The discussions

Excel vba- copying data from newest worksheet to a new workbook

Hi all, Newbie here. I've been fumbling around with VBA and managed to get some parts working, but now I'm stumped. I have an Excel workbook tha...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jan 2019 by

Copy data onto sheet only if cell has text


Hello, I need to copy formulas and data from a selection of cells in a worksheet (Figures) onto a seperate sheet (summary). I would like the inf...

Last reply on 29 Jan 2019 by

Repeat a set of rows in excel

Hello, I have some set of unique row in a1 to a10, and I want to repeat the whole set of row in same column eg."A" by some given no. Of time by a p...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Jan 2019 by
Daniel Telele  

Formatting a cell for multiple functions in excel

Hello, I would like to have my dates be highlighted red when expired and yellow highlighting the dates when 30 days prior to being expired. I alrea...

9 replies Last reply on 18 Jan 2019 by

Split data into several rows of same data

Hello, I would like to split a row of data into several rows of same data in MS Excel. I will try to explain the situation. I need a macro that...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jan 2019 by

Send automatic emails using macros

If column F in any worksheet in entire workbook is changed to "Pending" send an email. Below is my macro so far. Sub Request() Dim OutApp As Ob...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Jan 2019 by

Copy more than one cell in excel if a condition is met

Hi, I need to copy more than one cell if a condition is met. It’s about student degree. If the degree between specific range, then I need to copy m...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Jan 2019 by

Pulling data from multiple sheets to master sheet

Hello, I am working on a project and I could definitely use some help. I have an excel file with four sheets: Master Sheet, Project A, Project...

2 replies Last reply on 7 Jan 2019 by

Vba code to open non excel programs


Hello, I need vba code to open other documents besides excel doc's e.g open a word file, access file etc.. Can anyone help?? thanks PM

10 replies Last reply on 7 Jan 2019 by

Problem with copy in one sheet


Hello, There is a table on sheet1 for example. A B C D E 1 2 3 4 5 In cell A1 I drag the data from sheet2 cell A10 In cell A2 I drag t...

Last reply on 4 Jan 2019 by

I have a problem regarding how to automatically update data in other sheets.

Hello, I m looking to have few different sheets that automatically updated based on information that is added or changed in master sheet. One shee...

2 replies Last reply on 4 Jan 2019 by

Automatically move an entire row of expired item from one sheet to another sheet

Hi, I have a problem with the code below. I am a store officer in the firm I am currently with, and monitory of expiring date of a product is par...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Dec 2019 by
Ratnendra Ashok  

Copy worksheet from one workbook to another workbook in ms office excel

Hello, In the Move/ Copy dialogue box, the destination workbook is not visible to copy the worksheet from the source file.

1 reply Last reply on 28 Dec 2018 by

I need vba that creates a new sheet for every data entered in column d


Hi, I need a formula that create a new sheet for every data in "D" column cells and sheet name is like the cell ,also add that cell whole row data ...

3 replies Last reply on 26 Dec 2018 by

Budgeting forumla in excel


Hi! So I'm trying to write a budget for my household. Payments are made from different accounts. I've included an example. If anything in Colu...

Last reply on 22 Dec 2018 by

Macro in excel


bonjour je bloque sur ma macro depuis plusieurs jours et j'aurais besoins d'aide j'ai un listing de 13 colonnes qui peut aller jusqu’à 50 lignes m...

Last reply on 20 Dec 2018 by
Daniel Telele  

Copy rows n times in excel


Hello, I Need to copy from rows from A1:AY39 and need to insert in A41 and the same as be pasted on next 38 Row from A41 and it as to be done for ...

8 replies Last reply on 20 Dec 2018 by

Copy data from first sheet to other in excel

I have a workbook for tracking service customers. I would like for some of the data entered in the first sheet (first name, last name, date & email ad...

4 replies Last reply on 18 Dec 2018 by

Excel conditional formula

Hello, I need to fixed date (not change by everyday) when A1 CONTAIN certain text like (IR) B1=Fixed date

1 reply Last reply on 17 Dec 2018 by

Vba to compare column e from 2 sheets and copy entire row to sheet 3


Hello, I have a worksheet where I want to compare values from sheet 1 and sheet 2 and if values in column E (both sheets) are the same to then co...

2 replies Last reply on 14 Dec 2018 by

Excel function question

Hello, Which spreadsheet function in Excel will display 6 as the output in the following formula? =(36)

3 replies Last reply on 14 Dec 2018 by

Excel formula to track accrued vacation


Hello, I need help writing a formula in excel to track accrued vacation / personal time. During our employees first year of employment they earn P...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Dec 2018 by

If/then formula in excel

I am trying to write a formula that will add a certain number of days to a date, based upon the written response in another cell ie: if H5="Admit/5 D...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Dec 2018 by

Copy rows based on a condition


Hi How can I have excel copy the entire row of data from worksheet Employee Inventory to another worksheet called EEs if column Q contains TERM. I...

