The discussions
Wd usb drive not recognised by windows 7 on toshiba laptop
Solved/ClosedThe heading says it all. Can anyone please help. Thanks
Windows start problem
SolvedMy computer writes preparing your desktop at the start of windows and says that I have been logged in as an temporary profile when I am logged in as a...
"no signal" on monitor but the pc is running fine.
SolvedHi, So yesterday everything was fine with my computer and monitor and then I went to sleep (turned pc and screen off as always) and when I woke up ...
Reset dell inspiron to factory settings w/o cd image or restore
SolvedI'm desperate to get my dell inspiron back to what it was like when I first got it. I have no system image or restore point and I only have the dell d...
Cannot log in group policy client service failed
SolvedHello, Hi! Friends I have a problem with my mew PC- Dell i5 Desktop with windows 7 pro. When I log in then a message pop up " The group policy cli...
How to make unlimited malware anti virus?
SolvedHello, Good day mam/sir. How I can do no expiration on my malware anti virus? not to buy it. Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 25.0.1364.152 ...
Problem with administrator
SolvedI wanted to disable my user account, thats administrator, I successfully disabled it. but then when I tried to start my computer its just saying your ...
All local drives c,d,e,f,g,h do not open
SolvedMy PC is window 7 and i am Update window few days before but now a day when i am open my all local drives C,D,E,F,G,H do not open but shows a message ...
Key board convertion
SolvedGood day, How to convert english to french & French to English key Board. Thanks /MG
How to remove writeprotection from pendrive
SolvedI am using win 7 in that 1st i went to run,regedit,then registry editer will opened click on to HEY LOCAL MACHINE,system,current control setting,contr...
Microsoft validation.
SolvedCan someone please enlighten me as to why I have always to phone Microsoft regarding validation. I bought Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit and installed it on...
Icon problem
Solvedi am using win 7.all my dektop icons are showing mozilla firefox icon.pls let me know what to do to solve my problem
Try to reload os on my notebook
SolvedHi, I have an HP laptop 620 model, I tried reloading a new copy of Windows 7 Ultimate but needed to format the partition where I needed to install ...
List of softwares compatible with windows 7
SolvedHello, I'm searching for a list of softwares compatible with windows 7 before I try to install anything on my pc... can you help me?
Not showind d drive
SolvedHi, I go to start menu and right click, go to the disk management.then right click in the D drive and click in the change drive letter and paths. a...
How to download itunes on windows7 os 64bit.
SolvedHello, Downloaded iTunes Apps is not installing on my windows 7 OS 64Bits and instead I am getting this following notification " This iTunes instal...
Anu script manager 7 software for windows 7
SolvedHello, Plz let me know how to get and install Anu Script Manager 7 software for Windows 7 O.S. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 28.0.1500.71
Wifi connection problems
SolvedHello! First time posting on the Kioskea forums. Anyways, I have had a wireless connection issue that says that my wireless connection is an "Unidenti...
Windows7 key
Solvedi lost my windows 7 key,where can i find out it ? Thank's for answering !/have not CD/
Windows 7 install - cannot find dvd driver
Solved/ClosedHello, Started a Windows 7 - fresh install - on a Gateway Quad Core Intel Computer - Presently Running Vista 32. All goes well - but then message ...
Unable to create folders
SolvedHello, I'm sorry if I offended anyone while asking my 1st question that was definitely unintentional. This is the 1st time i've used a "q&a" site ...
Copy of windows is not genuine appears
Solved/Closedhow can i remove my black screen from ultimate 7 in windows 7 ultimate there is message "windows 7 built 7600 this copy of windows is not genuine" pl...
Missing entry: rundll
Solvedhello, I can not open my flash.when I click on the flash drive,I just see a shortcut of it and then when I want to open it, I face with this error: ...
Restoring toshiba c655d-s5130 windows 7
Solved/ClosedHello, i bought a couple of weeks ago a toshiba c655d-s5130 windows 7 lap top and now found one almost 200.00 cheaper so I am going to return it ...
Itunes not installing in win7 getting error 7
Solved/ClosedHello, Please help. Itunes 10.5 is not installing in my pc which runs on 32 bit win7. While installing it hung at publishing product information f...
