The discussions
Toshiba hdd password
ClosedEvening All: I'm helping a friend TRY to get his TOSHIBA PORTEGE R100 up and running. First, and foremost, I need to know how to erase/override/...
How long do i burn a disk
how long do I burn a dics
No display in monitor but cpu runs
i have a hcl desktop that a old one i put it in my attic so its not on for a long time now i tried to switch it on the CPU runs but the monitor stays ...
My dell inspiron 15 does not go to windows
Morning, please my dell inspiron 15, 3000 series does not go to windows; when I swith it on, dell appears and then a message (just a moment) appears...
Cpu not booting
Hello, My intel P4 pc is not booting but processor fan & everything is running properly,& one more thing when I going to turn on my PC on that time...
Reinitialization of the default password of my dell inspiron 15
ClosedPlease how to reinitialize the defauld password. the computer asked for a flash. I connected it but it says that the disk is not a password reset dis...
Toshiba laptop doesn't turn on, powers up then goes off again
Have a Toshiba l50-b-1n8 laptop, which is rightly doing my crust in, for some reason just decided to not power up, used nigt before no problems, using...
Computer new build need help
When I power up the computer there are no beeps, the monitor is blank, and no fans are running. The motherboard is lit up, the graphics card is lit u...
Need to scan document as text
Hi All, I have a HP LJ300-400 color MFP M375-M475 PCL 6 and I need to scan a document as text. I have multiple pages and have to type the data from...
3 buttons not working in keyboard
Hi, In my laptop 3 buttons not working can u pls help me to solve like how to remove dismantle and clean
Dell laptop refused to start after attempting to update bios
hello, recently I tried to update my drivers and I was prompted to update bios, when I ran the setup my pc froze removed the battery turned it on it c...
Graphics problem
Have Gateway - DX4200-09, Windows 10 Home , AMD Phenom 9750 Quad-Core Processor, and ATI Radeon HD 3200 Integrated Graphics. The HDMI port does not wo...
My cpu turns off spontaneously.
Solved/ClosedWhen I turn on my CPU it gives a light which indicates that it is turned on but after 2 or 3 seconds it turns off.
Cpu fan not spinning
Hello, So last night I was playing gta v and everything was fine I turned my computer off got in shower and the came back and tried to turn my com...
Pc does not boot
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chromhe 36.0.1985.135 Sir pc does not boot but cooling fan and ram is running properly. How to resolve the p...
Dvd rom wont read dvd
Hello, hi my dvd rom isnt reading dvds its asus latptop and on dvd rom its written dvd multi recorder Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 47.0...
Laptop won't start after blue screen crash. screen wont turn on.
Hello, I have HP G60 and few days back while I was watching a movie, suddenly a blue screen error occurred and after that my laptop went off. Then,...
My key board writes wrong things
Hello, My keyboard writes wrong character ( ex: when i press on number 3 it writes +369 & j writes yuj7m )
F drive unable to open
Hello, I tried all options but the problem persist.but g drive is OK n all files are safe. Please help. Thanks Abd Configuration: iPhone / Ch...
Black screen
I have a Dell Inspiron laptop. When I try to turn it on the Dell logo comes up, an indicator spins as if it's loading, then a Dell error screen pops u...
Hard drive
Hello, when i opend my extrnal hard driv e he doesnt open and my pc still wait and not working after a while a option apear that L is not accesible ...
Sd card / corupted folder
Hello, i have cut a folder on sd card than renamed it and than pasted it on pc the pc folder i have pasted is empty, and the folder on sd card is...
Hard drive not showing local disk
Hello, Yesterday I was transferring some data to external hard disk but due to some glitch it disconnected and when I connected the hard disk...
Local disk is need format
hello, my hard disks one folder is local disk(f). this folder need format. but this folder is nt formated. said that windows was unable to complete t...
My asus laptop won't let me log in
Hello, every time I try to log in to my computer it will show a black screen... It lets me log in, but after the welcome screen after I enter my passw...
