The discussions

Copy and paste data upon click

I have a set of data on A2 to A10. When I hit cell A2 which contain the word "January", the data will be copied into B2. If I hit cell A3 which co...

5 replies Last reply on 15 Feb 2018 by

Resizing of column & rows in macro

Respected CCM team members, Greetings!! I am trying to insert images from a folder into excel by matching file names specified in a column, ever...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Feb 2018 by

Highlight help


Hello, I am needing help with being able to highlight a cell based on another cell's value. Example: I am dealing with cells J2 and J3. I am needi...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Feb 2018 by

Macro to compare the 3 columns "sec code

Hi All, I would really appreciate your help in providing me with a macro to save me some time on the following. 1- Everyday i receive 2 reports ...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Feb 2018 by

How to save a copy of an excel sheet using macros?

Hello, excel guru's, I am struggling with a problem which should be easy (i think), but with my lack of knowledge of VBA i am stuck. I have an...

3 replies Last reply on 13 Feb 2018 by

Counting sites visits within a year


Hi All, I have a small database that is regularly updated keeping track of site visits and I want to be able to create a table of number of visits ...

5 replies Last reply on 13 Feb 2018 by

Compare data in two columns

Hello, Q 4 U - pls and thank you CCC=characters/letters NNN=numerics Trying to compare these two columns and identify partial matches betwe...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Feb 2018 by

Color fill and conditional formatting

Hi, I'm running Excel 2013 on a Windows 7 Ultimate box, and I have a spreadsheet containing 14 columns and 253 rows. I've made one column, where I ...

5 replies Last reply on 12 Feb 2018 by

Need different data each time from different sheet

So I'm making an invoice form in which i need to insert data from another excel, which is a list that includes names/e-mails/amount paid/etc. Is the...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Feb 2018 by

Need a search function

i have BPS in cell A1 and the pay Cell A2 on sheet 1 and on sheet two i have a data in this range g3:aj23 now my question is for example my A1 ce...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Feb 2018 by

How to apply conditional formatting


I would like to apply conditional formatting so that Cell A4 is highlighted (filled) if Cell B4 has Text (date in the format 22-DEC-17) and unhighligh...

4 replies Last reply on 8 Feb 2018 by

Copy cell data to next row for multiple cells

Hello, Need help copying cell data to next row for multiple cells. e.g. Source data - A1 Cat A2 (blank cell) A3 Dog A4 (blank cell) A5 Hen...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Feb 2018 by

Conditional formatting (highlighting)

Hi, I would like to apply conditional formatting so that Cell A4 is highlighted (filled) if Cell B4 has Text (date in the format 22-DEC-17) and un...

4 replies Last reply on 7 Feb 2018 by

Copy multiple rows and transpose to one row

Hi! I am trying to copy multiple rows of a spreadsheet and transpose them into one column of another spreadsheet. I know how to do this one row at ...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Feb 2018 by

Copying rows to another sheet

I'm looking to copy certain cells in a row to a new sheet if another cell meets certain criteria. If column O has "Yes" i need to copy cells A-F o...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Feb 2018 by

How to copy data to a different worksheet?


Hello, I would like to copy data from a specific cell of a worksheet and paste into a specific cell in a different worksheet Eg from cell b2 of a l...

11 replies Last reply on 7 Feb 2018 by

How to send automatic email from sharedrive

Hello, I have to send a tracker automaically to my lead at eod everyday from sharedrive. Can anyone pls help me in this??

1 reply Last reply on 6 Feb 2018 by

Conditional formatting - dates


Hello, On a spreadsheet, the cells in column N contain a date. I need any date that is 6 weeks ago or longer to be highlighted. How do I do ...

4 replies Last reply on 6 Feb 2018 by

Rearrange multiple columns in four columns, vba


Hello guys, An excel rookie needs the help of more experienced users of Excel and VBA. I have a data set that looks the following way: There ...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Feb 2018 by

Copy data to multiple excel sheets after creating

Hello, I have a standard template excel file - excel.xls. I have a list of servers in a text file - names.txt. I want to create multiple files of ...

3 replies Last reply on 5 Feb 2018 by

Sorting 2 columns of names with the same 2 columns& limited rows

Hello, I am looking for some help with an Excel Spreadsheet. I have an Excel Spreadsheet with room for only 2 columns and 5 rows. I am tryi...

3 replies Last reply on 5 Feb 2018 by

Trying to autopopulate multiple spreadsheets

I have a workbook with contact and personal information of an organisation. I would like to have this information auto populate to separate sheets in ...

3 replies Last reply on 5 Feb 2018 by

Matchpoint score


hello I hope that someone can help me. I have an excel sheet in which I record scores of teams and I would like a formula to calculate the points acc...

5 replies Last reply on 5 Feb 2018 by

Copy data into new rows (row 2, 3, 4, et cetera)

To Whom It May Concern: I'm trying to get data that's already made into a different part of the same sheet. I want to make sure it's recorded in o...

6 replies Last reply on 2 Feb 2018 by

How to change text formating in a cell?

