The discussions
Loading problem
Hello, is number are not show the result and also its number is not loading my chrome. please give me the answer Configuration: iPh... is not open
Hello, how can i change wifi password the website does not open
I can connect to internet but can't log in to the ip address pag
Hello, My system can connect to internet but I can't log in to the ip address page.when i install my bsnl setup disk it shows that modem is not dete...
Network error
I bought a phone Samsung A7when I try to enter internet it says internet error
Wifi and lan on router on different network?
Hello, im using fiberhome an5506-04-fg i can't ping my pc (connect through lan with my laptop (connect through wifi gat...
Wifi ip address does not match
I had a restore on my hp 650 laptop and now I get limited on my wifi and I troubleshoot and say ip address does not match and I tried some of the foru...
My network connection won't work
Hello, My windows xp desktop won't allow me to connect to a network or internet. If you have any awnsers to why it does that please reaspond and i...
Bsln admin & password not work
Hello, my Brodband Bsnl Admin & password not login . please help me Configuration: Windows / Chrome 51.0.2704.103
Verizon dongle comes without a sim card
Hello, I just bought and subscribed for one year of unlimited wifi, quite unfortunately the dongle comes without a SIM card "strange" secondly, th...
Slow wifi asus z97 deluxe adapter
Hello, I've ran into a weird issue with my wifi adapter. I know the problem is not my linksys wrt1900ac router all my other devices connect to the rou...
How do i configure my router
SolvedHello, Hi guys this is preetham , I have a ADSL Router with 4 LAN ports and 1 internet port , the internet port is RJ11 port and the LAN ports are RJ...
Process of sending data from one computer to another in the same
ClosedHello, Computer A ( Computer B ( Computer C ( (i)Discuss the steps computer A will follow to send t...
Wifi is not connected nd not respond anything
Hello, i done this set up but its not responding anything.. before my wifi is worked but suddenly this problem started how i resolve
Forgotten unsaved wifi connection password help
I have changed the password from factory settings but because I auto logged in didn't need to use the new password now I have a new phone tried and fo...
Ps3 won't obtain ip address
Ok here is my problem, my ps3 won't obtain the ip address, i went thorough The basics and did easy, then did wirless connection, then etc till it trie...
Don't have wifi in my sony laptop
Hello, i dont have wifi in my sony laptop... plz share me a link Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 12.0
Default username and password
SolvedHello, I know the default username and password admin but don't know WiFi password. Unable to open
Wireless getting connected to one laptop but not to other laptop
Hi All, Wireless is getting connected to one laptop perfectly. But on the other laptop for the same connection its not connecting, signal picked is...
Adsl router modem w150
Hello, We configure ADSL +modem router w150 But no access internet why Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 47.0.2526.83
New pc cant connect
So I built a new pc.... after I got everything together, I installed Windows 10. I am using a netgear wifi extender as a port for my ethernet cable. S...
Rca tablet will not connect to wifi
Hello, My RCA tablet will not connect to my home wi fi. It continues to say connecting, but will not connect. Help Configuration: iPhone / Chro...
Unable to open
Hello, My bsnl tercom broadband Admin password showing incorrect Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Free downloading hotspot shield for windows 10 softwares
Would U mind telling me where a reliable address is for downloading hotspot shield.My PC operating system is 64bit Windows 10 and I seek out a truly...
Not able to open
am not able to open
Wrong username and password
Hello, I entered the user name and password "admin" but it does not work. I tried just entering the user name admin without the password and it s...
Wifi is not working in hp laptop
Hello, I have HP laptop and window 7 ultimate installed in it. Wifi is not working in my laptop, while other device is connecting to my wifi route...
Unable to send messages though wifi is connected
Hello, I couldnot able to connect to wifi from my mobile. I can see the WIFI connected. however i cannnot enter in to internet. where as it is...
Server will not detect 2nd hard drive
Hi guys Windows server 2012, two hard drives 500gigs , only 1 is recognize, cannot detect second hard drive not even in disk management plzzz ad...
Wifi not connecting
Hello, i tired to Connect my laptop,yet its not connecting. wifi shows the net work but when enter in the Password its says can't connect to netwo...
I need to change wifi password
Hello, Hello everyone... I need to change BSNL wifi Password but when I put BSNL IP it opens with asking USERNAME & PASSWORD.. but USE...
Can't enter password and other info
Hello, trouble with DIR-816L Wireless AC750 Dual Band Cloud Router can't get it to work on Wi-Fi Configuration: Mac OS X (10.10.2) / Safari 8.0...
Connection wire is plugged but that is showing unplugged
Hello, my laptop in new internet cable connection it has some problem that is wire is plugged but that is showing unplugged. i did try many times...
Nokia siemens network router dsl notworking
Hello, while making settings in Router i have disabled some applications which Disabled my routers DSL and network is not functioning it made almo...
Airtel connectivity problem
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89 I have a Issue with my does not show the DSL and Internet connectivity...
Dlink router dir-505; cannot connect to login page; internet ok
I have DIR-505 from Dlink that was configured to act as a repeater earlier. so I was able to set it up via its login page may be few months back. H...
Wlan light is on but there is no signal coming from the modem
Dear all, I have a Teracom Bsnl Wifi Modem Router Tdsl300w2. The wifi in it was working like a charm until yesterday. now the wifi is n...
Unable to able my device
Hello, How to make unable to disable my device
Wifi service won't turn on.
Hello, I've had some problems with my laptop (Lenovo Z580) so I've sent it to a repair guy and what he did was reinstalling/resetting the flash bios...
Rca tablet scrambling wifi
Hello, My RCA tablet had trouble connecting to wifi when I do get it connected it seems to scramble the wifi so nothing else can connect. It is th...
SolvedHello, I'm trying to put a restored EDB in to a clean shutdown state (its currently saying its in a dirty shutdown state). However when I run the co...
Resetting password does not work
Hello, I've tried the 10 second reset, and the 30 second reset, and the power off. it will allow me to access the main page for the router settin...
Why is my processes in task manager showing ports like 100028?
I am on W10 x64. This is unusual . I haven't seen port number that high .I know only 65535 are possible in any windows system. I am attaching a screen...
Acer computer wifi not connected
Hello, Why would my Acer computer have Wi-Fi and then go away in the middle of browsing and saying it's not connected to it what should I do
Phone windows 8.1 phone can't connect to usual home router
SolvedMy phone suddenly can't conect to usual home router wifi is ok on and password also all other devices working on the same router,but from yesterday I ...
Slow in internet browsing n download
ClosedHello, sir, i m usinng a connection of bsnl data card,which has to give me a high speed but i m not finding it satisfactory,its gives only max 12kb/...
Procedures to connect 12 computer to 1 computer as server
Hello, I am starting a internet cafe business and i need assistance to connect 12 computers to 1 computer as server.
Wifi doesn't work
Hello, My dell laptop was in Windows 8.1 pro when i installed windows 7 ultimate the wireless adapter option doesn't show in my pc network and she...
Wifi adapter not working
Hello I have three laptops one of them is nearly an old one now. It is a specified IBM Thinkpad It is wifi certified and the wifi used to work unti...
Wifi connection problem
Hello, my hp pavilion g6 2230tx is not showing wifi connection and i installed latest wifi driver..please reply how to fix it Configuration: Wi...
I can't connect to the wifi
Hello. So, I'm at work and I can't connect to the wifi...I have no idea what's going on, I've looked online for answers but nothing helps.