The discussions
Bsnl broadband
Hello, Hi I am using BSNL BroadBand 750 + plan.My Modem is nokia siemens c2110.I can access internet in one computer,But I want to connect m...
Gprs setting
Hello, Can you plase send me gprs setting for A810(motorola)
High speed internet driver installation probl
Hello, Iam having a bsnl wll high speed internet yesterday I hav installed windows 7 on my system.....l hav inserted the CD rom and installed the dri...
Networking 2 wireless computers and printer
Hello, I just bought a new HP Touchsmart Laptop for personal use, I currently have a Dell that I use for work. they both run Vista. I have a wireles...
Creating a server driven lan
Hello, I want to create a LAN with 5 PC and 1 Laptop. Now i want 1 PC as server (With windows Server 2003). And others as its client to give the ...
Facebook is not load in my compuyter
Hello, I can not access in facebook. I try more to access but the result is zero. I manage add ons.........where I enable all. I also delete all t...
Need key
Hello, I purchased the Network Pro last year after my trial period ended and just this week had to update to the new version now I have lost all abil...
How to download video in sigmatel e78
Hello, please help me hgow to downlaod video in my sigmatel e78 mobile phone i have tried using my pc to uplaod avi,3gp files but my mobile does not ...
Home based offline jobs
Hello, I live in bangalore.I tried to surf on the internet fo some home based jobs.And all the sites were asking me for some investment or registrati...
Hello, I have a question and it's realy hard understand... we have one database in vb6.0 how to network that..... i hope you have answer?......... ...
Fake32gb kingston pendrive
Hello, I have recently purchased 32GB Kingston pendrive from a boy who was selling it on footpath for Rs.300/- On the very first day I copied arou...
Internet connection sharing
Hello, My internet connection is with aol and uses a USB ADSL modem. the only computer which this works with does not have a wireless card so i canno...
Hello, I have an IBM laptop ,it can not starting ,the power supply is on
My password aint working
Mobile tv phone
Hello, how can i get gprs and mms settings on my nokia n99 china mobile duel sim tv phone (m230)
Gprs setting
Hello, how to activate gprs setting on my loop prepaid connection... or send m gprs setting..
Competitive study on mobile service providers
Hello, hiiiiiiii i want a project report about aircel on competitive study on mobile service provider
Problem with facebk and internet explorer
Hello, i m having problem login to fb as well and worst of all, once i start up my comp, i can use the internet explorer, but in less than a min, i w...
How can i get my passwords
Hello, plase , can you help me my problem, i lose my passwords... thank you
Need help. where is my wireless adapter?
Hello, I've got Dell Latitude C 640. I had to reinstall the operating system from recovery disks. All was smooth. Now, when I'm trying to install ...
Babd width managment
Hello, i want to monitor all the internet users on the local intranet network and manage the band width since some of the user...
To get a ip address
Hello, can anybody help me 2 get a IP address to play couter strike online............
Internet disconecting
Hello, in my office i have static ip TATA indicom internet, this conection configured in modem as sherd internet. And conected from modem to switch ...
My labtop
Helpwith laptop&wifi configurationforinternet
Hello, I have an internet connection via RJ45 cable provided in a Building of 6 Appartments. Each appartment use only one cable at the time as a sou...
Cantconect to internet
Hello, I can connect to my wireless, but can't connect tointernet. I can ping my ip but faill when pinging web site. I have a toshiba L305-S5894. Run...
2 ip for internet connection in a lan
Hello Sir, I have two internet lines (Broad Band and ADSL) connected to one computer. This is for, if one line is disturb or doesn't function then ...
Need help with setting up a lan
Hello, I need to figure out how to set up a LAN..something idk. I wanna be able to Just transfer my pictures and music off my Computer (xp..i th...
Cant get gprs working on my mini kao9
Hello, can eny one help i orderd a mini nokia kao9 but wen i go on the internet it saying gprs is not subscribed can eny one help me ??
I want my acount enabled
Hello,i mistakenly disenabled my facebook acount while during confimation of the acount, this was due to the fact that i didn't understand what i was ...
Can't connect internet through internet sharing b
Hello, me and my freind connect by lan.he has get internet connection.he was allow to üse internet by other user by internet sharing.he is use broad...
Hello, i want to access my text messages via nokia pc suite can i use internet on phone while connecting it with computer via usb cable and using a ...
Hello, sir plse sent me the free gprs trick of idea or airtel or aircel that working in sony w 200i i am living in kerala. plse....:-(
Two laptops fron one usb internet
Hello, Is it possible to connect two laptops from single USB wireless internet?
Hello, i have got sagem router on sky broadband and need to put nintendo wii on the internet ,it just will not connect do i need to get something so ...
Phone configurations
Hello, to every one out there do u want to use ur phone and turn the world upside down with u loging everyday on net ur are wellcome to my world all ...
Wireless network
Hello, I'd like to know how to config wireless network?i mean lan network using access point more than one
Connection between local internet and vpn
Hello, We have access to VPN as well as Local internet connection and I would like to access local internet connection when I'm connected to VPN, W...
Can't connect to to wireless from laptop help
Hello, I have a laptop with wireless and I am trying to connect to my sisters wireless Linksys. Is not secured but when I try to use it, it asks me ...
Hello, I have a vista home premium 64 bit desktop and a vista home preminu 64 bit laptop. My network can't find the laptop. I have tried most every...
Changing ssid name
SolvedHello, I wanted to change my SSID and put a password but dont know where to? I'm using Wi-Fi (Linksys wireless-g broandband Router) and we are curr...
Vindow vista can not connect to wireless
Hello, i have d- link router and i ahve window vista the prob is i can see my network but i can not connect i give me message window can not connec...
To connect laptop with pc
Hello, i have dell laptop in which i installed vista business edition and i have another desktop pc in which windows xp is installed. Now i want to...
Wireless will not turn on
Hello, how do i to turn on the wireless on a hp pavilion dv6 it say it is disable and when i push the wireless botton it say the wireless is ture off?...
Office 2007 installation
Hello, My name is Santosh Kumar Gupta. I am a Desktop Engineer of Book & Periodical Agency I want to ask you that What can I Install the Office 2007...
I cant connect to the internet
Hello, I have a problem with my Dell intel core Duo Lap Top it will not connnect to my home internet connection it just tells me that it is identifin...
How to fine the ip address
Hello, I want to find out the IP addresses of tha all the users that are accessing the web site on the internet, allthough i am not the owner of t...
Aircel pi,not able to connect to laptop.
Hello, I activated 98 Pocket Internet and able to browse in my mobile.But not able to connect to laptop. I called cc lot of times but not worthy. Plz...
Wireless driver for hp pavillion dv2000
Hello, Can somebody help me? I did recovery for my hp pavillion dv2000 with the manufacturers vista operating system.I also installed the network an...
Wifi lan between pc to pc
Hello, i want to sharing my all the pc with network but without using any lan wire is it possible with wifi lan how plz tell me thank you .