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can you help me
Acer aspire 5732zg and 5732z bluetooth and camera driver.
Hello, I want to download the bluetooth and camera drivers of acer aspire 5732zg and 5732z for my laptop(notebook). Could you help me?
Report laptop power goes on but screen shows nothing
Hello, Report Laptop power goes on but screen shows nothing's
Installing xp on an empty hard drive
Hello, I bought a laptop that had windows 7 but I wanted to to down grade it so I boot the xp disk ect.ect.but as I'm installing it says". Cannot c...
Free copy
Hello, Can I send or save a free copy of this software to my D drive floppy disc? System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 53.0
Acer 1410 trouble: error code: ssl_error_protocol_version_alert
I have revived my Acer 1410 which never had those problems 4 years ago. Now I'm having a problem accessing the internet and keep getting an error sayi...
Everything on my computer is zoomed bsod
Hello, So I've been having this problem on and off for a while now and basically what happens is that everything on my computer gets really big (i...
Asus notebook function keys not working
SolvedHello, Function Keys of ASUS Note books not working has appeared in many threads on many forums. I found those solutions worked earlier, but did...
Wd external hard drive not recognized
Hi, I have just purchased a second hand WD 1tb external hard drive. I plugged it into the power and into my laptop but it doesn't show up. I have wind...
I/o error status of 0x000009c
Hello, the instruction at 0x5FBEC2A0 referenced memory at 0x08D47FA0. the required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of...
ClosedI need the code for my acer aspire R7 for some reason it is saying hardware on this computer is deactivated
My desktop will not work/respond
Hello, I seem to be having a bit of trouble with my Windows 10 laptop. Everytime I log into the laptop, it will not let me access anything from the ...
Windows 10 no sound on my laptop
hi since installing this ive had no sound on my laptop can someone help please thankyou chez
Change operating language
Hello, How do I Change operating language on my acer laptop if I can't read anything on it ??? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.3...
Accelerometer.dll is missing
Hello, After updating windows 10 a missing message is appearing when starting the computer that shows "accelerometer.dll is missing, the problem mig...
No display except taskbar
Hello, my pc upon start I can't see anything but only I can see taskbar and nothing any advice for this? Thank you System Configuration: Andro...
Both of my hard disk is not detecting in bios
Hello, I am having some trouble! It's started like this. I cleaned up my pc, and connected Both of my hdd. I have 2 hdd, Hitachi and the other one ...
Forgot all passwords
ClosedHello, I forgot my windows xp password for both username and administrator. i also dont have any reset device in my computer. The computer is hcl le...
Windows start menu doesn't appear
Solved/ClosedHello, My start menu gone up side left corner and taskbar gone dowen left side corner please help me System Configuration: Windows XP / Safari...
Physical dump of memory
Hello, My windows xp says that it is beginning dump of physical memory and I can get pass that page. Pls help
Malwarebytes and anti-wares
I want to be sure that Malwarebytes and Anti-wares are absolutely FREE if not I will cancel it....I had them before FREE and I was impressed but it wa...
Disable function keys, nothing is working
Solved/ClosedHello, I have the Toshiba Satellite C855. The function keys which you usually have to hold in the function keys for now have priority over my normal f...
Sound is not working
I installed windows 7 in my pc but after i installed it the sound iz not working plz help
Unable to unhide folder
Hello, I hide my folder through hidden file and folder... But now I am trying to unhide it but it's not working... the folder has occupy space bu...
Hello, My monitor/computer is stuck inpower saving mode
My pc shuts down when playing games
hello my pc shuts down when i play games and watching videos plz help me
Pc hangs a lot
My PC hangs a lot and my PC configuration is :--- 2 GB RAM DDR3 Windows 7 Ultimate {service pack 1} 64-bit Intel Pentium 5 @ 1.60 Ghz Dual Core ...
Number key pad on the right
Hello, All of a sudden, when I turn on my computer to log on, the number pad on the right does not work--yes I've pushed NUM LOCK. So I use the num...
Activate windows & internet connectio
Hello, I'm having problem activating my windows 7 plus my internet connection has been disconnected and I hardly can connect using moderm. Syst...
Problem on keyboard
Hello, sir, my machine have a problem of writing numbers instead of letters. the letters are mel-function are j,m,L,k,u,I,o,p pleasei need a hel...
Enable my facebook account
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.93 hii my facebook account disabled.. Please help to enable
Setup problem with language stuck in the setup screens
Hello, I have just purchased a new computer (HP TPN-C126). I'm stuck in the setup screens. Because I bought this in Portugal, everything is in Por...
How to get windows 8
Did a factory reset and got windows 7 how do I get windows 8 back
Excel formula
SolvedHI, I HAVE THIS FORMULA =IF(F4="DIA",E4*30,IF(AND(F4="MES",G4="CLASES")=E4/30*300,IF(AND(F4="MES",G4="APARATOS")=E4/30*400,IF(F4="SEMANA",E4/7*100,I...
Desktop keyboard types the number 1 as well as letter a.
Hello, My desktop keyboard types the number 1 when trying to type the letter a. Also the top row of numbers isn't working properly. The number 1 d...
Connected to public wifi no internet access,open
Hello, I can't log into my local library public network I can usually log in today it says I'm connected but there's no internet,open I really nee...
No video signal to the monitor
Hey guys Last night when I was editing a video, my pc (HP pro Desktop) decided to shut down. There was no flicker on the screen or error what so ev...
Blocked email account
I changed the program to my computer, I had XP and I installed Windows 7, lost my email password, or was blocked by other users without authorization,...
Download windows live essentials
Each time I download it tells me I am not connected to the internet. I have checked & recheck and I am definitely connected to internet. Why can I n...
All my task bar, desktop icons,..... missing
Solved/ClosedHello, i,m having problems with my task bar, desktop icons missing, i have a vista any help many thanks Configuration: Windows Vista / Intern...
Windows 10
hello so my asus laptop i have finally rebooted it to completely wipe it but as i have it now wont load properly it will start up and then go to a bla...
Black screen on start up
This problem happens every time that I have to reset or shut down my pc. It will show absolutely nothing but the lights on my mouse and keyboard turn ...
Thank you soooo much
SolvedHello, I'm not sure how it occured but I suddenly found I was having this problem with my hard drive and it's the one I use to back up my computer...
Factory reset compaq presario cq60-409ca
I need to factory reset my laptop, because kids brought too many viruses. I don't need to back up files. Please help.
Ie* problems on windows 7
Solved/ClosedHello, Ihad Vista Home premium 64 bit. Then I upgraded to windows 7 64 bit home premium. No problems. Please note that my cable modem and router ...
Computer screen rotated
Solved/ClosedHello My display screen has rotated to a 90 degrees angle ever since my little cousin has played with it. I really dont know how it happened and how ...
My website don't load
Hello, I can't load my web! it says this pages isn't working and didn't send any data! what wrong?Please i need help System Configuration: Wind...
I am having problem with my pc, i am unable to enter control pan
I am having problem with my PC, I am unable to enter control panel, application errors and black icons