet

Hello, I have questioner list (yes or no) about 60question. I want to make it automatically transfer (all the row) to another sheet if answer is ‘N...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Jul 2019 by

Insert picture in ms excell

Hello Friends, Please help me out, how I can insert the picture in front of the name automatically. Means I just select the images these pictures auto...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jun 2019 by

Partial matches in lists of 6-digit numbers

Hello! I have a list of ~500 6-digit numbers. They were all hand entered, and we want to proof the list and see if any of them were duplicated by typi...

3 replies Last reply on 20 Jun 2019 by

Formula to create generations based on birthday

I need a formula in excel that will indicate generations based off of a birthdate. Generations: Traditionalists (Prior to 1943) Baby Boomers (194...

3 replies Last reply on 20 Jun 2019 by

Copy and paste selected cells a given number of times

Hello, I had a quick course on macro and I would like to write my first one, but I would need some help with it. Id like a macro which copies t...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jun 2019 by

Send mail if today is the birthday.


Hello, I have a Excel sheet containg profile of some employee like this: Name ID Date of Birth Rahul 335221 15...

11 replies Last reply on 19 Jun 2019 by

Comparing two excel sheets and copying like data to third sheet


Hi, I'm trying to compare two sheets in excel and have matching column data copy the entire row into a new third sheet. Ex: Compare Sheet 1 column...

Last reply on 18 Jun 2019 by

Getting multiple largest values with specified limits

Hello, a1 is 110,a2 is 236,a3 is 175,a4 is 352,a5 is 257,a6 is 175.In b1 find value is greater than or equal to 400.i need all answers numbers not re...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jun 2019 by

Extract data from few xml file into excel.

Hello, i hope someone will be able to assist me, and i hope it is possible to do what i need. I need to extract specific data from a few XML files...

24 replies Last reply on 14 Jun 2019 by

Comparing 7 column


1 reply Last reply on 13 Jun 2019 by

Trying to insert multiple rows between rows in excel with copied data.

Hello, I have used the two listed vba macros but i am having no luck combining the two. First one to add 13 rows between current data: data is on ...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jun 2019 by

Using a named field for autofill


I am performing an Autofill using a macro. Is there a way to enter the ranges using a "Named Field" in the macro without having to hardcode them in t...

2 replies Last reply on 12 Jun 2019 by

Find and replace using vb; from a txt file, find all commas ","

I need to find all occurances of a comma "," in a txt file and replace it with a blank space and output a csv file. Is there an easy way to do this in...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Jun 2019 by

Excel macro - set and autofill a range?


Hello, I am creating an excel macro to reformat a CSV file. In doing this, I need to select a column (F) and replace the values in that column with a...

Last reply on 11 Jun 2019 by
Results 301 - 350 out of a total of 7,065