No icons only small screen saver
SolvedHello, I have a small screen saver that comes up but no icons when I start my laptop. It's a dell insperion windows 7 .I tried f8 and opposite click ...
Annoying help and support-__-
SolvedMy laptop(acer aspire 4253) always opening help and support program even I didn't open it... the worst part is even when I just click something or mov...
I can't access anything on my pc
SolvedHello, When I boot up my pc it boots normally but when I click on a program it won't let me Open anything all I'm able to do is right click I can...
Win7 keyboard problem two letters at a time
Solved/ClosedHello, I'm using hp lap top that my sister dropped water on it ! it stopped working for a while but when it start to work again certain letters w...
Windows 7 32bit or 64bit
SolvedHello,i have a acer 5535 laptop specs AMD X2 DUAL CORE 2.10 GHz 4GB RAM 250GB HDD ATI RADOEN HD 3200 256MB+SHARED 1.3GB So my question ...
Using window operating system on galaxy tab
SolvedHello, how do i load window operating system on my andriod galaxy tab Configuration: iPhone / Firefox 19.0
Cd or dvd drivers missing
SolvedHello, HI ALL THIS SOLUTION WORKED FOR ME STRAIGHT AWAY To begin the process, start the Registry Editor. Click Start, click Run, type re...
Sony vaio hard disk partition in windows 7
Solved/ClosedHello, i have recently bought Sony Vaio model VPCCW16FA with built in windows 7. After initial setup, when I checked my hard disk drives, there was...
I want to uninstall deep freeze named df5serv.exe :)
SolvedHello, Hello, guys I have a problem with Deep freeze program,the deep freeze icon in toolbar it's gone..and I don't know how to find it.i tr...
SolvedHello guys, Yesterday i downloaded my company s/w and tried to work on it. Suddenly a "Open With" dialog box popped up and i choose the relevant s/...
Recovery of toshiba c655d-s5130
SolvedMy notebook stopped functioning and hangs up frozen. I have tried to do a restore, recovery, and with no result. I created 4 restore disks and a boot ...
Stops at start up screen
SolvedHello, Hi, yesterday i started my laptop and it gave me a message that i need to charge so i plugged it and then i clicked F1 and all went ok sudd...
Instal win xp over win 7
SolvedHello, my notebook has win 7, but he had win xp first, now i'm trying to instal win xp again but it says that the hard drive has a virus in a blue scr...
Black screen with cursor @ windows 7 start
Solved/ClosedHello, Here's a tough one for you. A black screen with cursor appears when I start my computer. Nothing is responding, I can't do ctrl alt d...
Windows 7 graphic card problem
SolvedHello,i installed windows 7 into my dell a 8300 2.8 dual core,1.5gb ram.,,and it works good but i have a problem with my Nvidia 7600 GS graphic card w...
Remove genuine win 7 ultimate
Solved/ClosedHello, I want to remove genune in windows 7 ultimate.. So please give me the proper solution Configuration: Windows 2003 / Firefox 3.0.1...
Update of windows 7 downloads into adobe.
SolvedHello, I bought an upgrade of Windows 7 and it downloads into Adobe and won't open. My instructions say to download it and choose SAVE. But Save ...
Win vista driver works for mfc-9700 in win 7
SolvedSOLVED: just upgraded to Win 7 ... MUST use Windows "VISTA" driver to get Brother MFC-9700 printer to work with Windows "7" ...... download "Full Dr...
Flesh windows 7 fail to start;
SolvedHello, I have previously asked this but i hope to rephrase my statementmay be someone will get it and shed some light. I have installed windows 7...
Upgrading win 7 home basic to win 7 ultimate.
SolvedHello, Please some one assist why my laptop (Compaq presario CQ56) cant load windows after finishing the installation. I have managed to install w...
How to change my windows 7 background?
SolvedHello, I am glad to see that other people are having the same trouble as me! I just got a Gateway Netbook, and it also has the FRUSTRATING Windows ...
Windows 7 enterprise vs ultimate
SolvedHello, I want to get a Windows 7. Currently I'm running Vista Ultimate 64-bit. I don't know if I should get Windows 7 Ultimate or Enterprise. What...