The discussions
Vba code - conditional formatting
Hello, in VBA, I want to do conditional formatting of cells in a column with below background & font colours. Below 25: (RED Background-RGB-255...
Use a checkbox to copy a row and paste at end
Hi, Relatively new to VBA so please bear with me. I am looking to add a checkbox button that when clicked will replicate the row of data at th...
Multiple if statements in excel
SolvedHello, I am trying to calculate a cell based on values , so if A1 =between 1 to 10 than it will equal 10.00 if A1 = between 11 to 20 that it e...
Excel compare and return result
Hello, I have a set of field to compare in 2 different spreadsheet out of which any match will then check and return for a specific value in anoth...
Searching two columns and displaying a third
Hello, Hello everyone...quick question...I need a formula to search data from two columns and find the single row which matches the specified criter...
Copy certain number of rows using vba
Hello, Hello I am trying to copy a certain number of rows from sheet 1 to sheet 2 this number is dependent on a value i have set in sheet 3 A1. T...
Highlighting future dates
SolvedHi I have been tasked with building an excel spreadsheet for all staff training. I have managed to highlight cells where the date has expired, but...
Copy rows to other sheets based on value in column
SolvedHello, I have worked through this topic and the have modified the code for my worksheet, but I am having a problem with the F5 function. It works...
Copying time fields down
Hello, I am attempting to put the time starting at 12:32:44 AM for 128 rows and click up the time by one second to 12:32:45 AM for the next 128 rows...
How to change date format in excel?
Hello, Sir I want change date format in 25-06-2018 to 25th June 2018 How can change 25 in Th letter in upper case Please tell me any one
Make userform
Solved/ClosedHello, I need to make a userform and list all sheet names and for each sheet name i need all named ranges from book. Is that possible? Thanks in ad...
Copy cells to separate workbook using vba
Hello, I am attempting to take a range of data, in this case A1:I42, and copy it to a separate workbook. So I want to copy A1:I42 from Sheet 1 in ...
Find in column and copy it's row code for google s
Hello, I have created code in MS Excel for finding particular text in column and after finding text the entire row should be copy and add in next sh...
Vba code for create a copy of one excel file
Hello, I want a VBA code for create a copy of one excel file that contains all the contents without macros and also I want to send that work...
Copy command button in message box
Hello, I want to create copy command button through message box in VBA. In message box the information which is going to reflect should be copie...
Vba code for copy & paste items for multiple times
SolvedHi, I'm a very beginner in VBA and would need this problem solved urgently. I'd like to copy each line item and paste them in a new sheet 9 times. I t...
Create sheets for additions to list on sheet one.
SolvedI have a running list of names in a workbook that are kept in alphabetical order on sheet one. Those names are updated daily with new additions. Eac...
Overwriting data during transfer
SolvedSir, I had created vba code to transfer data from one workbook to another. it's working 1st time . but second time when I'm tapping the command butt...
Date formula counting days
Hello, If anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it, I need help with counting days if there is not an end date on the report. Ex: Count...
How to find the total tax?
ClosedThe excel sheet below, shows different Items that are either purchased and paid up front, not paid or purchased through layby from AGRIQUIP. If Column...
Change date format in excel
hi there i just need to make 1 cell for a date but with auto population of slashes so if i type 21062018 in the cell it comes up like 21/06/2018 ...
Comparing two columns in excel
Hello, I have to compare the following 4 columns; Code Amount Code Amount 100 213 101 25 101 465 ...
Numerical value to appear in d31 automatically
1) Hi there, I'm trying to do a formula in a cell and need some help please. For the sake of this example, I'll be typing certain text into C31 and I'...
Autopopulate info from master to individual ws
Hello, I have a series of data that are categorized by a prefix (P, UR, A, CAPA, etc.). I want to pull only the CAPA record information into a secon...
Populate cells in worksheets from an updating list
I have a club workbook with 150 member Worksheets that need to be populated from the members list. First Member is starting with A2 Second A3 etc....
Vba code for command button
Solved/Closedhello everyone, i had created a macro enabled workbook (abc123.xlsm)which holds about 10 user forms and every user form complies data to separate wo...
Multiple text in a cell
Hi Please can someone help I have text in columns that uses multiple words example, annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave and i want to add...
Compiling data in excel
Hello, I am working with a large spreadsheet of contact information for people in my industry. I have columns titled with different interest areas...
Looking for vba code.
Auto update of data from one sheet to other
Hello, Pls guide me regarding how to update data from one sheet to other in excel. In sheet1, if i update the details of the student it sho...
Creating excel email alert for expiring dates
Hello, all I want to do is to create a code that will send me an e-mail when one of my docs will be expiring or expired. The problem is that there...
Copying and looping data from one file to another
In one tab I have information, where I have made it output the information on a second tab (It's more in depth than this but I tried making this as si...
Convert date to the english spelling
Hello, My date of birth 1-3-1995 Please convert to the English spelling System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 2.0
Vba - how to repeat a set number of values x times
Hi, I am having an issue with a code I am writing. I want to insert 1,2,3,4 down an empty column X times ( where X will be inserted by the user)...
Mac vba & excel, auto change image based on a cell
Hello, I'm trying to produce a simple excel spreadsheet on my Macbook which automatically changes the image in cell B3 when I change the name in A...
Auto populate when changing from quoted to sold?
Hello, I am working on a work book in excel for work. On one page, I am tracking quoted / sold cases when a case sell, I have it change colors. ...
How do i install excel on my pc
how do i install excell on my pc
Scale tab in format axis in excel 2000 charts
Hello, Using Excel 2000 charts, in some files, when I right-click on the horizontal (Date) axis, select the Scale tab in Format Axis, I get a "Time ...
Macro which copies formula down to end of row
I am new to this this and would be grateful for any assistance with a macro which copies the formula from the cell above and continues in a loop till ...
When the field is =n, want to subtract that field
SolvedHello, This formula works, but when the field is =N, I want to subtract that field. What could I add to this formula to make that work? =(COUN...
Conditional formatting across multiple columns
SolvedHi there, I have two columns which if equal(unless blank), I wish to fill in with a colour. I have defined the range as the two columns(BX3:BY3) an...
Ms excel file error message
Hello Folks, There is something wrong with my Excel file. It was working fine on last night. Today, I opened it anf got the following error: S...
Data transfer from master to other sheets by type
Hello, I'm trying to create a workbook with a master sheet and four subsequent sheets. Ideally the master sheet will be where my admin assistant w...
Highlight blank cells if data present within row
Hello, So I know it's using conditional formatting but I can't find a formula for what I want. I only want the blank cells highlighted, not the en...
Convert date format
Hello, May 1, 2018 Wanted to convert the above date into DD/MM/YYYY in excel. Pls help
Change data to date
ClosedHello, I am copying data from Access to Excel; the data in Access is a Date, but when it is copied to Excel it is 43190. I have tried to data cha...
Copy conditional formatting for an entire row based on one cell
Solved/ClosedHello. I'm working on an Excel sheet, where the entire row is colored based on the values of two cells in the current row. If one of the cells in t...
Copy and paste data from different sheet using vba
Hi, I have spent a lot of time to copy data from different sheets to a destination sheet using excel VB by selecting a region from a dropdown list....
Duplicate rows from multiple worksheets
SolvedHello, I have a workbook that I'm hoping will be the template for a monthly log. It is almost done, but I cannot figure out the best way to perfor...
Auto-generate/populate excel worksheets from data
Hello I wonder if anyone could help me. I need to separate a list of data into separate worksheets based on the data in the first column. For examp...