The discussions
Shockwave has crashed
i keeping getting a message saying that my shock wave has crashed or flash has stop working .when i' m in the middle of say a game it starts and stop...
How to format hard drive effectively
Hello, Please help me how to format hard drive. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 67.0.3396.99
Windows server 2003 setup could not continue
Hello, I tried to install windows server2003 on my HP xw6400 workstation system. The system boots from the cd and shows that setup is loading the ...
Link for downloading windows xp sp3
can you please send me a link for downloading widows xp sp3
Connected to internet but can't browse
Hello, I got an Acer aspire 1 laptop second hand from an old friend, its running on windows xp, it says its connected to the internet through WiFi...
Reset dell latitude d630 forgotten password
ClosedHello, can you not track it back to the point of sale and determine if the person it was sold to matches my profile in accordance with security questi...
Pressing control, alt, delete doesn't work
Hello, please help me,my icons and task bar disappeared after switching my PC on. I watched so many tutorial but nothing worked,even pressin...
Bsod windows xp
I am finding it difficult to install windows xp on my Compaq machine it always displays blue screen pls I need your help
Can't control which os to boot
HP LT came with Win10 OS. Created a partition and installed XP on it and it became the boot partition. I am unable to change the boot partition from ...
Windows xp installation error
hi, am trying to setup Windows xp through a bootable flashdrive on my laptop,Fujitsu Siemens.but after it to the process Windows is starting,it disp...
How to change computer language
Hello, So i have a computer then I just started investigating and clicking stuff . So the problem is I accidentally turned my computer language into...
No signal on dell desktop computer monitor
Fixing corrupt files kernel32.dll
I have problem with some files in the Windows files cabinet that i want to fix. The problem could not allow me to run executable files when i download...
Amd dual core processor e2-9000e sata to ide
Hello, Iam trying to install Windows xp in amd dual core processor e2-9000e, and not able to change BIOS in hard drive settings from SATA to IDE. ...
Can't install windows xp professional sp3 32bit
I wanted to install windows xp Professional sp3 32bit on an old hp compaq d530 but when it starts to copy files it shows me that (something.sys) is co...
Sata drive not detected while installing xp
Solved/ClosedHello, As of now I have windows vista OS. if I tried to install windows xp I am getting following error. Setup did not find any hard disk drives ins...
Can't find the explore file
Hello, i have followed the steps. after Opening my drive c: then windows but could not find the explore file even after going through regedit. pl...
Internet drivers
This is my night mare! I was using another program to update my the drivers on my xp computer In removing it...It removed my internet drivers/connecti...
Xp won't start, not even in safe mode
SolvedHi, My windows XP won't start. I shutted down the computer yesterday, today when I started it it will run till the windows boot screen, when the ba...
Access old material
I have a registration number and wondering if I am able to access old material.
Window xp7 launch repair
Hello, My Toshiba satellite laptop window xp7 problem with black screen Window failed to start. A recent hardware or software cause .launch start...
Forgot windows xp password
Hello, I Forgot my windows xp password and my user name is accer System Configuration: Android / Opera Next 23.0.2254.114923
Even in safe mode is asking password
Hello, even is safe mode is asking for password. what to do trow away the dam god PC out of the window, life was much eas...
Windows xp blank screen
after loading XP screen is not clear position. while changing the screen resolution cursor is not moved. after re booting the system screen became bla...
Dell inspiron 1300 xp don't see the dell logo
Recovery process ...What if you don't see the Dell Logo on screen when you power up in order to follow the CTRL plus F11 protocol.What then? Are there...
Windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.
Solved/ClosedPLEASE HELP!! I've been encountering this error lately. Every time I open a window and browse through the folders, I get this error message: " Wind...
Acer aspire 5520 drivers
Audio Device Drivers Realtek problem
Windows\system32\config\system missing or corrupt
Hello, Im having the problem, Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEM. I know the...
How to turn on my bluetooth switch on acer aspire 5002 wmli
Blue screen of death. trying to install windows xp
Hello, I am getting blue screen of death while installing xp , everyone suggested to change to BIOS From AHCI or RAID to ATA , but my question is ...
Error on opening every file. .exe application error
Hello, I am not able to open any file. There appears .exe application error on everything. Even i m not able to open any anti virus. Not even cmd....
Asus aspire unable to access the internet after system recovery
Hi! My Asus Aspire one pro (win xp) refuses to show any websides at all since i did a total system recovery, it's like when it came from the store i g...
Windows xp cannot detect my usb flash drive
Solved/ClosedHello, I am using windows XP sp3 and my Pc cannot detect the USB drive. when I connect the USB drive to my PC it flickers for three to four t...
How do i reprogram my desktop without a cd
Hello, yes I need help System Configuration: Android / Chrome 63.0.3239.111
Pc freezes on boot from cd
Hello,im sorry for my bad lang. my pc won't boot after i assemble it it frezzes on boot from cd after the bios it feels like it fails to load windows ...
Windows xp will not load
My desktop which runs windows xp will not load. I have tried tapping the F8 key to do a system restore. When it starts to load in Last known configura...
How to recover dell inspiron mini?
My dell Inspiron mini crashed How do I recover
Computer started freezing up
Hello, I have a older Windows XP desktop and recently it started freezing up, but mouse still moves, but cannot click on any of the icons. I am u...
Windows xp and a new with a usb3 cable seagate desktop storage
Hi all I just got a new Seagate and it comes with a USB3 cable. My laptop is running Windows XP with service pack three installed. How can I get t...
My window xp stuck on loading screen
Hello, i tried all the way u all had suggest but sadly my window still stuck even using safe mode also stuck i dont knw what happen to my lato...
Windows installer 5
Downloaded Windows Installer 5 but when I try to open it, it states open with Firefox (default) but when I click OK it just opens another tab on Firef...
My computer freezes on “windows is now loading”
The computer works perfectly fine when i ran my other harddrive, but i put this one in and it ran, turned it off, then back on, and it freezes at the ...
Blue screen 0x0000069 error while xp installation
Hi guys, I tried to install Windows XP Pro SP3 on my Aspire One D260 Netbook from a bootable USB stick. XP setup starts to load the necessary files a...
Can't find registry directory
Am I the only one who couldn't find the Explorer file or the Registry directory mentioned here? I'm on XP?
Connected to internet but can't browse
Hello, My xp connects to wireless and I can connect it to a wired connection but it doesn't connect to the internet.... Say ip is invalid... I ...
No icons, task manager disabled, and safe mode not working
Hello, No icons show on start up task manager has been disabled safe mode not working help me fix this issue please I'm stuck I've tried everythin...
No sound in windows xp
Hello,this is me 2nd query win.xp.sp3 reinstall no sound,however someone call Accasia tyed to help some strange suggestions -install sp2 first atc.. ...
Lost admin password for windows xp
Solved/ClosedHello, I dont remember my admin password for windows xp and I cant boot from a disk because its locked and I think theres also a virus. Please Help!!...
Laptop acer aspire 3000
I turn on laptop and this comes up on screen. Windows could not start because the following file is missing or. Corrupt \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SY...