The discussions

My acer laptop

my acer laptop would not was attacked by virus. i can not go to the system setup because it can not boot. please help me solve this problem.

3 replies Last reply on 11 May 2010 by

How do i get a virus off of a asus netbook?

I Saw The Quick Fix For A Virus On The Acer Computer And Was Hoping That Someone Could Help Me Get A Trojen Off Of My Asus Netbook

1 reply Last reply on 11 May 2010 by

Virus attack on exe.files...

ok.. I must have downloaded a virus.. My spyware is crap and didn't remove it. I don't have any good virus removal software and my laptop now will not...

1 reply Last reply on 10 May 2010 by

Cleared virus but cannot access anything

i cleared a virus on my dell. Now i cannot open any of my icons/programs. I keep getting the "open with" question..even get the "open with message whe...

1 reply Last reply on 10 May 2010 by

Help in getting links redirected

Hello, my blog (Wordpress) and website had been infected by a virus redirecting my site through some strange Computer files screen. the virus was not...

1 reply Last reply on 10 May 2010 by

All files infected, want to format hd

Maybe one of you fellow or girls could suggest how to eliminate viruses that are on all files. I have tried to re-format as suggested and it went now...

1 reply Last reply on 10 May 2010 by

Cannot browse webpages

all of a sudden I cannot open any webpages in either Firefox or IE. It is connected to the internet but nothing will open. I think I may have a virus ...

2 replies Last reply on 9 May 2010 by

My computer is infected with viruses!

can you help me get this antivirus and virus off this my computer now Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0

4 replies Last reply on 9 May 2010 by

Virus protection turned off - big mess

Hi, I have a massive issue and have no idea what to do. I came home last night to my sleeping computer only to find I couldn't open Firefox] (woul...

3 replies Last reply on 9 May 2010 by

Tracking cookie

I receive the message this cookie can not be removed after running a squared, in fact no tracking cookie is being removed anymore and I need to do it ...

1 reply Last reply on 9 May 2010 by

What is the diffrence

i use macrium reflext,i have the rescue disc.but is restoring the image of hard disk same as reformat?

2 replies Last reply on 9 May 2010 by
sumana soh

Internet only letting me use firefox. help!

Okay, so I think I downloaded a virus. I was downloading something and then is said " the file can not be excuted. ____ is infected. Do you want to ac...

4 replies Last reply on 8 May 2010 by

Cant run trojan.brisv.a!inf removal tool


Hello, I am trying to run the Trojan.Brisv.A!inf Removal Tool, as an administator, but it comes up with the folowing message: You do not have Ad...

18 replies Last reply on 8 May 2010 by

Not loading desktop icons and task bar


Yesterday when I turned off my 600M series Dell laptop, it was working perfectly. Today when I turned it on though, it seemed ok but just a little slo...

3 replies Last reply on 7 May 2010 by

Clicking sound

I have a clicking sound when I go on the internet could it be a virus, also it sounds like when you press the back button several times? I have Windo...

2 replies Last reply on 7 May 2010 by

Virus in my laptop

Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 7.0 hi any body please help me, i have problem with virus, i was alredy deleted sum virus files wi...

1 reply Last reply on 7 May 2010 by

Icpp foundation website virus

Due to going on porn, my computer now cant get rid of website page that says it scans and controls sharing and illegal downloads. The website is calle...

28 replies Last reply on 7 May 2010 by

Security warning on my laptop

I have a security warning come up on my Laptop, it's from, it says i have 10 security risks, its asking me to run or save the file? N...

1 reply Last reply on 6 May 2010 by

I cant get rid of the lsas.blaster.keylogger


Hello, I also have the trojan LSAS.BLASTER.KEYLOGGER. But the only thing I can get to is the internet. I have no desktop. I have downloaded the remo...

3 replies Last reply on 6 May 2010 by

Activation key

I didnt get the Activation Key when I bought the product, but the Tool is asking me to buy it again! Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explor...

2 replies Last reply on 6 May 2010 by

Personal security uninstall

Hello, i cant uninstall it. tried evrything but nothing works.

5 replies Last reply on 6 May 2010 by

Freequently opened this site automatically opend in my system, my system os is Windows xp professional,

2 replies Last reply on 6 May 2010 by

Facebook account hacked!!!need to get back on


any chance that i can get back on to it???

4 replies Last reply on 6 May 2010 by
crazy gal!!

Virus urgent

Today i logged on to my computer like usual . Then i turn it off because my dad didnt want me to use the computer at the moment. Later on i get on the...

9 replies Last reply on 6 May 2010 by

"digital protection" - new virus/malware?