30 replies Last reply on 12 Dec 2018 by

Excel vba et pdf


Bonjour, j'ai un tableau sous excel et je veux le générer en pdf le problème je veux le converti en pdf mais dans un tableau de modèle différent

Last reply on 11 Dec 2018 by

How to merge data from different excels


Hello, My name is samar. I have a master sheet which cakculates all oaraneters for my team . To calculate this some raw data is needed . I had...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Dec 2018 by
Ratnendra Ashok  

Master sheet and connecting other sheets

I am trying to make a master list of all my donors for charity. The master list will have less information on it then the following sheets. Bellow a...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Dec 2018 by

Recalculation of dates


Hello, Hello, I'm trying to write a formula that will recalculate a date based on a fixed number of days. For example I have 2/1/19 in cell A42...

4 replies Last reply on 4 Dec 2018 by

Sliding conditional formatting

Hi everyone, I am currently stuck in Excel with the conditional formatting. I would like to apply a color to a cell in column A, row 1 based on a for...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Dec 2018 by

If function in excel refrencing data from another cell

I have a column which has names (these change on a daily basis). I have dates in another cell and I want a formula that says a3="IF the date in cell ...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Dec 2018 by

Excel formula for copying data from one sheet to another

Hello, I have 10 columns and 142 rows of name of person and their details, Is it possible when I edit data from the first sheet, it will automaticall...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Dec 2018 by
Ratnendra Ashok  

Mask cells in excel

Hello, I created a calendar / schedule under Excel with one month per sheet. Depending on the month. So for the month of February, for example, ...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Nov 2018 by

Autofill number from column b based upon text in column a

Hello Is there a way to get excel to autofill a number on sheet 1 that comes from the column "B" on sheet 2; if the text in column "A" matches? ...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Nov 2018 by

Find and replace in excel

Hi, This question is related to Excel 365. I have Sheet1 that has two columns. I Just gave a sample of word abbreviations. It has around 800. ...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Nov 2018 by

If function with printing tool

I have 3 column " Nu, Item, QTY" I want to print the cell who has a qty with the same Nu sort. nu item qty 1 ...

1 reply Last reply on 13 Nov 2018 by

Populate separate worksheets with data from main worksheet based on criteria met


Hello, I'm making an accounting workbook and I've run into a problem. On the first sheet "Sales Log" I input all of the transactions that the...

9 replies Last reply on 12 Nov 2018 by
Anonymous User

Incorrect date while saving csv format

Hello, I am trying to save a csv format of an excel sheet. My sheet has dates from 1 Dec'18 to 31 Jan'19. But when I save the csv file and reopens...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Nov 2018 by

Picking data from a table

Hello, I am going to apologise once again in advance as I am terrible at coming up with the right question when it comes to excel formulas hence why I...

1 reply Last reply on 12 Nov 2018 by

Excel if formula - priority setting

Good day I have this formula below but need to add another function to it. I have five cell (let say B,C,D,E,F) each with a selection option indica...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Nov 2018 by

Vba comparing two files via rows and copy difference to third file

Hello everyone! I'm new to VBA and need your help! I need two compare two files (File 1 and File 2). I need to compare rows in File 2 to rows in Fil...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Nov 2018 by

Copy-paste some grid in excel

Hi All I know this topic is quite old by now but. Haven't found the solution yet. I tried to copy-paste some grid in excell when i noticed. It wasn'...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Nov 2018 by
Anonymous User

Paste value on filtered cells


Hello, i was trying to "pasted value" on a filtered cell. but it seems to be pasting it to all cells... im using a "=concatenate" on several cell...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Nov 2018 by

Regarding all fields by selecting individual id

Hello, I have a JSON file it contains 100 IDs and all their details, but when I type ID I need to get entire details of that person from JSON file...

3 replies Last reply on 2 Nov 2018 by

Excel cell color change from another cell date fill up.

For Example, 1 item due date is 10/Nov/18 & showing yellow color. when the next cell will in-house 9/Nov 18 than the previous date color will move fr...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Nov 2018 by

Compare excel sheets using python

Hello, Can you please solve this question.To compare two excel sheets and copy unlike data to a third sheet which is not deduplicated.Can you plea...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Nov 2018 by

A combination of sumprodcut/isnumber with lookup

Hello all, hoping someone can help CELL (A) I have a question where, I have a column of data where there is a missmatch of data. CELL (B) I ha...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Nov 2018 by

Background formatting from two values drawn from formulas

Hi. I've created a table displaying prices from suppliers. On the end two columns I've added a formula to show the header of the colomn which holds t...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Nov 2018 by

Duplicate line and decrease id number

Hi Does anybody know how I can repeat rows in a spreadsheet (or into another spreadsheet) by n number of times specified in the cell in that row w...

1 reply Last reply on 31 Oct 2018 by

Conditional formatting using dates/data in an adjacent cell

Hello, I am creating a project status sheet where dates entered in an empty column (Column C) that are past the "planned start date" (column B, hol...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Oct 2018 by
Results 401 - 450 out of a total of 7,065