The discussions
Laptop acer aspire 5335 - windows vista basic
SolvedI have an Acer Aspire 5335 my battery died on me suddely. And the next time i turned my Laptop back on my Keyboard would not work at all. I 1st though...
Cpu produces 1 long beep when i turn it on
Hello, my cpu produces 1 long beep when i turn it on. im using the onboard video only. what should i do then? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54...
Laptop just turn off and cannot turn it on
Hello, I actually have a laptop hp dv6000 and it doesnt have a battery . I was able to turn it on a first but it went off . Power cable is conn...
Damage sd/undetected in computer
Hello, I was transferring data from my pc to my sd card ,suddenly "copy error" this type word shown and I saw my sd card is not present in my pc. The...
I can't open autorun exterminator
My pendrive only showed my a shortcut so i went here and downloaded autorun exterminator. But when I opened it, it told me it was about to update itse...
Dell laptop screen getting blank
Hello My Dell laptop screen getting blank once login. Dell inspiring N4010 model Number and using windows 7. Please help
Sony vaio
Hello, a friend borrowed laptop and installed win vista now my laptop doesn't work, I tried restore options but only shows vista, is there another way...
Typing numbers instead of letters.
Hello, My HP 15 is typing numbers I stead of letters. This is the second computer since August. I really don't want to take another one back. Please...
Webcam is not showing in my computer
Hello, sir i bought new webcam of zeberonic but it not show on my computer what should i do Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 31.0
Canon mg 4250 not responding
Good morning, I have the same problem as Pistolero de 09 march 2013. But I know nothing about computer hardware / system. I use this printer for a l...
Screen upside down
Hello, My screen has been turned upside down and has been left a while, so my computer is not locked onto the login page upside down and the control...
Laptop is not working when i unplugged the laptop
Hello, My HP laptop is not working when i unplugged the laptop from the charger Configuration: Windows / Chrome 54.0.2840.99
My pc won't start!
Hello, I am not able to log in my laptop since a few days, the last moment I was working on it, I was downloading a game from and meanwhil...
Toshiba recovery
Hello, I have a Toshiba Satellite c675. I upgraded to Windows 10 when Microsoft was offering the free upgrade, and have been having issues with t...
Laptop computer screen and external screen
Hi everyone, My toshiba laptop have a screen that it isnt working anymore. When all this started i've tried to connect it in an external screen but ...
How to kill shortcut virus in laptop?
How to kill shortcut virus in laptop
My acer laptop is not turning on
Hello, My acer laptop is not turning on. I need help. Anyhow I've to open it. Maybe because of viruses in it but I really need to open it. I hold th...
No bootable device
Hello, My Compaq laptop doesnt want to reboot, even when i press the start button at the same time with the F11 key. It gives me the same note: No...
External hard drive
Hello, I have a seagate external drive and I when I go to "This PC" > Manage > Disks , new one that appear is called "system", so I named it "Q". ...
Toshiba satellite c655 restore to factory without boot disk
SolvedI am trying to restore my laptop to factory default settings and I pressed the 0 key when starting up and I hit HDD Factory settings and now I get the...
I have a problem with my laptop keyboard dell 5537
Hello, some words on my keyboard can not work an example((R_T_V) AND ((T_G_H) like that ple help !
Cpu doesnt boot and fans not turning but keyboard works help pls
Hello, I happen to be just using my just fixed CPU because there was power on but no display on my monitor. And now after like 20 mins of using my r...
Can't find my files on my disk on key
Hello, so last week i had to change my laptop, so i copied my most important files to a samsung 64gb disk on key, and now with my new laptop when i ...
No signal problem
When no signal problem comes I solved the problem by reset the bios settings but after every time I turned on my computer same problem occurres.pleas...
External hard drive
My external hard drive does not show on my computer, it is a WIN 7 32-bit OS. I have tried the list volume in the Diskpart, it does not show on the li...
Pc won't boot
Hello, My gateway won't boot Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 54.0.2840.68
Bleep noise
i have acer laptop and this morning it was bleeping when i put the charger in or out it just bleep only 1 little light on nothing else, this is my co...
No signal message
Can outside interference cause no signal message? I have a computer at school that had been working fine at the beginning of the year and now we are h...
Toshiba mouse trick
Thanks for the tip re: Toshiba laptop cursor failure. I have to admit, read the solution and can't understand how holding a power button on a comp...
Laptop unable to turn on and charge battery
Hello, my acer laptop ,was turn off itself,then it was unable to turn ON and i can't charge battery .how can fix it thanks Configuration: Wind...
Format pd
My PD is shown write protected . I try to format it registry (by changing write protect value ) and cmd (by clear read only attribute) but its current...
Monitor shows a black blank screen
When I start my system then monitor shows a black blank screen . My monitor works properly and cable is also fine what's problem with my system. Plea...
Turn on my pc but the monitor is black
Hello I try to turn on my pc but the monitor is black with one white line across the middle this just started happing today and i have had no other pr...
Toshiba z20t-b black screen
SolvedHello, I have a toshiba z20t-b and I can turn on my laptop and sign in. But after that I get a black screen is there anything I can do to fix this ...
Sony vaio
Hello, What to so if system disabled comes on screen? Little brothers can be spiteful. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 7.0
Light flash and then off
Hello, I watched a movie with my baby and I went out to prepare a food of my baby and I went back and I saw laptop doesn't display it's screen,and I...
512b of memory capacity
Hello, I bought a 250 GB HHD, but it shows only 512 B. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 53.0.2785.143
Dell inspiron 7548 not starting
Hello, My laptop dell inspiron 7548 is not starting . when i turn it on i am seeing the dell logo but it is not getting processed further. My batter...
Scanner driver not support my windows 7 32 bit os
Hello, RCFA4122EU GENX SCANNER driver not suppot my windows 7 32 bit os i can instaal in this driver..please help me Configuration: Wind...
My some keyboard buttons are not working?
Hello, my laptop Toshiba satellite L50b-d.My keyboard buttons are not,b,n,7).please help me i can't work properly. Configuration...
My laptop keeps turning off when using
Hello, My laptop keeps turning off when using. It's about 5 years old. Lenovo, no battery. Just had it formatted. After I had it formatted, it sta...
Toshiba # key is now £ and the@
Hello, the keyboard on my toshiba laptop has changed, the # key is now £ and the@ is now " Can anyone Help!!!! Configuration: Windows / Chr...
Laptop toshiba satelite pro l650 stuck on "leading innovation"
Hello anyone, My Laptop Toshiba Satelite Pro L650 left on hibernate over night then would not boot. It was showing just black screen then, after rem...
Not avle to format my pendrive
Hello, Sir I am not able to format my 16 gb hp pendrive.when in computer management I click on disk management, my disk is showing 15.2 GB Unal...
Computer booting but no signal from monitor
HELP! Desktop tower I've read all the threads about computers booting but no signal from monitor (with keyboard working "caps lock" test) and tr...
Bios won't detect sata
Hey I have recently built my first computer and tried to install windows. In the process i discovered that the bios won't detect the sata cables. I h...
Hp elitebook not booting up
SolvedYesterday at 6:30 A.M. I tried to boot up my laptop and all I was greeted to was a black screen. I don't know the model number of my laptop, but I kno...
Keyboard not properly working
SolvedHello, hi guys,, i need some help here,, my laptop lg ad410-g.adwee2 has keyboard problem,, when 1 press number 1 then 01 comes up and sometimes /...
Cannot boot computer for windows xp
I cannot boot computer for windows xp not able to restore or in safe mode or at prompt and get an corrupt message can any one help.