The discussions

Vb, how to copy values & repeat to next 50 cells

Hello, Need help writing code @ step C & D I am: A) copying values in E1-E4 & transposing values B) to Col. A next available empty row (obviousl...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Jan 2014 by

Office is taking hours to restore

I had to do a reinstall on my husbands computer and went throught the whole process without a problem until Microsoft Office began reinstalling - that...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2014 by

Lost product key

Hello, I have misplaced the product key of my purchase of Office 2010 which is installed on this Laptop / device. How do I recover the Activation...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jan 2014 by

Conditional formatting help


Hi, I have a spreadsheet with a column for employee hours. Anything over 9 hours is considered overtime and we are tracking how many employees are ...

2 replies Last reply on 16 Jan 2014 by

Macro hyperlinks

hello i already have this code in my macro that works fine s ub New_Personal_Profile() Dim MyCell As Range, MyRange As Range Set ...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jan 2014 by

Clearing a single cell without deleting the contained formula

Hello, this is my very first try at using a formula for help (so please be patient with me if I make a mistake:) I have a growing knowledge of Excel ...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jan 2014 by

Presenting data from one worksheet to another by dropdown menu

HI All, I have a worksheet with two colums of data. On another sheet I plan to present the data in an easier to read format. What I want to do i...

4 replies Last reply on 16 Jan 2014 by

Map column names to their short names

hi all, i am trying to copy and paste columns like application id,application name,number in a worksheet in workbook1 to another worksheet in workboo...

3 replies Last reply on 16 Jan 2014 by

Conditional formatting with "contain".


Hello...I am using Excel 2007. I can't get beyond the following: =ISNUMBER(SEARCH("campaign",A2))=TRUE This is what I'm trying to do...If cell A2...

3 replies Last reply on 15 Jan 2014 by

Look to find a formul that will make an item rec

Hello I am looking to track items received... I would like to build a box were we enter the NSN and the amount of the items... Date auto populate. ...

3 replies Last reply on 15 Jan 2014 by

Ms excel number format error


Hello, I use Ms Execl in that I have a error it like this..... 1. when I type a number 400 in the cell an give Enter. It is not showing the exa...

5 replies Last reply on 15 Jan 2014 by

Date format problem (5.8.14)


Hi. I'm using excel 2013 on Win7 Ultimate SP1. My problem is that I often type the dates with the help of decimals/periods. But I've learned thru goog...

4 replies Last reply on 14 Jan 2014 by

Create new sheet and copy data from input page to the new page

Hello Every One, I am a basic excel user. I am trying to create an excel data base that will keep a record of employee duty hours, dates and types...

17 replies Last reply on 14 Jan 2014 by

Add "x" based on "y" lines and copy

Help! I have a spread sheet that is over 8,000 lines and I need to insert and copy lines based on a value in "y". Also then add a blank line under the...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jan 2014 by

I am a computer opertor but i still need excel!


Hello, need your help please!!! Configuration: / Opera 9.80

Last reply on 14 Jan 2014 by

Ages and difference between them in years:months

Hi, I would like to enter data in the form 12:06 meaning 12 years and 6 months and then work out the difference between two such cells with the an...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jan 2014 by

Insert data from one sheet to another

Hi Guys am new to Macro and looking for some help. i was trying to create a sheet to be entry data and the data to be saved in another tab without ...

5 replies Last reply on 13 Jan 2014 by


how i can compress my pic . and how i can see my pc hidden file ,

1 reply Last reply on 13 Jan 2014 by

Excel date format


Hello, when users enter a date in excel using this format 12.1.2008, I need the cell to automatically change the format to 12-Jan-08 thanks, mo...

7 replies Last reply on 13 Jan 2014 by

I wanna download word

I have recently formatted and loaded window 7 home basic through the original cd available with my dell i 5 since then ppt and word is not there. henc...

2 replies Last reply on 12 Jan 2014 by

Losing the plot with vba

hello and huge thanks in advance, the following is a macro i have adapted to try and get a centralised team sheet auto sort and copy the relevant ...

5 replies Last reply on 10 Jan 2014 by

Conditional formatting date issues

Hello, Please help Conditional formatting will not work on columns displaying dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss, (formatting highlights colour if todays date.) ...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Jan 2014 by

Conditional formatting

Hi, I use excel to plot my production planning and would like to format so the ship date cell turns red once the ready date is greater then the shi...

3 replies Last reply on 10 Jan 2014 by

Trying to aggregate data by different date across worksheets

Hi, I am attempting to consolidate data across different worksheets in a workbook, that having different dates. For example, worksheet "Cert1" has...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Jan 2014 by

How to delete 19 row after the cell which has certain value

i have done a code to delete the row which has "Trip" in any cell in this row as below Sub DeleteRows() Dim c As Range Dim SrchRng ...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Jan 2014 by

Copy data from sheet1 to sheet2

Hello, I want to copy data from sheet 1 to sheet 2. I have data in 4 columns and 100 row in sheet1. I want to copy each row of sheet 1 in sheet 2 ...