Spreading word or looking for input or whatever. Ongoing discussion, because it's a lot more effective than trying to explain:

Last reply on 5 May 2010 by

Regsvr.exe virus

How can i remove the regsvr.exe virus from the laptop.Iam using the sony vaio laptop operating system is windows7 .please reply fast as soon as possi...

3 replies Last reply on 5 May 2010 by

How to remove a virus "xp smart security 2010

Hello! About a week ago I encountered a virus called XP smart security 2010. This virus will not let me operate my computer. When I turn no my com...

2 replies Last reply on 4 May 2010 by

Pls help me

hi i have a virus in my laptops .my task manager is not working,my anti-virus is also not opening,my programs files are also not opening,my recivery f...

1 reply Last reply on 4 May 2010 by

Toshiba laptop (black)

whenever i turn on my laptop it says it is making updtes, however when the updates are complete it turns off but when i turn it back on it says it is ...

1 reply Last reply on 4 May 2010 by

Lord rahul cool

When we open google page then we see the name "LORD RAHUL COOL" but why it is

1 reply Last reply on 4 May 2010 by

Hardisk going corrupt regularly.

Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.3 my external hardisk goes corrupt regularly. i keep on having huge data loses.i think it is due to a worm/vi...

5 replies Last reply on 4 May 2010 by


I have avirus in my computer with the name (M2K6H6A5.vbs) as ahidden file no anti virus can remov it . Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer ...

1 reply Last reply on 4 May 2010 by

Laptop headache

I have removed the 'Personal Antivirus' as indicated previously. That was a big help but now I cannot run the Malware Removal software. I have tired...

1 reply Last reply on 3 May 2010 by

New virus -help!!!

some how i got a virus that wont stop attacking programs.... it wont let me open task manager, nor will it let me open my AVG i need help cause t...

1 reply Last reply on 3 May 2010 by

Hijack this log

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4 Scan saved at 8:19:23 PM, on 2/5/2010 Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504) MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00...

16 replies Last reply on 3 May 2010 by
sumana soh

Trojan/malware - file access

I got a trojan virus on my computer and I cannot access any of my files; when I log on all I see is my background. If I press CTRL-ALT-DEL I receive a...

1 reply Last reply on 3 May 2010 by

Need help with open with virus!

Everytime I try to open or download something a window with "Open With" pops up and I can't do anything. I got it finally so Internet Explorer would c...

3 replies Last reply on 2 May 2010 by

Hacked computer

I read on this forum to type in netstat -a in command prompt to see if someone is hacking, a whole bunch of things came up, how do I know what to look...

3 replies Last reply on 2 May 2010 by

Icpp foundation


Hi , I was watching a Free streaming live match on the website and suddenly a virus popped up but I deleted after scanning and restarted the syst...

20 replies Last reply on 2 May 2010 by

Urgent help for lsas.blaster

Hello, system security firewall has blocked a program from accessing the internet. how can i remove that Lsas.Blaster.Keyloger worm in my laptop? ...

1 reply Last reply on 1 May 2010 by

Icpp locked my desktop

Got the ICPP Trojan from some site, and now my desktop is locked. Somehow managed to get past my SpyBot and AVG. My comp boots right to the virus, n...

2 replies Last reply on 1 May 2010 by

Getting vista internet sercurity alert

When ever I turn on my computer I get a warning from Vista internet security saying I have trojans, worms and possible risk of hihackers. I use McAfee...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Apr 2010 by

Help ,cant run any programs


Hey , i need some help every time i try to run a program it just says "choise the program that shall be used to run this file " or " cant find the pro...

6 replies Last reply on 30 Apr 2010 by

What is a computer virus

Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. A v...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Apr 2010 by

Xp anti-malware problem and now another one

Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0 so my computer was running normally but sudddenly this anti-malware keeps popping telling me my c...

3 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2010 by

Security/ virus cant log into facebook/other

Okay I login and it then goes to blocked on the url.... then on the page it says I need to get sercurity... which I have.... then it says do you want ...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Apr 2010 by

Cant find activation key

i purchased the personal security program, but it keeps asks for an activation key...what is that and where do i find it? Configuration: Windows XP...

4 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2010 by


hello im still directed to other websites such as this one.........

74 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2010 by

Hp start up problems

I have a HP lap top: When I switch it on it will only open in DOS mode and whichever option I chose as a start up it reopens in DOS and asks the same ...

2 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2010 by

Think i have a trojan

The problem i have is any time i go to click on a website link using any kind of search engine, the web page link i originally click on is not the pag...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Apr 2010 by
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