The discussions
Wireless internet and usb 2.0 connection prob
Hello, I had to upgrade my usb to a 2.0 because I was trying to connect a wireless internet USB card to get internet service on my pc but when I was ...
Network hang
Hello, when 2 pc in network & working of data sharing the pc 1 has Hanged or restarted how to solv this problem? this problem is os or network cabl...
How to run wifi through a lan cable ??
Hello, I have a laptop running XP SP2. I use WiFi on it. Now, I want to connect my desktop, which uses the same OS, to my laptop, and wish to use t...
Wifi blues
Hello, I have a Dell Inspiron E1405 laptop, it's going on it's fourth year of life. Recently I moved into an apartment at school. We have Road Runn...
Download from rapidshare is slow
Free browsing
Hello, Pls, i need u to knw different ways of browsing free on my laptop, the applications used & where/how i can get them. pls send to my email add....
System maintenance...its been 3 days now
Hello, When is my FACEBOOK gonna be restored? MANY people are getting the "system maintenance" statement at login and its been 3 days for me that I h...
Dial up connection
Hello, i have aircel P.I connection. how can i connect it with pc?. pls tell how to create dial up connection using vista ??? my mobile model is w7...
How do i use vcall spark 329 mobil as amodem
Hello, i have vcall spark 329 Mobil & use to it as a modem on my desktop computer ,i have no any software for it ,so pl send me
Gprs setting
Hello, I want setting GPRS for LG mobile KP 199 plz send me setting on my 9821460839 number anil varma
My facebook problem
Hello, why my facebook only can use in hongkong,please help me because i want to go indonesia to use it, thanks
Vista cannot access internet through router
Hello, I have a home network that has one XP machine set up as an internet gateway, shared by multiple computers behind a router. Two of the compu...
Networks or agencies for picture editing
Hi folks, for my blog I need a little list of agencies or networks which offer picture editing in different levels. I don't want to know online p...
Browser help
Hello, i use BPL/loop mobile internet using the proxy. it worked fine, but now it only supports opera 9.6 and below, no other browser nor any downl...
Cn we able to load asa ios to gns3
Hello, , i need to do the practical using asa. but i dont know it capable for gns3..please help to do that..if any one know that please reply me .. th...
Ads while browsinh
Hello, i want to totally ban all the ads which we face during browsing.plz help me.
How to increace speed of torrentz downloader?
Hello, how to increase my torrentz downloader speed please help me some time my download is not working that atop few hours please reply me
Hello, my facebook adress is
I need zain internal browsing code
Hello, whatz up 9ja, how u doin? Plz can any1 give me zain code 4 internal browsing on my nokia 3230. I really wanna start downloading 4 free. Plz hel...
Internet speed impacted after downloads
Hello, I did some torrent downloads, and now my internet connection intermittently drops out. I ran fine for almost 18 months with no hint of thi...
Laptop doesnt find internet access with route
Hello, I have a laptop (Toshiba vista) it is WI-FI. I bought a router ( cisco linksys..wireless-G broadband router) so I can use the inter...
Wireless network connection
Hello, I have been using wireless internet connection on a number of laptops at home for over a year. Recently one laptop has shut down its connecti...
Account disabled
Hello, i tryed to log into my account and is said it was disabled. Can you please turn my account back on so i can begin using it again. thanks
Canot connect to the wireless internet
Hello, i bought an acer netbook d250 aspier wen i m trying to connect to an internet connection wirelessly its showing me limited or no connectivity...
Email on yahoo.
Hello, On your site I see there are quite a few people, like myself, unable to access email on yahoo however I am not able to see any answers/solut...
I need help with my acer laptop wireless
Hello, i just formatted my acer travelmate 5610 and put in windows xp, i put all the drivers in correctly and now i cannot use my wireless... i go to...
Nop 30
Hello,sir i was recarge my a/c with your nop 30rupees/7day but whan i am braowsing i will carged 30p/20kb so Sir i want please help me with your advic...
how do i open ports for my ps3 so i can connect with ppl
Facebook pc
Hello, I attempted to get on FaceBook, through my pc two days ago and it's coming up in mobile mode for some reason, how can this be corrected?
Wireless function key problem
Hello, I cannot seem to be able to turn on my wireless control panel,my function key and my wireless key (f1) do not do what they usually do c...
I forgot my password and my secret answer
Hello, i newly created my password yesterday but today i tried guessing it but i still couldnt get in. i have also tried my secret question but i als...
Help!im a novice
Hello, i have a tmobile dongle which does work but only after i reset my desktop.until its reset the message not connected comes up i then reset and ...
Torrent speed
Hello, im sambhav and i am downloading a encyclopedia which is 3.4GB is taking much time!! me using this in at least this year!!! ...
No room on one hard drive but alot on the oth
Hello, i have a hard drive that has no space but i have another hard drive that has 30gigs how do i download stuff to the one with space still left o...
How to trace ip add using ym add
Hello, Does anybody have an idea how to trace IP add of a pervert using his YM or email add. I can get his records thru paid service/detectives ...
Your account is disabled b
Hello, Dear sir my facebook account is now disable please open my facebook account i am so sorry my work
Block access to computers
Hello, I work in a school In our network we have windows server 2003 as the server software. we have a network called "school" for student workstati...
How to dounload
Hello, i dunno which website to go and how to download movies using download accelerator plus.. would you please help me suggesting some ways..
Unable to login facebook
Hello, i cannot open facebook on this laptop when using zain network pls help me but it can on other network.
Can't access emails on wireless internet
Hello, My wireless internet works fine from my laptop except I can't get into my emails (worldclient) on the wireless. It works fine using cable inte...
Hp dv6000 won't connect to school wi-fi
Hello, I have a HP Dv6000 with Windows Vista Home Premium...I can connect to any network (that I have tried until now), except the one at school. ...
Xbox 360 can't find my linksys ciscio
Hello, i have had an xbox 360 for half a year now which has run on a wireless network to a linksys router. This router broke and so we have just boug...
My facebook
Hello,ı hope my facebook actif again.PLEACE HELP ME?
Hp pavilion blutooth driver
Hello, plesae send me hp pavilian dv9000 blutoothvita driver
Intermittent connection
Hello, i have the 3 network's dongle. the prob is that it constantly times out. the blue light goes out and i have to re-click "connect" to get back ...
How to browse free on my pc
Hello, pls how can i browse free on my pc using freedom and another software
Internet on mobile
Hello, I am sigamatel s88 (china) mobile with hutch services provider, now i can 't accessing gprs internet on my mobile , can i setup vodafone gprs ...
I hate not getting on facebook
Hello, my name is laura and i go to our local library and i try and get on facebook but it wont let me do you have any suggestions x
Wireless internet sharing
Hello, I just bought an Asus laptop about a week ago. It has wireless capabilities but when i try to connect to my home network, it will connect and s...