The discussions
Ipod headphone problem
SolvedHello, I have had my ipod headphones for a while and suddenly the sound isn't coming out right. It comes out of the little hole behind the headpho...
Ipod not detected
my ipod shuffle is not detected on my ibook. When i connect the orange light goes on and remains like that. So what should i do?
Ipod does not turn on
Hello, my ipod touch does not turn on even if it is plugged in or i press both buttons on the ipod please help Configuration: Windows Vista...
Ipod touch
Hello, I was wondering where do I go to upgrade my ipod touch so i can get bluetooth? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 3.6.6
Can't view msn video on ipod
Hello, Can't view msn video on IPod. Just updated software to current version and still does not respond. Help please. Configuration: iPhone / ...
Ipodtouch problem with connecting to internet
Hello, OKay so, basiclly my ipod touch wont connect to the internet, but if i go to settings and look at the wifi, it says its connected. & it has t...
Why do my games in ipod delete by itself!!!!
Hello, i have a problem with my ipod touch i was syncing my songs when suddenly some of the game started deleting themselves but i have alot of spac...
My computer is not recognising my ipod and t
Solvedhi there.. i have a 30gig colour ipod (not sure which gen that is) and i have recently upgraded to windows 7. i've tried synching my ipod for the firs...
Audio books to ipod?
Hello, i was wondering if there is a way of putting my audio books on my ipod touch without using itunes? Configuration: Windows Vista / Firefo...
Ipod sync problem
Hello, I synced more than 500 songs originally on my comp where I live, but I am visiting someone and I want to put more music on my ipod from the...
Hello, my name is katie how do i turn on my ipode ? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
How to turn on my ipode?
Hello, my name is katie and i haveben missing my ipode and tonight i found it and i for gat ho to turn it on pleace help me ...
Ipod touch
Hello, my ipod touch screen when black for no reason at all am really upset and it not working !!!! i have tryed holding the buttons down any other i...
My ipod got wet, how to make it work?
SolvedHi. My iPod Nano (4th Gen) got soaked in alcohol. When I opened it, it still works but kind of blurry, the loud speaker won't work and there's alcohol...
My ipod touch 2g wont turn on....
SolvedHello, i have tried to turn on my ipod touch 2g and when i do all it does is show me the apple logo and then it turns off. what should i do??? ple...
Ipod touch troubles
Hello, i have bought a second hand ipod touch which after purchase found it is still registered and has passwords for itunes and so on,i've thought ab...
Ipod classic sync problems
Hello I recently had a rebuild of my PC. My iPod classic holds loads of music and a large number of videos. When I connect the Ipod to my PC I ge...
Hello, i need help my ipod nano i sworking but its screen is all the time black.
Apple ipod nano 8gb isn't working
Hello,my apple ipod nano 8gb isn't working.. when i switch on it, it shows busy symbol and not proceeding.. i dont have PC software for that.. itunes ...
Help me, and my ipod nano
Hello, I have an Ipod nano, and last night, I was charging it at 10:00pm. I woke up at 2:00am and found that my Ipod nano, had red and white lines run...
My ipod needs help
Hello, im justin and recently my ipod sleep/wake button broke. Today i went to restore it. It removed all the data but then said error 9 and closed....
Ipod nano 4gb
Hello, my ipod...
30gb ipod
Hello, my 30gb ipod hasnt been charged in a few years if i charge it will it work again Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Ipod not working
Hello, my ipod touch after i update it ti os4 its just showing that its connictiong to the pc but not working but at the same time its recognise...
Ipod deleted all of the songs?
Hello, Hey this is weird. I have my itunes here downloaded already, and my friend wants me to download her ipod. Then i did, Later on there is som...
How to transfer from ipod to computer?
SolvedHello, I have tried numerous times to transfer the songs from my iPod touch to my computer with no luck. I have gone on my computer on iTunes unde...
Need to reset ipod 8gb
Hello, i need to reset mij ipod 8gb where can i find te drivers . when i jus windows 7 and jus internet explorer 8 neeeeeed heeelllp thk gre...
Ipod dilemma
Hello, so my computer recently crashed so i was going to plug up my ipod to my sisters computer but i am afraid that it will delete all of the songs...
My ipod is a vegetable :'(
Hello, My ipod was working fine. Then I decided to plug it into the computer to add more stuff. When I plugged it in, a box said "Found New Hardwa...
Ipod nano wont turn on when not connected
Hello, hi my ipod nano works just fine when it is connected to the charger but the seconed u disconnect it from the cord it cuts off and dosent cut b...
Ipod 3rd generation beeping problems
Hello, My ipod has a blank screen nothing shows up not even a white screen but it still plays music, and my ipod beeps when i try doing menu + cente...
How i can start the ipod touch
hello, how i can start the ipod touch it is my first time...
Ipod nano has no charge
Hello, I have an ipod nano 4th Gen and it works when it's plugged into the computer, but as soon as I take it off the charge, it goes blank and won...
Ipod shuffle
Hello, Do you have to have itunes to get music for my iPOD shuffle? F anyone could answers would be great . till next time Conner Rennoc
Cant find my ipod help!!!!!!!
Hello, i lost my ipod touch for a year and a half and still cant find it helpp me please please Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.5.10
Ipod touch wont turn on at all
Hello, My gf just recently bought a used ipod touch 2g 32gb. I have no idea if its ever been jailbroken but its not turning on at all just a blank...
Cant sync my ipod touch
Hello, Whenever i try to sync my ipod touch, a little box appears and say "cannot sync, unknown error". Configuration: Windows Vista / Safari 5...
Ipod touch got wet
Hello, I submerged the top of my Ipod Touch in about a half a cm of liquid and it will come on, but won't get past the apple screen. I tried to syn...
I hate my ipod!
Hello, I can't seem to download Itunes onto my computer. I was thinking of going over to a friend's and downloading the software there on a blank cd...
Msn messenger on ipod
Hello, i downloaded the messenger for ipod which i trusted because it said it was made by microsoft but when i signed in on messenger on my computer t...
Can't sync anything into ipod touch version 4
Hi I recently updated my ipod touch to ios 4. When the ipod finish sync, a box came up saying "error, ipod canot be detected" something like that. ...
Ipod nano
Hello, my ipod nano fell in the pool and it will not turn on does anyone know how i could fix my ipod? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6....
Ipod touch
Sup all My name is Maverick and I have an ipod touch 8GB and when I plug it into my computer it reads it but as an iphone why is this? I have tryed to...
Ipod problems
Hello, i was restoring my ipod and then out of no where, the ipod shows a "white apple". and i try the home and the top button pressing them tog...
My ipod wont work , just shows black screen
Hello, I dont know if I hit the right button to leave a message. But my ipod wont work. It just shows a BLACK sCREEN. sHOULD JUST LET IT SIT O...
Hello, ok so i offered my friend i would help her put music in her ipod touch and so now that i connect my ipod 4th generation to my computer it doe...
Frozen ipod
I have the newest ipod classic 160GB and it frose and i did the menu and center button thing and it told me to plug it in to my computer and restore s...
Ipod fail t_t
Hiya, Okay, I got my ipod nano a few days ago. Today i finally decided to get an update for Itunes. I canceled it cause it was taking too long. But...
Ipod won't turn on
Hello, I've got a 3rd gen ipod nano, and it doesn't turn on even if I charge it, plug it into my computer, play around with the hold switch, or ...
My ipod touch wont turn on
Hello, my name is whitney and i have an ipod touch and if have used it alot then one day i turned it off and didnt use it for a while be cause i th...