The discussions
Otg cable connect with samsung e7
hello sir What can i connect OTG cable with android mobile Samsung E7, if yes, so please reply, how can..... ??
Help with black screen problem
SolvedThank you for your support, My Acer 3960-2900 has a black screen, i can hear the fan but can't hear the HDD powering up...earlier i unplugged the powe...
Screen problem
Hello, hi, my laptop screen has developed some small thin red line . what could be the cause and the solution to that? Configuration: Windows 7...
Computer has no video signal to monitor, motherboard failing?
Hello, my brothers computer was working fine last night but when he went to turn it on this morning. the computer powers on as normal (no beeps) the f...
No sound when i play dvd in my computer
SolvedHello, anyone who can help me to fix my problem regarding to my DVR rw? I have DVD rw in my computer, when I play VCD or CD. it function well, the so...
Acer won't turn on only black screen
Hello, I followed the procedures of unplugging power cord removing batter and removing memory sticks and cleaning but when i replaced them it was ...
Pc won't boot up properly
Hello, So I recently built my own PC and its been running fantastically for over a month, but now when ever it boots up, it will show me the begin...
I can't use the right number pad on my keyboard
Hello, MY num lock is enabled but I still can't type any numbers. please help.
Half my keys don't work ,not cuz of spills
Hello,a little while ago a bunch of letters on my PC keyboard stopped working but i don't want to spend a few hundred dollars fixing it.(this took me ...
Laptop will not boot
SolvedHello, suddenly i close my laptop without shut down.a few minutes later i open it again.but it does not work n it start button still have light.what...
Computer beeps 3 time and np display
Hello, Well every time i turn on my computer. It beeps three time and i have no display my brother told me that he bought new ram cards and he by ...
Hard drive disappear at boot time
My laptop's hard drive does not show while boot, if i does not boot , it shows following message, bootMgr missing; media test failure; check cable, i'...
Pendrive not connecting
i found my old HP 4 GB pendrive after 2-3 years. i tried connecting it to pc but its not connecting. pc showing nothing about pendrive. Pendrive is no...
Laptop black screen
Hello, Hello, my Acer laptop was working fine all the time. I was writing an e-mail yesterday and during this the screen got black, it turne...
Vaio black screen :(
Hello, Guys please help, i have an exam tomorrow and my data is in my vaio, but it has a black screen it doesnt wanna work, i tried the F8 bottom st...
Laptop black screen
Hello, Hai myself varma... My laptop is not turning black screen,I tried 60 sec trick..once it helped and then again same problem... I am tryed i...
Wrong letters on keyboard
Hello I have hp laptop windows 8 the keyboard is typing wrong letters q instead of a and w instead of z the nu?bers are lost too I tried the nu, ...
External hard drive
Hello, I have a inatek external, i recently bought a new laptaop and wanted to transfer my files over, but I can't access the external hard drive....
Windows can't be format
Hello, I have 32 GB SD card. I have to do all thing/ways for formatting, when I'm inserting my sd card show error that Please format before using...
Upgrading a motherboard in a refurbished dell inspiron 3847
SolvedHello, This comp takes 10 minutes to boot and will not accept more than 2048 MB of memory. Please suggest how to upgrade to something much better....
Having a problem with my laptop
Hello, this is bereket. and am having a problem with my laptop. when i hit the power button i can see that the lights for the power turning on but the...
Black screen, no power
Hello, Computer remains black, orange light flashes 2x then turns off Tried taking out battery and power adapter, held button for 20 seconds, n...
Heaphones not showing up in laptop to set as default
Hello, In control panel.. in the devices, headphones is not showing up. only realtek is available. Please advice. regards, venkat Confi...
Hibernating problem
Hello, I set the date and time in my laptop.after that my laptop is running and I turned off it then powered on. I saw that my laptop "acer "is i...
Lg notebook not run bios nor boot harddisk
Hello, I had LG Notebook, it was installed win7 professional , i had upgrade to win 8 but camera & bluetooth was not working. After that i had agai...