3 replies Last reply on 9 Jan 2014 by

Formula to add values from different columns

Hi I am new to excel and need help in adding values in my sheet. the contents are as follows: NAME -------- TAG ---- ...

2 replies Last reply on 8 Jan 2014 by

Help with time, and alert formula

Hey all.. New to the forum, so please be gentle.. hehe I working in a busy office/communications orientated job, and I am wanting some help with ...

2 replies Last reply on 6 Jan 2014 by

How to transfer data from all the sheets and pasting it in

Hi All, I need one help, I am having excel workbook, I need to copy the data which is there in each sheet and i need to paste that in a master work...

9 replies Last reply on 5 Jan 2014 by

I can't open my pdf attachment in my eamil


Hello, plz help me,i tried to open PDF attachment in my eamil but I could'nt .Configuration: Windows XP Internet Explorer 6.0

Last reply on 4 Jan 2014 by

Last id # entered

I have a very long list of ID #'s that all start with the either BIL_ADMIN_ and then the number or with BIL_RECEIPT_ and then the number. Is there a ...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Jan 2014 by

Column totals using macro

need help , how do I add sum totals at the bottom of columns of varying lengths using macros. eg I have data in columns a to f, I want columns c to f ...

9 replies Last reply on 3 Jan 2014 by

Help with text & number rule!


I wonder if anyone would know how to create the following rule in Excel: IF I enter a specific "text" in cell A, then Excel would insert a correspo...

7 replies Last reply on 3 Jan 2014 by

Applying my macro to a range of cells...


I found this macro and it works perfectly....inserts an "x" on a single mouse click into cells, but I only want it active on a certain range of cells....

5 replies Last reply on 3 Jan 2014 by

Conditional fomatting

I am trying to add conditional formatting to a spreadsheet. It is an employee list showing drivers lic and med cards expiration dates. I want to forma...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Jan 2014 by

Macro for creating text file and copy paste date

Hello experts, I need an another macro, a keypad shortcut triggered macro (Ctrl+j), which will copy ranges "A10:A45", create a new text file on the...

5 replies Last reply on 1 Jan 2014 by

Help with comparing column data

Here is my situation, I have a DB with a column of customer #'s that I want to tie to a status column. Each customer # can have anywhere from 1 - 12 ...

3 replies Last reply on 31 Dec 2014 by

Paste 10 or more worksheets data in a single worksheet

I want paste 10 or more worksheets data in a single worksheet by using formula, is it possible?? Thanks in advance Mahfuz

2 replies Last reply on 31 Dec 2014 by

Macro for copying cells with format from last sheet to new sheet

Hello, My project requires to maintain a database for all customers. I have already obtained an event macro from experts from this forum, which, I...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Dec 2013 by

Excel formula

I need a formula to compute one equation if one criteria OR another criteria is met, and a different equation depending on another criteria If 0...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Dec 2013 by

Macro for creating a new excel sheet based on certain conditions

Dear Experts, Greetings. My sincere thanks for the support you providing thorugh this forum. Now stuck with some requirements in the microsoft exce...

7 replies Last reply on 25 Dec 2013 by

Time calculation formula

Hello, what is the formula to calculate time between two different dates and times Thanks

1 reply Last reply on 25 Dec 2013 by

Date function


i want to know how to create a date series in an excel.. for eg if i enter the date in A1 as 1.12.2013 how to create automatically in the A2 as 2.12...

1 reply Last reply on 24 Dec 2013 by

Applying conditional formatting to multiple cells

Hi all, I've actualy already done what I needed to do, but as this is a very sensitive document I would like to know WHY it worked, just to be sure...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Dec 2013 by

Formula to highlight cell based on data value over 2 cells

Hi Guys and Girls, I'm am trying to improve a current spreadsheet I'm using where I am collating movement times in and out of a location. I want...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Dec 2013 by

Conditional formatting to colour cell based on text in another

Hi, I have a workbook tracking submission of work ideas. In column C I have the date received. In column J I have status (approved, rejected, pendi...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Dec 2013 by


Hello, Function SpellNumber(amt As Variant) As Variant Dim FIGURE As Variant Dim LENFIG As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim WORDs(19) As String ...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Dec 2013 by

Conditioning formatting

HI All, we have mandatory annual training requirements and I have a spreadsheet which records the date training has been completed. we have seve...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Dec 2013 by

Date formula

HI I want to set the formula for excel for when I insert date in cell ex. 1dec2013 then I will select any empty cell date change in to 31dec2013

1 reply Last reply on 18 Dec 2013 by

If command across multiple cells

Hi Guys, I can successfully use if command with text on a single cell, however I want the true or false outcome to be based on multiple cells. T...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Dec 2013 by
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