Hallo!! I am working on a dictionary and I want to change the formating of the text of column B by setting prerequisites. Example: "Απαλλοτρίωσ...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2018 by

Formula to return cell value in excel

Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 51.0.2704.106 I am trying to configure a formula that returns the value of a cell if is not b...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2018 by

Populate data

I need to auto-populate data from a master worksheet into multiple worksheets, while having the ability to add/delete rows in the master worksheet. Th...

3 replies Last reply on 31 Jan 2018 by

How to match contents in 2 separate cells?

I have data in 2 separate cells. I need a formula that will pick out the first 3 characters from each cell and show if a match (true/false). Any hel...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jan 2018 by

Copying data from an excel 2010 table to a string or word file

Can anyone help me please with the following problem: Search in Col A of an Excel Worksheet table for expression 'Employee' (exact cell location in Co...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jan 2018 by

Compare values in two columns and return the value from third

Hello, I have a table containing three columns. Column A shows the status of a product, "To Review", "Under Review", "Review Completed" Column...

2 replies Last reply on 26 Jan 2018 by

Transfer data from the master sheet to other sheets.

Hello, i am maintaining a master excel sheet of out tele callers in which they all enter their calling data. i want to get the data in different d...

4 replies Last reply on 26 Jan 2018 by

Removing extra columns after the end of the month,

Hello, Be Happy, i want to ask you that my company's month starts from 23rd and ends on 22nd, so how the extra columns can be removed automatically...

3 replies Last reply on 26 Jan 2018 by

Auto e-mail when cell displays "yes"

Good Day Could someone please assist me with my query? I do not have many experience with VBA Macro, and would appreciate a simple answer. I ha...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Jan 2018 by

How to use conditional format based on text?


Hello, I want a cell to change color if another cell contains the words "first aid". The text comes down from a drop down list and could read "Fi...

26 replies Last reply on 24 Jan 2018 by

Cut from one workbook to another workbook

Hello, from data specific cell value match then entire row cut and paste another workbook sheet in excel vba formual System Configuration: ...

1 reply Last reply on 24 Jan 2018 by

Copy and convert data


Hi, in advance I would like to thank everyone for reading my post and providing any assistance. I have an exported worksheet with 50 rows of data (30...

29 replies Last reply on 23 Jan 2018 by

Input part numbers and description into selected spreadsheet

Hello, I am compiling a excel work sheet, so far I have created 'buttons' that take me to the correct spreadsheet sections I have created. What I need...

3 replies Last reply on 22 Jan 2018 by

Creating a time frame

Dear excel gurus/geniuses, I'm new to excel (as in, new in discovering what a powerful software it is!!) I want to calculate approximate time (day?...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2018 by

Create a spreadsheet that captures data in sheet 1

Hi All, Hoping someone can help with a query. I want to create a spreadsheet that captures data in sheet 1 (name, company, notes etc) and populates...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jan 2018 by

Vba excel [all versions] - calendar control

RE: The article "VBA Excel [All versions] - Calendar Control" looks very promisi...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jan 2018 by

Vlookup, if? question assigning value to text options


Hello, I need to make an spreadsheet that corresponds different text values and gives them a score. I have several tables set up, that I was tryin...

2 replies Last reply on 17 Jan 2018 by

Data showing who pays a doesnt after manually input receipts


Hello, Hope im clear on this. Im a bit lost. I have sheet one. This is a spredsheet where we input a secuential number with the name of the ...

5 replies Last reply on 17 Jan 2018 by

Finding a cell and adding 1 to a cell in an adjacent column

I am working on a simple stat program to replace a tally sheet we use in basketball practice. I have created a page to choose names and statistics to...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Jan 2018 by

Difficulty to open excel files

Good day! The problem is the following! When opening any Excel files (no matter what size and no matter of the mesh open or locally with a computer) t...

2 replies Last reply on 15 Jan 2018 by

Compare sheets and put missing rows into third sheet.

Hi to all the CCM members. I have a problem that I need assistance with and I would greatly appreciate it if a VB guru could help me with a script ...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Jan 2018 by

Update one sheet excel sheet from the other

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help , I have a large excel sheet (AW - 2506) which holds info for each employee, we are currently moving s...

3 replies Last reply on 12 Jan 2018 by

Create new worksheets using date data

Hello, I've been asked to find a way to sort data comprised of visit dates in to worksheets (within the same workbook) by age. The dates range fro...

4 replies Last reply on 11 Jan 2018 by

Automated filter, copy, paste... recommendations appreciated!

Hello, I am a self-taught rookie attempting to create a document that will distill necessary information on a contract and spec sheet without havi...

3 replies Last reply on 11 Jan 2018 by

Compare 2 cells then use data in 3rd cell

hi there hope you can help me with this please i need to do the following for a stock vs sales management sheet if a1 = b1 then d1*c1 Lo...

3 replies Last reply on 10 Jan 2018 by

Logging web data excel

I’m trying to log some data imported from the web. I’ve already managed to import the data as a table and set an auto refresh to every minute. What I...

3 replies Last reply on 9 Jan 2018 by
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