Alba mp3 player not recognized
when i plug my alba mp3 player into my acer chromebook11 it doesnt show up in he folder and i do not have device manager and i can not download it wha...
Booting problem
Hello, I have a computer with i5 3550 processor and DH77EB mother board in between it is not booting If shut down after some time if i try to bo...
Is it possible to recover hdd
My Hard HDD is missing from Boot device. It has not been showing. What can i do now? I had a lot of Important Document. Is it possible to recovery?
Screen blank and does not turn on
Hello, my problem is my acer laptop is not putting any iformation even when i switch it on but it lights the power button and and it charges properly ...
Zero key not working
Hello, I am on an Aspire 1 Cloudbook 11. I had to do a pin hole restart on the bottom of the computer yesterday when it would not go on. That was su...
Dell lnspiron e1505 won't boot up
My Dell Inspiron E1505 won't boot up. The power is on, but besides a brief ID in red at the bottom of the screen, nothing happens please help
Compressed boot manager on my desktop
I compressed boot manager on my desktop and have done everything suggested on internet , so my question now is WILL CHANGING THE HARD DRIVE SOLVE THE ...
I dont want to be a member of this forum
I dont want to be a member of this forum . REMOVE ME
Hardwaree problem
Hello, my computer os is window 7 press power key,power flash light on then itself light off a few second. Configuration: Windows / Chrome 48...
Computer doesn't recognize hard drive
Can anyone tell me how to get my computer to recognize hard drive 1TB I have a ACER my model is ASPIRE 5532 I try everything to get it to recognize it...
Unable to format
Hello, Hello, I have 16 gb Sandisk pen drive when i open it windows give message pen drive is not formatted and when i format it windows gives...
External hard drive not showing up on my computer..
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 47.0.2526.83 My external hard drive is not showing up at my computer for my win 7 laptop When i go for...
Bios password reset for dell inspiron 1525 laptop
ClosedI am trying to reset the bios password on a Dell Inspiron 1525 which was purchased by my cousin. Her operating system (Vista Home Basic) crashed and...
Please connect my laptop to fb.
Hello, hi,why can't I using my laptop to log into the facebook, it takes my 3months from now of trying to log in to fb. Configuration: Windows ...
8gb ram installed, but showing only 3.98gb usable
SolvedHi, I had 8 GB RAM installed in my machine (dual channel). But, it is showing only 3.98GB usable for my computer. I have switched the RAM slots...
Switched on it starts but never show anything to the monitor.
How can I managed to fix a mother board that when I switched on it starts but never show anything to the monitor. I try to change processors but it do...
Problem with ram
Hello,i took the ram from my computer after a day i fixed it in the slot every thing is normal n there is no beep in the cpu n stoped at the logo n it...
Broken lenovo laptop screen
My lenovo laptop screen is broken and I couldn't see anything. Its been more than four months that I didn't use the laptop. But now I want to connect ...
Needs intex webcom driver
want to intex it-309wc driver. i using win 7 32bit, my laptop acer aspire 5733 pls give some download links.
My fujitsu laptop went off suddenly and unable to turn on?
My Fujitsu laptop went off suddenly and unable to turn on again. Tried turning on using adaptor without plugging in battery but still not working. I n...
Computer aoc lcd screen
Hello, Sir , My LCD screen is Aoc company and the problem , Power cable is connected to the LCD screen the main power button is on and LCD sc...
Change my password
I would like to change my password to open up my computer for security reasons
How to create a video clip with webcam
how to create a video clip with webcam?
Wd external hard drive saying "this folder is empty"
Greetings! Since this afternoon I've been having trouble with my external hard drive. It first started when I clicked on one of the folders in it ...
My lenovo wont start my life is inside
Hello I restarted my Yoga 2 lenovo laptop and then it stuck at Lonovo logo an wont start I tried everything it wont even reset what can I do? my job, ...