Windows xp power problems
Hello, My Windows XP says: there is ni signal coming from your computer, press any key on keyboard or mouse to wake up, to change another input ao...
Pen drive is write protected
Hello, now i am facing issue with my pen drive .anyone please help me . i have try all pattern .but issue here .tell me what i do Configuratio...
Asus u32u - some keys doesn't work on w10
Hello, some keys (Home, Delete, left and right arrow, and probably few more around) stopped working as I installed Windows 10 on my laptop. Of...
Computer won't recognize mouse or keyboard through any usb port
Solvedtitle continued: but other USB devices work just fine. My Computer is an Acer Aspire X3400G My mouse and keyboard won't connect through any us...
Hdd full of movies but cant find file
Hello, i have verbatim 500 GB external portable HDD . it is full of movies that was taped on a olin set top box . the file name the set top box us...
How to i get my facebook account back
Hello, how can i get my bfacebook account back Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 46.0.2490.86
Acer pc does not turn on bsod
Hello, My acer pc is not turning on, I tried everything, and I think that the main solution is to boot it, but when I try it nothing helps. When I s...
Repair keys of toshiba sattelite c55-b867
Hello, please some one tell me about the windows repair keys of toshiba sattelite c55-b867 i am so depress about my laptop i want to restore to fac...
Sony vaio laptop some keys are not working
iam using sony vaio in my keyboard some keys are not working is there any solution please suggest me
Dell latitude d630
Hello, i have Dell D630 its hard to format. if i will format it the cursor still in busy i wait almost half day but still in busy. what should i d...
Missing bootmgr
Hello, hello i have acer aspire v3-571 is have a BOOTMGR is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart please solve the problem ihave no cd or dvds s...
Dell latitude e5510 system will not boot
This is an old Dell latitude e5510. Spilled something on the keyboard. Thought I got it all off before any damage occurred. left the system alone for ...
Blank screen on startup
My Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop appears to load Windows 7 but results in blank screen. I suspect an immediate hibernation at end of startup. Same using ...
Sign in and the the screen goes dark
When I boot it up it's all good till after I sign in and the the screen goes dark, and I can brighten the screen but right after I do that it goes dar...
Keys dont work properly at all
Hello! when i write "f" -> "vtf" , "a"->"quadsa" ,"o"->page goes on full screen,"m"->"mj" PLEASE I REALLY NEED HELP IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR MY WORK
Laptop restarting
Hello, my latop usually restarts in windows allways in videos Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.2564.10
No display when connected to vga card
I used to have a vga card . Now i changed my motherboard and and installed a new vga card zotac geforce 610 gt on my amd sempron processor and when ...
Usb volume does not contain a recognize file system
Hello, why is it my usb flash drive prompt that I need to format it everytime I open. when I cancel the formatting it say Driver is not accessib...
Belkin router showing orange light and not working wireless
Hello, I have belkin.3394 router (Model F7D1301) showing constantly orange light and not working wireles. however if I connect my router with cable ...
My dell inspiron 1525 screen is black when i turn on
Every time I turn on my dell Inspiron 1525 it asks for the start up and if I choose normal it's just a black screen that shows the cursor. If I choose...
External hard drive problem
Hello, Plugged my External Hard drive in (WD my Passport 0830 USB Device) 1. Driver Installed successfully But auto run is not appearing. devic...
Removable drive shortcut virus recover my lost files
Hello, I had a Removable Drive Shortcut Virus in my USB flash, I copied the Flash Drive (G:) to D: drive and Formatted the Flash Drive, Now pleas...
Toshiba laptop stuck on chkdsk
Hello, My Toshiba laptop has black screen with lots of writing CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 5) ... And so on I have left this to run fo...
Hard disk error
Hello, Segate hard disk 1tb... my hard disk can't apply power in PC. Its USB didn't supply power..My PC didn't see anything but I heard the voice w...