The discussions
Fully charged but when ac plugged off shuts downs
Hello, please help with my problem i just buyed 3 months ago i just droped then this problem came and i also have 0% prolbem plzz>>>>>>help Con...
Way to turn off the keyboard backlight on my dell 5000 series
Hi Is there a way to turn off the keyboard backlight on my Dell 5000 series? It's distracting (and when writing business reports I really don't need ...
Toshiba suddenly blacked out
Hello, I hve a problem that causing my laptop TOSHIBA SATELLITE blackout. I dont know why. I've tried to on off many times. Still blackout. The fan ...
Dell mini 10 inspiron only symbols no letters
My computer is duck with only symbols no letters I have tried fn+f8 but was told to press fn + the number lock I can't find or there isn't a number lo...
Usb device not recognized
Hello, my USB Device not Reocgnize Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Keyboard shut off
Hello, I have a HCL keyboard (desktop) and it has suddenly stopped working. The Num lock is also on. Kindly advice.
Some keys problem
Hello, my laptop asus some keys (F3, Q, W,R,U,I) are not working . what should I do to solve this problem. Please help me. ASUS N56VB
How do i change the battery on my hp keyboard
How do i change the battery on my HP keyboard
How do i shut down using my keyboard
How do I shut down using my key board thank you.
Lenovo ideapad number keys on the right hand side don't work
Hello, number keys on the right hand side don't work how do I get them going Configuration: Windows / Chrome 46.0.2486.0
Sd card password remover
I have a s.d card with password proctected and i know the password but unable to open the same in my laptop and andriod phone. Please help
Need help with my computer which it doesn't give me any signal!
Hi! So i have a problem on my computer.. Well basically it's win xp(i know microsoft doesn't support xp anymore but welp i wanted to try it). The com...
Computer powers on but nothing on screen 2 beeps
Hello, I am having trouble getting my computer to work. I left it on in the morning. When when I came back in the evening the screen was black. W...
Keyboard is typing wrong
Hello, I am having HP laptop windows 7.i m using it since last 3 years.since last few days my keyboard is typing wrong.I checked the Region a...
Startup always shows startup repair
Hello first of all when I power on of my pc it shows no signal and then shows screen start the pc but won't start it always shows startup repair it co...
Computer not booting after ram upgrade
Hello, Billy, pentium G3240 Gigabyte Z97 D3H gtx 610 2gb akasa venom medusa cooler 4gb ram 1333mhz I recently bought 2x8gb ddr3 1600mhz ram...
Ink cartridge replacement of epson stylus dx 3850
How do I change the ink cartridge of Epson Stylus DX 3850? My email is ***@***. Thanks Jojo
How to change laptop numeric into alphabets
Hello, how to change laptop numeric into alphabets plz help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.2564.116
Where i can scan my drivers
could you please tell me where i can scan my drivers and replace them if need at little or no cost. many thanks
Computer has a steady beep
Hello, my computer has a dteady beep when turned on.please help me. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
File or directory is corrupt or unreadable
Hello, How can I resolve "FILE OR DIRECTORY IS CORRUPT OR UNREADABLE". I have alots of data on the 500GB external hard drive. Configuration:...
External hard disk not detected
i have transcend external hard disk 1TB and any computer cannot detect my drive and it also make a sound from media how can i solve this problem
Pc windows 10 not starting
Hello... I want to ask help, when ever I will press the On start of our Pc it doesn't want to start, I must take first off the power cord to the Pc...
Sound problem
Hello, when my laptop going to sleep mode after on my laptop sound totally stop.. Anybody help me? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 52.0.2743...
Laptop does not turn on
SolvedHello, I have got my brand new Lenovo Thinkpad T450 laptop a few monthes ago. Firstly I would say that is does not meet my expectations but there ...
Aptio utility asus
Hello, after i get to step 5 it just bring me back to the utility setup n ask me if i want the default options Configuration: iPhone / Safari ...
New pc wont display signal
So I've built a new PC that has an as rock extreme3 motherboard a gtx 950 wind force an and fx 6350 CPU an 850w bronze corsair psu. Everything receive...
No bluetooth connection
after trying hard also ..i did'nt find bluetooth option in my laptop[windows 7 ultimate]..plz help me to get bluetooth in my laptop
My lenovo ideapad 100s laptop will not turn on
Please help me my laptop is not turning on -- James Alvin Hunt Jr
Starting window desktop and goes off
Hello, I hav a computer with a specification of 2GB RAM, INTEL CORE TO DUO, 150GB HARD DISK and a 32 bit monitor. And i have attached a graphic card n...
Forget password
ClosedI have lost password of my laptop(Mac Book Air) so how can I open my computer.
Acer laptop wont start
My acer laptop wont start. When i plugged in the red light just blink. My laptop also fell to the ground but nothing is broken all pieces are together...
How does i boot usb from phonix bios v6.oopg
Hello, dear Arz M here, I am suffering a problem in my PC bios, i have Phonix BIOS V6. oopg and I have not any cd-rom to boot it and start installat...
Reset my password without a floppy disk
ClosedHow do I reset my password without a floppy disk. Due to my acer 1 doesn't have a area for a floppy disk. I haven't used my acer in a year
Monitor no signal
Hello, My computers CPU is on but on screen it's say no signal...if I remove wire then it appears something on to make it fine?? C...
Some dell keys are not working
Hello, someofmydellkeysareotworkigpleasehelp Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 45.0.2454.101
Need help laptop won't power up
Hello, My hp led light comes on for a few seconds blinks off and comes back on another second then stays off? Any help would be greatly appreciat...
Zxcvnm and space bar keys not working
Hello, I have hp notebook 15 with windows 10 and after the last update these keys stop working what should i do ? Configuration: Windows / Chro...
Led lights off even chager pluged in
Hello my model Acer e5 473 .. I pluged in charger the Orange lights is off .. and i try push button on .. and nothing happens .. i try to dissamble, r...
Monitor has power but not responding when cpu turns on
Hello! My monitor has power but not responding when CPU turns on. We cleaned the components inside the CPU and we've noticed that the videocard has a...
Computer shuts off randomly and fails to restart itself
Hello, I was on my pc a few days ago and it shut off instantly, like the power cable had been taken out. After this it instantly restarted its sel...
Sony vaio laptop black screen
Hello, My sony vaio laptop doesnt open....when i press the power on button only black screen appear..what should i do?? Configuration: iPhone /...
When browsing the net laptop auto restarts
Hello, pls suggest me . Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 48.0
Usb not being formate
Hello, my 16gb usb is not being formate it has been effected by virious i have tried alot to formate it in all the system pc but not bieing formate ...
Wifi issues
Hi, so my laptop is currently having some wifi issues. The light is orange but the wifi works sometimes. But it will randomly stop working and when I ...
Laptop battery discharging on it's own
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Chrome 52.0.2743.116 my hp laptop has a start up problem,the battery though laptop is plugged in shows "plugg...
Laptop repair
Hello, i press it but is not oning Configuration: iPhone / Firefox 48.0
Dell aspiron 15 3558 direct switched off getting problem
Hello, I unexpectedly switched off my laptop dell aspiron 15 3558 .after switched on only it showing blank screen .please help me what to do? C...
Hello, Sir my dell laptop 5558 i3 modul this laptop startingvery slow and window working times right click on buttons use time display crash o...