The discussions
Black screen, can't boot even from safe mode!
I got this damn virus a couple days ago. Found out about malware bytes, downloaded it onto a USB from a different computer, and managed to install it ...
Redirecting searches; unwanted pop-ups
SolvedHi, I have a virus on my computer. I'm not quite sure what it is but I think it's either Antivirus 2009 or 2008 and frankly I don't care. I just want ...
Error message
error message ( windows cannot find system_volume_information\_restore{26864c17-18dd-4561-8410}\driver.exe
Sorry for third time coz just see this log
SolvedHello, er,my cousin kind of installed something on my computer check anything suspicious this is onther computer but same software please check it...
I cant open any files because of a trojan!!
Can anyone help me i have a trojan horse on my windows Vista pc and i cat open any files what so ever it always asks OPEN WITH: and when i pick the fi...
Cannot find script fle please help
Hello, I M encountered with a problem.when i start my laptop a message displays on my screen ie,can not find script file "c:/windows/system32 /r...
Hackers' ruins
ClosedOh boy, I have been sooo frustrated over this thing, I cannot access my administrator rights, and the adminstrator from Safe Mode won't log on without...
Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0 I have Serious problem....I have the same Troyan as you guys Generic12.GOG.backdropper , I used E...
Windows xp security virus...what do i do?!?!
This Windows XP Internet security thing just popped up on my computer saying that I have like 30 something viruses and now my computer is not letting ...
Lsas blaster key loger
Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 7.0 how do i get rid of the worm lsas blaster key loger
5130 viruses anti
ClosedDear Sir, I had purchase New Nokia Mobile Phone. Model No. 5130 Xpress Music. Now I need Antivirus Software to install my Mobile. So kindly do the ...
Problems with fake virus
Okay somehow this Total XP Security thing was installed we never really installed the program. We were looking how to remove it and we couldn't so we ...
Regarding autorun
Hi whenever i insert the pendrive in my system it shows a file named autorun. I format my pen drive and remove that autorun but again after removing i...
I need ayuda please
hey !! PLEASE PLEASE help me i am in a trouble in my computer there is so many virus and i can remove that virus . So please give me pc defender s act...
Safemode corrupted by virus
safemode is not working how to manullay activate i think its infected by virus i scan fullsystem i detect virus but i could not access safemode how to...
Program i cant uninstall
get rid of program called security tools that I did download Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
Xcopy.exe-no disk
Hello, every time i insert my flash disk and memory card in my laptop xcopy.exe-no disk always appear with a message " There is no disk in the drive.p...
Get rid of lsas.blaster.keylogger
Solved/Closedcan anyone tell me how to get rid of thatscaming baster lsas.blaster.keylogger Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
Help-i cant get the old administrator off
Hello, The old administrator will not remove the password from my computer, I cannot download anything. Kids games, my interests, etc.. Now I find ...
Remove alpha virus using vista
SolvedHello, I am running on Vista. Obtained Alpha virus. Searched on line for resolve, ended up using SpyDoctor. Seemed to have cured all BUT still cann...
Someone hacked my account
ClosedHello, pls. help me to block my account someone using my account and i cannot to open my account he change the password my friendster account please ...
Delete key and nav arrows bring help screen
In MS offic Applications, open office, and Adobe software using the delete key or navigatin arrows bring up the help dialogue meu and/or the internet ...
Can't login after running malware anti-bytes
I used the free version of Malware Antibytes to clean up Trojan.vundo. After the clean up and recommended reboot, I cannot login. When I click a user...
Reg key for internet security xp pro 2010
ClosedHello, sir, can u tell me what is reg. key of xp internet security 2010 pro please let me know thankyou.
Personal security and total security
does someone know where i can find an activation key for my personal security?
Unable to uninstall personal security softwar
I download by mistake a software and since it bloked my computer. All the icons on my screen have disparear and I'm struggling to open my programmes (...
I can't open my drive c
Recently my PC has been affected by a virus, specifically trojan horse, and worm, then i used ESETNOD32 antivirus. After i scan my hard drive, it leav...
Shutdown the pc
i cannot shut down my pc everytime ,i turn off PC directly from switch ,is there any solution Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.5.2
i want to know what is a honeypot and how it helps in security ?
Lost my norton 360 disc but have the one app
I lost my norton 360 premier edition disc with one application left on it but i have the product key number can I still use that Configuration: Wi...
Work lsas blaster keyloger
I have tried to fix this problem but the security tool window keeps popping up can anyone help. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Activation code
i ordered a personal security sofftware and the order no was285488-ip,now i have some virus which am unable to remove,if i try to put the activation c...
Items that cursor hovers on get selected
I have a toshiba satellite laptop and it has this annoying habit of selecting items that the cursor just hovers over. I will move the cursor over a b...
Desktop defender 2010 popups
Hello, is this popup mean i have virus?where it came from. please help
This puzziling
Solveder....anyone know how much times can i reformat my computer,how often????can i damage my comp?and last of all how many times can i install windows 7 o...
Laptop password
Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari 525.0 my dad has my laptop and he keeps givin everyone a shot of it and not me,how do i change my password without th...
Cannot open programs/files
I have had a virus for about 3 weeks now. When I first got it i did a scan and found a trojan virus. I fixed that, but now when I try to open any prog...
Help me get my hotmail password back pleas
SolvedHi... My Hotmail Password I have forgotten if you could please get my password someone might get it please retreive it for me please, it holds impo...
Urgent pop ups
i am using vista and vista security pop ups keep coming on.. I cant access to internet explorer..all page is black.. how should i go to internet explo...
Malwarebytes anti-maleware scan
hello i just did a malwarebytes scan it says i have to restart my computer and i also read that i should not do it and rescane my system again and the...
Couldn't open lot of programs...
Hello, I think my PC got virus. I tried scanning with McAfee and Runreg, but did have any difference. I couldn't install any program or any anti viru...
Pop ups-internet explorer browser
Hello to anyone i get these pop ups tonight about 15 to 20 times while I've on the net. i downloaded a pop up blocker but it's seems that its not doin...
Help!!! i was being attacked by trojans!
SolvedHi, I am currently experiencing a very bad situation I am being attacked by all kinds of Trojan virus like virus.bat, trojan.bat, and many ...
SolvedLogfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 9:57:40 PM, on 31/3/2010 Platform: Windows Vista SP3 (WinNT 6.00.1905) MSIE: Internet Explor...
Compaq laptop presarioa900 screen wnt turn on
my compaq laptop Presario A900 17" screen won't turn on but i can hear the fan sound i tryed with and without my battery but with the wire pluged in,s...
Vcom rescue disk screen
3 icons, mouse not working recovery commander bootfixer fixes boot .ini manual partioning Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Mobile virus
when i go in my mobiles message menu mobile has been restarted
May be repeat, can not open computer
some virus protection, and it says a New age in antivirus software, and wants 49$ to register , no way to close it , Safe mode does not work, Task mas...
All desktop icons have disappeared
My desktop icons have disappeared. All of them! I can only acess them via explorer i.e C:/..../desktop Also my recent documents and the shutdown and...
My msn will not work ?
Configuration: / Yahoo! Slurp Indeterminableheey there. My friend sent an website adress to me so i clicked it and it came up with the run or save p...