Recover Hotmail account: security questions, password, phone

Sometimes you can't remember your email password and can't answer security questions to recover your account. If it happens, don't worry, there is a way to recover your Hotmail, Outlook, Live and any other Microsoft email accounts. In this article, we will show you how.
How to reset your Microsoft email password?
To reset a password for any of your Microsoft email accounts (Live, Hotmail, Outlook), go to the reset password page and enter your email address or phone number.

You will receive a confirmation code in an email or SMD that you have to enter to create a new password and recover your account.
How to recover your Hotmail account?
If your account has been blocked or hacked you can also try to recover it. Go to Recover your account page and enter your data: email, Skype or phone number, one active contact email by which Microsoft support can contact you and, finally, submit the captcha code.
Then, click Next. A new pop-up window will appear to verify the contact email address. You will receive a security code that you should enter and click Verify.
After this, you will need to fill in the recovery form and submit it to Microsoft to get back your account. Answer as many questions as you can to increase the chances to get your account back. Try to do it with the device you often used with this email account.
After 24 hours of verification, you will receive a message from Microsoft with exact instructions on how to get back your account.
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