The discussions
What to do with my pc in 2025?
Hello, I was just wondering what will I do my pc in 2025? It is not compatible with Windows 11! Thanks in advance (I know it's in 3 years but I was wo...
Hi, how to install windows xp to acer aspire 3
I am using Windows 10 on my laptop Acer aspire 3 so I want to change to XP pac2
My computer starts for 10 seconds to 3 mins then shuts down
Hello, Everything I try to start up my computer I let it run for a few seconds then shuts down and starts back up and I keeps doing that for like 8 ...
A question on your screen saver shortcut article, please.
SolvedI'm usually really intuitive on these things, but how do you designate which screensaver you want in your rundll....question mark?
Is possible recover windows from found.000 folder?
After it finished run "chkdsk" like "SMART" info recomend, (since it didn't boot) I went in with a linux distribution to check the disk, I see that al...
How to install windows 10 update 21h2
Windows 10 21H2 update fails to install.
One drive
How can I set up one drive to sync with my Windows file explorer? I found a guide here
Windows 10 and downloading firefox from edge: difficult
Hi I'm setting up a new computer, and the first thing I do is download Firefox. I don't want to use Edge. I'll never use Edge, but when I went to dow...
Access control panel.{21ec2020-3aea-1069-a2dd-080)
SolvedSo I broke my Windows laptop this morning, however the hdd is saved. In that hdd I locked some credential files inside Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-10...
Newly uploaded browsers not connecting to internet
I'm new to CCM forums and hope someone can help me fix this perplexing issue. I've had Chrome, Firefox and MS Edge on my computer for years. I'm run...
Windows is not installing properly
Solved/ClosedI've done a clean install of windows 10 but I noticed that it did not install visual c++ redistributable is this a program that is packaged with windo...
My computer is also not working what i do
Hello, Please tell me how it's work How will i repair my computer?
Unlock keyboard
Hello, It was off now you need to press F1 it's not responding
How to add spotify to premiere pro
I'm a video editor working on Windows 10, does anyone know how to upload songs from Spotify to Premiere Pro. Or do I have to download them in advance ...
Mic is not working in windows 10
Hello, My mic was working perfectly but then for three days, he stopped working you know which mic testing site is best for an online mic test. So...
Enable webgl on chrome
I went to chrome://flags/ as indicated in your tutorial. There was no "disable WebGL" in the scroll down. What do I need to do to enable WebGL on Ch...
A question about cortana
Hi, "Microsoft says that Cortana will eventually be available as an app":
Error when i check for updates 0x8007042c
When I try to check for updates all it will give me is Your device is missing important security and quality fixes. There were some problems insta...
Acer laptop
Hello, My acer laptop powers up to the acer screen but then has no icons or home screen
Windows 10 crashed unable to reinsert as computer wants password
I have a Lenovo Laptop that without warning went to a blue screen that at first asked what my keyboard layout did I want. I checked American then it s...
Network icon and settings has a problem
My network icon in settings is greyed out and it says on but the icon is not showing and when I try to open a network-related setting is closed in 1 s...
What search options are thorough ?
Neither SEARCH in Start, nor in top right of the Explorer screen, can find ALL the '\quarantine\' - whereas I can find four 'manually'. Is there some ...
Change computer name
SolvedHello, I have problem when change the computer name not updating when right click for properties specific file it will show old computer name despi...
Computer does not boot, stuck in bios boot screen
Solved/ClosedHi, My computer, one day, when I switched it on, lost few icons on the desktop and became very very slow. I restarted it. But there was no change....
Factory reset
gateway recovery management windows xp no disk. Want to factory reset computer to like brand new. Wipe it clean. Dont have no disk or anything that ca...
Computer screen turned anti clockwise
SolvedHow do I get my computer screen back to normal setting - accidentally hit a button and now screen is viewed anti clockwise.
Forgot password and f8 doesn’t work
I can’t remember password for my Lenovo Windows 10 and the F8 function to bring me to get into it through Admin will not come up. Any suggestions? ...
Mecer wizard notebook ca14d02
SolvedHello, i only received my Mecer laptop last week Friday i had it setup and switched it off afterwards. Monday when i tried logging in the laptop is st...
Windows screen stuck at loading screen and not opening bios
I recently brought a new Lenovo laptop (5 days ago) and it's been running smoothly....but last day, while opening a game Blue screen error showed up a...
Hashtag query
Hello, where is the hashtag symbol, on my new HP QWERTY keyboard?
Headphone icon missing
Hello, please , i don't have ( headphone ) windows 8.1
I can't see "keyboards" on my device manager.
Hello, I tried showing the Hidden Tools as well. Can someone help me ?
Is it safe to use windows 11 beta now?
I wanna try windows 11 beta. Is it safe to use windows 11 beta now?
When I brought the administrator password all it shows is did you forget your password. It also has a turn the computer off box. Is there a passw...
Wrong language angry customer
Hello, I see lots of customers are upset with this computer not using the language that we want. Can you think of any worse advertising than that? ...
My accer aspire 3810tg bluetooth not working
SolvedHello, my Acer Aspire 3810TG has a bluetooth logo on the F3 button but the bluetooth is not working, i want to know if the Acer Aspire 3810TG has or...
Anive folder unlock to change master password
unlock to change master password
Forget passwoad my folder
anvi folder lock ka master passwoad bhul gye hai . i help me -- Navin Kumar
How to presave names or adress i can quickly paste with a click of a button ?
Hello, hi i d like to like press alt q and it paste a name i presaved then alt (or whatever key i have to push) alt w and it paste the pre saved wor...
Windows update question
Hello, Stupid question but, if workstations were set to automatically update, does anything need to be changed after installing the agent? Will they...
Forgot password to lenovo yoga 2 pro
I cannot login to my Lenovo Yoga 2 pro. I forgot my password and I have tried the F1 and F8 keyboard shortcuts to launch thinkpad but neither shortcut...
How to free fire for pc dounlod
Hello. I would like to window 7 how free fire dounlod
System restore
my computer freezes when i try andn click on the data restore back to factory settings
Compatible software
Hello, looking compatible software for widows 7, 32bit dell intel pentium system
My mouse and keyboard wont connect to my monitor
im building my pc and am finished so i turn on the monitor and the lights dont turn on the mouse or keyboard if you can help me thank you
Windows 10 21h1 and wifi adapter
Among my various computers, I have an ASUS X205TA which is a 32-bit tablet. I have been installing the latest 21H1 version on my computers and the tab...
British keyboard - sortcuts
Hello, How do I Print screen? How do I copy and paste fast from Britsh keyboard? I used to do control C, control V in my Spanish keyboard, but it...
Snapchat on pc
I installed snapchat on my computer, through this system. but i cant seem to open it.
The disk is write protected
While going into the path recommended by you to clear the usb write protected error I found that there is no "storage device policy " in it at all. Wh...
Where do i find my windows id?
Solved Where Does Windows 10 Install Apps Under Take Ownership of the Windows App...