The discussions
Can't log onto facebook!
Hello, I haven't been able to log on to facebook for over a month. It said my password was invalid so I decided to reset it but I have never gotten ...
Cant connect to internet at home
Hello, Ok so i cant connect to internet at home but it works anywhere else perfectly. I just started happening like 3 days ago. I can see the router'...
Wont connect to interent in a specific locati
Hello, I bought a new laptop and it will connect anywhere really except work. Its a private wireless but i was giving the password and it all...
Laptop can't see
Hello, my laabtop will not reconize the LAN connection on my computer. It keeps on saying unidentified network and will not let me on the internet. wh...
Gprs speed
Hello, now a days i'm useing airtel nop for mobile gprs. I am useing n73 hendset. But i want to surf gprs form my nokia 5130 mobile. Please told m...
Trasfering song
Hello, how can i transfer song to youtube from my memory card?
Problem with sharing folder
Hello, i am having problem with my sharing folder! I share E:/ from my server but the problem is that everyone can get access... I try to remove from ...
I need hlp pleases
Hello, am having problems with my face book and the password they are not helping and I need to reset my password but they won't give me a new one the...
Does it cost monthly to hook pc to internet
Hello, Does it cost more, if you have wireless internet, to get a card for a pc so that you can use the internet? Do you have to pay monthly..even if...
Perfect non-secure signal but no ip
So my PS3 my PSP and my Desktop pick up a perfect non-secure signal in my naborhood but they can't seem to pick up the IP address and that keeps all t...
Quick networked printer question
Hello, Just curious about if I have a printer setup on one computer connected to the network and it is shared - will that computer have to be consist...
Hello, i need to know 1. how to create and share the user rights by accessing server for a specific user groups. 2. how to transfer files betwee...
Causes of failure of internet system and their sol
Hello,please give a detailed information on the possible causes of failure of internet system and thier solution
How do u connect to xbox live?
Hello ppl if u no could you plz tell me how to connect to xbox live using a laptop with windows vista plz by emailing me: ...
Connecting 2 pc's via tcp/ip
Hello, cud any body help me to connect 2 pc's with out lan, wan via internet using tcp/ip. ie. if 1 computer in america and another in UK.
Disabled my face book acount
Hello, i wanna my face book to re active now
My face book
Hello, i wanna my face book acount to re active now
Connection to internet explorer
Hello, I have a toshiba laptop. I have a good wireless connection but I cannot get connected to internet explorer. Please can you help?? Thanks, Ju...
Service provider
Hello, am using Nokia 3110 classic, i configured internet and i can browse using the default browser, i downloaded operamini but when ever i tried t...
How can i connect to facebook
Hello, my problem is same as the others,i cant connect to facebook...i used to open it several times but it really doesnt work,everytime i open my pa...
Can't open ndow for router configuration. usi
Hello, Instalation guide asks me to type in, then window should come up to enter user name & password. Cant get past first instru...
Connecting internet through mobile
Hello, i am using aircel gprs i have recharged for 14 rupees for 3 days free internet.the net is connected in my mobile (NOKIA N72) but it is not con...
Free browsing
Hello,please i just need mtn free configuration browsing on my system.please i belg for it
Opera v8
Hello,mr genius i need a free browsing configuration or codes for opera v8 on my nokia 3230.Thanks in advance
My passionate plead
Hello,Am cesar pls i want the code for free mtn browsing using opera mini phone number is 08065683158 pls i beg
Please tell
Hello, i am using aircel unlimited rs98/- pack my mobile is nokia6670 i m getting only 2-3 kbps speed it takes time to open even the pages. i want to...
Wireless internet connection not getting
Hello, My ruby red Mini acer laptop is not getting wireless internet connection.Im getting the wired internet in it.its detecting wireless connection...
Xbox 360- wireless
Hello, It's really annoying me with a problem I've been occuring over and over again. I don't understand how to connect a wireless virgin broadband mo...
Help me for this thing...
Hello, i'm have a little fifa manager 09 did not work in win 7..the graphic did not work fluencly...after that it stop working and my lap...
Hello All, My Instant messaging is not working after i have opted for Aircel Gprs setting those any one has the solution to it. My mobile model is ...
Deleted mail item recollect
Hello, Auust30th,31st I received many important message to my ID, Unfortunately it is deleted. Please help to recollect the items lead me to google
well this shit is really bothering me..can someone help me out..cause im having the same problem with myspace thing..i try so many time trying to log ...
Cannot connect to internet!!
Hello, i am also having the same problem, i cannot connect with internet explorer, firefox, safari, itunes or any other internet program expect aol e...
Hello,im trying to say that how to uplad a pitchure with a camra 58362696
Wireless networking adapter
Hello, im trying to set up my new xbox 360 wireless networking adapter and its conected to my rouder but wont let xbox live work what do i do.
Connect laptop to printer
Hello, I'm tring to reconnect my laptop to my Lexmark X1100 printer ,that is connected to a Belkin router and bellsouth DSL modem,I lost connection w...
Cant connect to internet with new laptops
Hello, i have a laptop which connects to my netgear router fine. (the laptop runs on windows xp) however, i have recently purchased two new laptops (...
Internet sharing on lan
Hello, I have some problem in networking. I connect 2 home pcs through cat 6 cable, both lan cards working properly. i can access both pcs well thourg...
Internet speed very low
Hello, sir i am mithun . i am using idea plug to serve (or idea net setter) for internet service . i have taken the best plan as i should remi...
My friend has forgotten his yahoo id & passwo
Hello, My Names are Uche Henry Anagbogu. My friend Ebuka Chukwunekeh has forgotten his yahoo id & password. Pls it will be of utmost importance if yo...
Question, toshiba tecra8000
Hello, Erm. My Toshiba Tecra 8000 after i reinstalled due to virus... Now my Control Panel>Network Connections are empty. Which driver or what... do ...
Hello, We have internet through 2 satellite modems from 2 ISPs. Now i am using cyberoam load balancer to use both ISPs . Now the thing is i have to ...
To set up internet throuh wifi modem in vista
Hello, i have bsnl ADSL2+ WIFI Modem. My lap OS is Windows Vista. I need to setup internet connection in my LAP.
Gprs settings
Hello, I have Nokia Expressmusic 5310...... I want GPRS Settings for my mobile... plz send it as soon as possible..
Network connectivity problem
Hello, I have 75 system in workgroup & OS is win xp it is share by each other i can ping all system with each other also i can remotely access all sy...
Hello, i cant login soon as i give my password sends me back
Wont let me
Hello, i signed up yesterday but when i try 2 logg back on it will not let me! i did reset my password but i still cant get 2 my new facebook account ...
Network problem