The discussions
Ie problem
Hello,my computer is cable can not unplugged. How can I do? I am waiting your answer.
Internet mobile though computer bluethooth
Hello, all i have nokia n72 i have internet connection in my computer and want use that connection in my mobile through bluetooh can it...
Router is not working
Lan connection
Hello, how can i connect my vista laptop to xp pc using lan wire. although i tried to make ip address different and workgroup same on both yet i can...
How to get the face book account back
Hello, i opened my face book account in last week. it was working well untill yesterday. after clearing all my browsing history it can not open.
20 lans 2 hubs
Hello, How much wiring will i need to connection to 2 Hubs
Emergency 911 (or e-911) services for voip
Hi Buddies, All Internet Phone services providers are supposed to be setup so that they support 911 (or E-911) services i...
Network printer problem
Hello, i have a network printer i xp i want to connect with vista than so a message is that windows can not connect to the printer the printer drive...
Vista and dhcp on a mltilayer switch
Hello, my vista pc will not recieve dhcp from my cisco multilayer switch.
I can't connect to wifi
ClosedHello, I can't connect to my Netgear WiFi router. I typed in the correct WEP key but it just doesn't connect for some reason.
How do i hide my id for dial-up connection
Hello, i really have a high rate charge on my dail-up connection which has become unbearable for me these day, is there any other way i can hide my...
Cell phone 3g modem internet times out
Hello, When ever I download anything with flashget, firefox or bitcomet it downloads then after a while it gets slower and slower and then it stops a...
Bsnl broadband connection problem
Hello, I got new BSNL broadband connection for my Home PC and they gave me UT-300R2U Modem. Then i create a network connection through new connecti...
Office computer networking problem
Hello, Dear Sir i am facing problem that i can access anyone in the office from networking but nobody can access me. No one can see my compu...
Connect 2 laptops to play game
Hello, i have two laptops , i'ld to connect these two laptops so i can play LAN game , how to connect it without using any cable? , and currently i'm...
Broadband sharing
Hello, sir, i have a broad band connection which i want to share with other computer.. i have a 8 port switch.. connection is like this.. modem to...
Can u plz find me this id
Hello, helloo my msn n facebook add have me hacked... soo can u plz find that both .. n relpy me to n my hacked msn id is u...
Gprs/wap settings.
Hello, I m using prepaid card of loop mobile,i need gprs/wap settings for nokia mobile 6270 & Nokia 3230... REPLY as soon as possible...
Connecting two laptops using wireless router
Hello, I am having two laptops and connected to wireless router linksys for internet connection. I am wondering whether it's possible to connect bot...
Missing lan
Hello, I did a repair on my DELL latitude d620 laptop and after the repair the LAN ICON disappeared from my network places and short cut. I realised t...
Wireless driver
Hello, when i install wireless driver in my dell vostro A840 with xp operating system error occurs that "no compitable hardware found".
Calling a computer from mobile
Hello, i wanna know, is there any possibility of calling an computer from mobile? If so, what interface we have to use? Actually, i am doing a project...
Linksys router problem
Hello, I had my router set up and all worked well. I recently was traveling and hooked up to the Internet at the hotel. when I got back from my t...
Net on mob
Hello, i want connect internet on my Korean mob through GPRS.
Advice or help
Hello, anybody can help me about my problem to my laptop i have a asus brand laptop windows 96 (os) now coudn't connet to the internet pls.!!!!!!!...
Dell inspiron 1525 drops internet connection
Hello, I have an inspiron 1525 and lately it drops the internet connection every 5 or ten minutes. It is connected thru a wireless network and the o...
Hello, I have a Wrt54g Router wireless I have it programed to work Sunday to Thursday 7am to 11pm on Friday and Saturday I want it to work 7am to 1a...
Help with netgear wireless router
Hello, I recently bought a netgear wireless router. I have a dell desktop and a dell laptop that I would like to connect to this router. I also...
Hello, how do u flash ur xbox, what dose it do
Reset router name
Hello, When I first setup my router I left the device name as linksys and now I am having problems identifying it because there are several people ...
Want internet seeting
Kan u help me
Hello, i was wonderin kan u help me with my myspace email and password i kant get in
Hello, VISIT- WWW.JITENOK.WETPAINT.COM visit this site for any problem
Sony psp internet settings
Hello, i hav a bsnl broadband wifi internet connection which i want use in the sony PSP. I dont know how to set the settings in the sony PSP can u pl...
My password is not working
Hello, my yahoo password is not working.while online password setiing it says to cantact costumer service i have done thats all but they sa...
Gprs setting
Hello, i have lg kp500[cookie] i want gprs setting of my mobile..i contact my customer care but my problem is not solve.please send me mail of setti...
Ip adreess
Hello, i have problem to blothoth device is connect to comp but i can't sarfing internet to my pc to airtel mobile office so pls give me a ip ad...
I can only print wireless to 1 of 2 printersm
Hello, I have 2 printers connected to my desktop, I can only print from my wireless laptop through 1 printer, now I replaced that printer and no long...
Please i want u to help me change my ip to us
Hello, are you all doing..please i need your help guys....i want to change my ip to usa ip...enlighten me how to do this.
Hello, I have SAMSUNG SGH-I450 mobile and BSNL connection with net card. And want to connect internet to my PC from bluetooth. I also want to know di...
Aircel gprs
Hello, Please tell me what should i enter in the "Acess Point" while activating the Aircel GPRS..Snd an email to
Linksys router trouble
Hello, I've been having a bit of trouble lately. When i put the into the address bar, it just gives me a blank page. No prompt for login ...
Network problem
Hello, I have a windows xp laptop.last month i reinstalled my computer after my wireless network is not working. now i used an ethernet cable . how ...
Cant connect xbox live through my pcs wireles
Hello, i have a problem where i cannot connect my xbox live through my pcs wireless i have Last XP V22.0.2009, when i go to the local area connect...
Downloading game
Hello, i have a china mobile model no A968. how to download game int to this
Limited connectivity or say local only
Hello, Am using a Hp laptop with Windows Vista SP2, my problem is with my cable internet connectivity, whenever i switch on my laptop it takes time...
Wireless not working
Hello, My wireless connection is not working, My laptop is a compaq pasario c700 and I recently tried to change my windows from XP to Vista, since th...
Can i conect my j700i to my wireles 80211g
Hello, I want to no if i can connect my Samsung J700i to my 80211g Wireless Internet can u guys please help me.
My face accout has been disable
Hello, My facebook has been disable.please u solves this problem imedeatly.