How to turn on/off System Restore: Windows 11, 10, 8

The system restores feature in Windows can be useful to reset the default settings when needed. To enable or disable the System Restore feature in Windows, follow the procedure below.
Windows 11
- Open the Settings app by pressing Win+I.
- Click on System on the left side, and click/tap on About on the right side.
- Click on the System protection link on the left side.
- Under Protection Settings, select the drive you want to turn on or off protection for and click on the Configure button.
- If you want to turn on system restore, under Restore Settings, select Turn on system protection, and click on OK.
- If you want to turn off system restore, under Restore Settings, select Disable system protection, and click on OK.
Windows 10
- Click the Start button > Control Panel > System > System Protection subsequently.
- Select the disk you want to turn on or off system restore and click the Configure button.
- If you want to turn off system restore, in the System Protection for Local Disk (C:) window, tick "Disable system protection" and click OK to save the changes.
- If you want to turn on system restore, in the System Protection for Local Disk (C:) window, tick "Turn on system protection" and click OK to save the changes.
Windows 8
- Open the Settings menu by pressing Win+C.
- On the left side of the Settings menu, click on System Protection, and a new window will open called System Properties.
- Go to the System Protection tab.
- If you want to turn off system restore, under the Protection Settings section, select the disk you want, click Configure, and tick Disable system protection, then click Ok.
- If you want to turn on system restore, under the Protection Settings section, select the disk you want, click Configure, and tick Turn on system protection, then click Ok.
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