The discussions
Unable to connecte dialup data card
Hello, hi i have a laptop in my office network i could not access any computer so i did a trick in export the netbt from registry and import it and j...
To use dsl modem's built-in wifi for networki
Hello, I am using net through UTStarcom WA3002G4 modem. Can I use its WiFi to connect my Mobile with PC?
Internet connection
Hello, Hi my laptop is connected to a router and modem,there is an excellent connection but i cant log in to the internet, but ii can log on to some...
Wireless ont ork anymore
Hello, my mate connected to the internet in america and now she cant get the internet on her laptop at home not even when plugging in the lead ?
Why does my dsl send bytes but wont receive
Hello, i have a big problem when i connect to my broadband internet it says its connected and it sends bytes but it wont recieve.......but i can searc...
Adsl modem
Hello, i have bsnl net connectinon and using adsl modem.I connect two pc with wifi and one through lan.the pc connected through lan provides a very g...
Sharing internet
Hello, I ve to Wlan cards in my laptop one is internet and another is external, One the internal wireless card i connect to internet, and the externa...
Life style bose system
Hello, I have a life style bose system with great sound,but when I want to play my cd's with pictures it does not support the JPEG format, is an easy...
Account disabled
Hello, Dear facebook team, My facebook account is disabled,my email"(,plese enable my facebook account ,i promise i will...
My facebook account disabled
Hello, My facebook was disabled on the 5th of october.. I have read everything of the terms and uses and responsibilties I would really appriaitate...
How to connect windows xp to network server
Hello, I have some problem with this windows xp(home edition) I am an intern for this company. the company's domain is and there is no ...
Gmail&yahoo is not opening
Hello,sir for me gmail &yahoomail is not opening,what is the problem?rest of that two all mails are opening,replay soon.
Error has occured
Hello, why cant i log on to myspace and when i get on it say this page can not be displayed and i have internet so can somebody please help me lol th...
Hello, can someboby reply now
Numerical value
Hello, please let me know how to convert Rs. 35,000/- monthly income in numerical value eng.word
Hello,I wnt my gprs settings
Hp laptop wireless issues
Hello, So here is the deal. I purchased an HP Laptop from a pawnshop. It got a config error and I took took my Dell computer install disks and put in...
Computer help
Hello, hmm..., what are the different cabling types standards, and ports use in WAN connections? and what is the role or purpose of this device con...
Hello, i always heard all about IOS in our class. so what is the role of IOS in a network?and what are the classes of devices that have IOS embedde...
Dell 1545xp-3 wireless network adapter
Hello, i m using dell 1545 with window xp sp3. i have downloaded all latest drivers from wireless adapter detect the network and shows connec...
Ios question
Hello, what are the IOS modes of operation? what are basic IOS commands? and how are these commands used and why? im just confused why to use...
Connecting lan from laptop to desktop
Hello, can u tell me how to setup lan from laptop having vista to desktop having win xp.....
How i can open my hotmail e-mail?
Hello, i don,t know from where to open my hotmail e-mail from computer .how is it possible to check my e-mail pls guide me thanks.
No network
Hello, i have inte ldesk top d 845gbv ind i have no net work conection to the internet to dow load drivers what should i do
Problem connecting to wifi
Hello, I need your help. I can't connect to my wifi. I'm using D-Link DIR 300. A while ago, it's working properly then, I decided to change the pas...
Cannot install canon mf6540
Hello, I have tried installing my canon mf6540 computer on my new computer (HP Pavillion Elite, 64 bit) system and the program runs and says the comp...
Free gprs
Hello, i live in uttarakhand hw can i access relianceor idea gprs or mobile internet for free???? help me….
Bluetooth pan network adapter
Hello, Seem to have lost the Bluetoogh pan Network Adapter from Asus A6000 laptop for no given reason that I can see, can someone please tell me ho...
Network prolbem
Hello, my computer has got Window Xp as Operating System,Is connected to internet and reserve server when pinging,but when I tried to browse failed t...
Bsnl gprs problem
Hello, I have nokia 5310 xpressmusic.I have bsnl sim.I have received GPRS settings from bsnl and i can browse wap sites using browser present in the ...
Msn wont let me online
Hello, my msn wont let me sign in its been like it for 2 days now! it keeps saying windows live messager cant sign you in, try later, and i keep try...
Fake fb
Hello, i was wondering if someone could help. i dont even have a Facebook Account but someone else has opened a profile with a fake name with all m...
Nokia 7610
Hello, i want open GPRS setting for aircel connection
I connect the cell phone to pc for internet
Hello, friends, i using the bpl sim for internet free, i connect the my cell phone to my pc for the free internet. connctivity is connect but pag...
Help for connect internet mobile to computer
Hello, my quastion is how to connect internet from mobile gprs to computer with usb code and how to connect internet from mobile gprs to computer wit...
How to connect netnorking
Hello, Sir please I know little bit about the computer and i having 16 computer in my office. Sir please tell me that i want to connect all the...
Hello yo'll, i was given this webcam by cousin and its still working and she said lost the installing cd. is there anyway i can install it.
I can't get a wireless connection on my lapto
Hello, My laptop recently went under a RAM upgrade and someone put my computer in a "safe mode" to remove some viruses etc. I got my computer back a...
Hello, more about the sharing of LAN and WAN network
Domain missing
Hello, I followed the instruction. However my one laptop is running XP and the other Vista. In the XP laptop I went to mycomputer's properties and di...
Router user name and pass word not accept
Hello, i had been using linksys wireless-g 2.4 ghz since long time, this time i have to change my apparte so i nee to change location now i have new ...
Misconnection of internet wh ile connect wir
Hello, Im trying to connect the wireless router at my place and i didi the configurations of d-link wireless router aand the only problem i cant get ...
Accessing of wifi
Hello, i cant access my wifi network can any one explain me about how to access laptop is displaying that "radio is switched off"when i saw t...
Hello, Please let me have airtel gprs setting for china mobile i9++i with No. +919810079391 as airtel customer care refused to give setting on china...
China e71
Hello, can u mail me the pc suite for china make e71 also help me wit how to connect da gprs here is ma id
No web pages displayed but connected
ClosedHelloi have a laptop on windows xp,it was working fine then just changed this week.i conect to internet through three dongle, which is fine,but all we...
How to increase the internet speed
Hello, My internet speed is download speed:1757 and Upload speed :550 I check this speed test @ free of cost from Now ...
Pc connection of internet via aircel
Hello, i m using aircel rs98 pack of internet but could not able to connect via pc. I m able only via my mobile. I m using samsung j700i. I also aske...
Many pepole add
Hello, plze open my face book account my number is +9607447845