The discussions
I cant access my email account
Hello, my problem is very simple , I know my email address and my password hundred percent but I nolonger live in Mauritania therefore my mobile n...
Forgot yahoo mail password and secret question
dear sir,, sir i cant open my yahoo mail right now,***@*** is my mail,they asking questions ,,im forget that all,,plz help me sir re...
Cant access my account change country
Hello, I have moved to thailand and no longer have a valid phone number on verification system so i cannot get into my account ...when i try it send...
Unable to access my yahoo mail
Hello, Please kindly assist me to access my yahoo mail. Thanks Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Can't retrieve yahoo mail password
Hello, I haven't used a email address for about two years I don't have access to the phone I set up on and non of the email addresses that come up a...
Can't access my yahoo mail
Hello, I've traveled to another country and I don't have my old number .... When I tried to access my yahoo mail they said they would send me a text...
Facebook recover
Hello, hello someone entered at my account and my old facebook required a passport or id so i upload my id but the facebook is not opened since 1 ...
My account is not secured
Hello, My work computers will not sign me out! When I go to Yahoo Mail, my account opens instantly every time. When I go to Yahoo, user name and ...
Can't access my yahoo mail
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 54.0.2840.16 i can't access my yahoo mail because i am not reminding my password and i have lost my...
Send me my yahoo id password
Hello, yahoomaile my yahoo id n password dosen't mach..i have forgotten my yahoo id password pls to send me ma yahoo id password Configurati...
I can not use my secret question
It is not alowing me to use my secret question. It is saying that i can not receive online support. Somebody broke my email account and i can not si...
Forget password because i am in italy now
SolvedHello, I am samira gholami.i am forget my yahoo mail password and because i am in italy now i hav not access to my phon number removed by moderato...
Forgot my password
Hello, please help mecto figure out my forgot password..... i badly need it.... ***@*** andcthe no. Registered is not active yet. Configuration...
Need to recover email
Hello, Someone has accessed my email account and changed my password and recovery information, going through a nasty divorce, there are pictures in ...
Reset password by answering my security questions
Hello, i have access to my yahoomail on my iphone but i forgot my password,i do not have to the other phone number or email address associated with ...
I am entering the correct password but i can not login
Hello, I no longer use the phone number and alternative email id i have given when i created the ymail account. Now i am entering the correct passwo...
Changed chip in i-phone from france to usa
Hello, I'm staying in New York for 4 months and then will retun to France. I have changed the chip in my I-phone and now have a U.S. Number and m...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, I forget my yahoo mail password please help me please Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Can not access to mailbox.
Hello, I just want to know why I tried to open the mailbox but failed , why ? there are still incomplete or there is another problem . please expl...
Forgot recovery info and security question
Hello, I forgot my yahoo recovery info and my phone number has changed please help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Forgot yahoo mail password and secret question, no alternate
SolvedHello, Dear Sir, Kindly note that i have forgot the password and the answer of my security question of my yahoo email: ***@***, therefore, kindly...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, I have forget the password. Also changed phone number. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Need help getting password reset/ or keeping same email address
I got a new phone and I'm trying to set up my yahoo account, well I forgot my email password and I don't have a recovery number nor email. The number ...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, My Georgia McCoy and I forgot my Yahoo Mail password an I was how can I get it or change it Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Forgot yahoo password been years since i accessed my account
Hello, I forgot my password and all my numbers registered was already deleted and I have a new mobile number what do I need to do it's been years si...
Forgot password and security question and change phone number
Hello, Please help me for solving my problem i been forgot my yahoo mail password and security question also been change phone number my email I...
Forgotten my email and password
Hello, Hey guys! I forgotten my yahoo email as well as password. I want to retrieve the email back since my facebook account is being linked to it...
Yahoo mail sign in not working
Whenever I enter my email and password, I am unable to login because Yahoo thinks that I need to reset my password. I was unable to update my recovery...
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
I'm in a yahoo fantasy football league, and I'm locked because I can't sign in.. I don't have the same phone number anymore, and it seems like the onl...
Can not access my mail
Hello, i have figured out my yahoo ID and password but i can not get it to go past where i put my number in that i no longer have access to.. how ...
Lost password and security question
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 38.0.2125.102 please i need to get back on my mail but i just cant access it because I misplace my passw...
Email address and password don't match
Hello, I have used the same email address and password for years and the sign in process wont let me sign in. It says that the email address and p...
Forgot my password and have different phone #
Hello, My name is Zack I lost my phone brought a new one but had my password to my yahoo in the phone,i can log in to all my social media however I ...
I forgot my password and the phone number is not access anymore
Hello, Hi, im Jefferson Abejero i forget my password and the phone number that i enter when im registering is not access anymore,how can i open it b...
Yahoo says address already exists
Hello, I never open my yahoo email from 2years so yahoo delete my I'd but when I try to create this email then yahoo says it already exists remove...
My yahoo mail is locked
Hello, My yahoo mail is locked and I can't get into it. Can you help me unlock it, please? My yahoo email is ***@*** Configuration: iPhone / Sa...
I cant access my yahoo id
Hello, Hello, i have faced a problem . I can't access my yahoo id and also I forgot my password and secret questions. Please help . My yahoo id ...
Forgot password, changed mobile and email closed
Pls help on above subject. My mobile is changed and the email addresz was my previous company's. Thx
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
how can i log into my yahoo account if i forgot my password and changed phone numbers
Forgot yahoo password
Hello, Hi. I forgot my password for yahoo email, no recovery is it. Please help me . Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743.98
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, Please help me I forgot my password. My email: ***@***.
Forgot yahoo mail password and mobile number changed
Hello, I have forgotten my password and I have a new phone number. My old number was Removed by moderator the new one is Removed by moderator. I ce...
Got my yahoo mail password and security questions
Please I will like to reactive my yahoo mail , but can't remember my password and security question, please hlp me please it's urgent
Help about my secret question
Hi I forget my yahoo secret question, please help me. The email I have forget the secret question, ***@***
Lost password no email changed phone number
Hello, I have forgotten my password. Can't access my email and have changed my phone number. Please help Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 42.0.23...
My yahoo account and my facebook is being hack «sos» «sos» «sos»
Hello, Someone change my yahoopassword and all information. alternate password and secret question how can i access my yahoo again. my facebook is b...
Can't access my phone number that i used to register my account
Hello, I forgot my Yahoo password,I really can't access it and I can't even remember the digits of the phone number I used. Please help. Con...
Password dont have alternet mail id
Hello, I have facing password problem & dont have alternet mail ID .please resoved the issue Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 47.0.2526.80
Account been hacked
Hello, Somone changed my recovery e-mail.... How can I fix this problem? Please e-mail me back at removed by moderator@gmail. Com. Configura...
Yahoo recovery phone number my old number still my recovery phon
I changed phone number and my recovery phone nutmeg is my old phone number that I do t have it because I changed my phone carrier I cannot even remem...