The discussions
Relative sheet reference
Hello, I am trying to write a macro (new to VB) that shifts contents in a branch layout to be aligned on the left, column A. I have this code that ...
Excel: convert oz. to milliliters inside text
Hello, I've been looking for a solution for the following issue: I have a very long excel list of product description that contain product with ...
Naming range in a macro
Hello, I am tyring to name a range say a14:d14 (working_cap_formula) and then copy of past into range a15:d15 (working_cap_paste). I have set up...
Use result of one cell to affect another
Hello, I want to add or subtract an amount in my end results column based on data in my other columns. In other words if L52> = 0, then I want to...
Cell date creates a new sheet
Hello, I am working on an excel worksheet for a construction project. I have an "Additional Work" worksheet set up so that I can enter a date in a...
Lost my password and don't know the security?
Hello, I don't know my password to my gmail account and it keeps saying i don't know the correct security question, what do i do next?
Software recovery help
Hello, My computer recently crashed, and needed a new hard drive - as a result, I lost all of my software, including Microsoft Office. I was wonderi...
Counting cell with specific time
Hello, I need to count how many times 08:00:00 AM appears in a row of cells. Note this is a time format. Anyone can help greatly apprieciated...
How to create a clickable button and macro in
Hello, I am trying to create a button in an Excel worksheet that will continuously recalculate the formulas on a given sheet. I have seen a button...
Internet conected but can't brows in day time
Hello, Internet connected but can't browse during only day time . After 8 p.m. to 9 a.m.{appro.} i can browse easily My ISP is TATA broadband . Tat...
If than
Hello, I am looking for a simple formula or macro for an excel spreadsheet. If a value is selected from a drop down list in Cell A and that value is...
Browse the internet w/o internet connection
Hello, is it possible to connect or browse the internet without an internet connection?!!!!!!!!!!! please!! answer...
Password problem
Hello, i've received and e-mail telling me that someone might have been accessing my e-mail acount. so i decided to change my password. i've changed ...
Macro iterate through with if
Hello, I am trying to write a macro in excel but it has me completely stumped. I want to paste into column P the word 'resolved' for each cell wher...
Reagerding macro
Hello, I am using ofice 2003(Excel).While opening the excel every time i am getting a popup reagarding the enable macro option,what i am doing is set...
My usb doesnt work
Hello, im alacard and 1 of my usb's doesn't work and it shows the folder symbol instead of the usb picture and when i try to open it is says j:\ is n...
Internet browsing in computer through china m
Hello, Thank you very much for providing gee pee 7310 pc suite link. But gee pee pc suite does not have any option for the browsing internet ...
Excel formatting and sorting dates
Hello, Problem.... I'm entering dates into Excel. I need these dates date in the format "ddmmyyyy" with leading zeroes where the day is < 10 e.g. ...
Need to do vlookup and return differen values
Hello, Hi, I need to enter a name. The macro should then find it in a table and return the name and two other numbers in the same row. Imagine Name...
Find text, get number and color cell green
Hello, I am making my own budget and have trouble doing the following: From my online bank I export all my account activities one month at a tim...
Windows live messenger kepps shutting down
Hello, every time i sign into my windows live messenger it kicks me bk out. a window pops up saying windows live messenger has stopped working...searc...
Pen drive protect password assign ???
Hello, Can i assign the password for my pendrive ????? Provide the solution for this problem and take me support one.
How to connect phone to pc and browse
Hello, can anyone plz explain to me how to connect phone to browse on pc or laptop...
Outlook still isnt working
Hello, I have been following the progress of this problem. I have tried each suggestion. All my email accounts including gmail accounts were workin...
Password forgotten
I once created an e-mail address of which the above e-mail address was chosen, unfortunately i never had an opportunity to use it. However the same e-...
Linking cells within excel
Hello, How do I change one cell in a worksheet one and have it update the other worksheets at the same time within the same Excel file. Keith
Above cell
SolvedI get a large database every week in which I have to insert a row every row different than the one above, it is a tedeous task that takes me hours, I'...
Outlook 2003 - restore file does not show up
Hello, Friend of mine has got desktop with XP home Edition (not professional) OS get corrupted; I took the HD out and backup its data. I copied...
Outlook and outlook express
Hello, We are configure the email one email ID are using two desktop systems (System1 and System2). Still now some mail download system1 and anoth...
Countifs function
Hello, i am using the countifs function, i have on sheet 2 cell d4 the work has to say pending and on same sheet cell e4 has the date entered that day...
Some steel my ohter email pasword
Hello, somebody steel my ohter email add so i can t open i need help
Repairconsole no password
Hello, I've got a problem getting into my windows. it crashed due to overclocking. So I had to reset the bios. Now I cant log in. (just a black scre...
Execel hint
Hello, how can a number match in different sheets of excel file.
Auto copying from sheet to other sheet text a
Hello, i had one excel sheet which contains one tracker of four sheets. I want a formula to copy that data's from one sheet to other sheet au...
Hello, Hi, I'm looking to get these results in an excel file. I have a list of names that have ID's accociated with them. I'd like to have a col...
Checking multiple cell values and validating
Hello, im the basic excel user. i have been encountered with the issue where i have to check whether a particular value is present in the cell a...
Count with conditions
Hello, I'm currently working on a set of observation data and am trying to create a count formula based on multiple conditions. eg. Mon ...
Match two columns in different sheets
Hello, I have three work sheets with columns namley process code, process name, quantity produced per day. I need to create another sheet comprises...
Regular epression in excel
Hello, I have 2 questions in excel 2007: 1) I have excel columns with the format 12,4 17,1 8,2 etc.. I want to replace it with ...
Lost word
Hello, I have lost Windows Word from my lap top. It is Winows Vista Home Premium. can anyone help me please ?
Excel undo buffer macro access
Hello, Is there any VBA object or Windows API access to the undo buffer/command history in Excel 2000? Cheers
Excel column sort
SolvedHello, i have a list of numbers/letters titles written like: 1KFLS921 there are around 2000 of these listed down column A. i have the same l...
Not able to send in gmail or yahoo
Hello, I'm unable to send e-mails via gmail or yahoo in Outlook XP (2002). All worked fine till I had to reformat my hard drive and reload XP and all ...
Connecting a laptop on lcd
Hello, I have a sharp projector in a confrence room , the problem is it will only conect to some Laptops. Do you think if there is a standard configu...
Tips for writting macro in excel
Hello, I have one excel file which contains more than 15000 records. for one column i need to find and replace (ex : -500 to 0) number starting wi...
Excel - reset / replace seconds to zero
SolvedHello, i have an Excel 2007 file which has in sheet1 the time people enter to the system with the format ex. 11:55:31 AM and i need to reset all the ...
Hello, i am prasath explain the various addressing modes supported in excel that can be used in the formulas prasath
I forgot my password and the secret answer
Hello, i forgot my email password en the secret answer.. plzzzz helpp me .. i have important message on the email:(:( the email is r-.-leb-.-a.1@hot...
Open pdf
Hello, When I try to open pdf files in Outlook 2003 the files try to open in Word I have no cluewhat to do please help Ray