The discussions
Pc take long time for start up help ?
Solved/ClosedHello, I have a problem while I switch on my pc it takes long time for start up this problem was started when I uninstalled avg in my pc after uni...
Winrar password bypass?
ClosedI downloaded multiple PC games from utorrent and after moving them to my notebook from my android learned they were password protected zip files..... ...
How to change the language on my computer
Solved/ClosedHello, pls help me to change the language,everything is coming in arabic which I dont understand I need everything to be in english. thanks juhi
Microsoft surface 3 pro windows update stucked 7%
The Surface was doing a Windows update. it never made it pass 7% of its update. The wife and I went to bed woke the next morning to the same screen sa...
.exe is not a valid win32 application
I keep receiving the .exe is not a valid Win32 application. Everytime I reinstall a program it stops working immediately I close it and I receive the ...
How do i retain the monitor original settings
Microsoft update did not reset pc monitor to correct visual to monitor. Icant get pc to reset back to 2020 screen. monitor setting cant be set to ...
Computer locked up while i was on internet
Hi, New member. My computer locked up while I was on internet. Turned it off. Restarted and the screen with date and time opened, but I gave no mouse,...
My 2, 4, 6 and 8 keys are not working on my number pad
Hello, My 2, 4, 6 and 8 keys are not working on my keyboard number pad, but ONLY with the calculator. They work fine otherwise. I have done the ea...
Access old material
I have a registration number and wondering if I am able to access old material.
Window xp7 launch repair
Hello, My Toshiba satellite laptop window xp7 problem with black screen Window failed to start. A recent hardware or software cause .launch start...
"booting grldr"
Solved/ClosedHello, i m having Compaq laptop.Intel cor 2 duo.i installed windows vista and when it reached the log in screen it automatically restarted and after ...
How to change language dell inspiron 11-3168
Hello, How to change language from polish to english for dell inspiron 11-3168 System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
Boot configuration data were missing or has error
Hello guys, i was having a trouble in my Lenovo Ideapad 110. Every time i open it says the Boot Configuration Data in my PC was missing or contains er...
How to factory reset my laptop
How do i factory reset my laptop that has a user name: administrator and password: which im not sure of.
Forgot windows xp password
Hello, I Forgot my windows xp password and my user name is accer System Configuration: Android / Opera Next 23.0.2254.114923
Restore compaq presario cq45 to original state
ClosedHello, how do I restore my compaq Presario CQ45 laptoop to original state with out the cds it came with? I lost my Recory disc. thank you very much!S...
Screen has blacked out
My computer is screen has blacked out while the power is running and every time I turn it on it turns off automatically and when i do it repeatedly th...
Secret folder closes when entering the password
Hello, please help me my secret folder is not working, when I open it closes as soon as I change to a language I choose for password, please help
Does tech bla make image blender for windows?
Hello, Does Tech BLA make Image Blender for Windows? System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 64.0.3282.167
Lost words on all the files
windows 7,after opening all the files all the words disappeared so i can't read the files to return or reset the words.
Specified module could not be found
this is the message I'm getting at startup, how can I get rid of it?? There was a problem starting C:\Program The specified module could not be fo...
Windows 10 how do i turn off updates
SolvedHow do I turn off updates on Windows 10 and 8. The latest W10 update just destroyed my PC!!
About windows installing
Hello, My problem is I have two drive one is 40 GB and one is 80 GB I have installed window xp on 80 GB hard disk I was try to install win 7 on my 4...
Even in safe mode is asking password
Hello, even is safe mode is asking for password. what to do trow away the dam god PC out of the window, life was much eas...
Regedit is disabled by the administrator
Solved/ClosedHello, whenever i run regedit a message is displayed "registry editing is disabled by the administrator". tell me what to do? Thanks for any help. ...
Gateway desktop stuck on setup is starting services screen
Hello, Ran recovery in Gateway desktop and is now stuck on setup is starting services screen. It has been over 24hourks not sure what to do. Please ...
Newspaper application dos 4 error
Hi I am using a newspaper delivery application that n windows 98 Dos based. Currently the application does not run it gives DOS 4 error message a...
Usb problem
Hello, If I use the USB fix will everything on my hard drive get deleted or will it format everything on it? System Configuration: Android / Ch...
Account password
ClosedMy sister gave me her computer,she forgot password,How do I find or recover password?On gmail?
Windows xp blank screen
after loading XP screen is not clear position. while changing the screen resolution cursor is not moved. after re booting the system screen became bla...
File"c:\google\googleupdate.a3x"): error: error opening the file
Hello, Dear sir I'd like to ask you about my computer lap top Hp, Core i3 with windows 8.1. It appear the windows after booting there appears a pane...
Bsod infinite loop
Hello, I'm facing the bsod problem in windows 10. i had tried number of soultion. Like bootrec.exe.rebuildbcd and other bootrec.exe command s,c...
Cant find downloaded flash player
i would like to play my game imvu... but i need the adobe flash to play it right
No sound on lcd tv with hdmi 7
Solved/ClosedHello, I have a Dell Inspiron N7110 Laptop, was having no problem using an HDMI cable to send what was on my laptop display to my TV. Video and S...
Reload operating system missing a registry file
My acer aspire ES15 came preloaded with windows 10, the machine advises that I am missing a registry file. How do I reload windows and from where? Th...
Dell inspiron 1300 xp don't see the dell logo
Recovery process ...What if you don't see the Dell Logo on screen when you power up in order to follow the CTRL plus F11 protocol.What then? Are there...
Laptop is in two languages at the same time
guys my laptop is in 2 languages at the same time i dont know how but some stuff appear in arabic and other stuff in english please help
Windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.
Solved/ClosedPLEASE HELP!! I've been encountering this error lately. Every time I open a window and browse through the folders, I get this error message: " Wind...
How to recover my file?
ClosedHello, I had use "easy file locker" 3days ago and protected my personal data. Now if i am logging with my password it shows me that the password is...
Hp pc takes time for screen to show
My computer suddenly takes time for screen to start after..I need help System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0
Reset factory settings
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 46.0.2490.76 Can You please help me reset My HP laptop factory settings
How to change the color of my tool bar and task bar?
I have tried going to personalize to change the color of my tool bar and task bar, but it will not let me select anything. How do I change it?
Internet access/ wifi icon visible but not working
Hello everyone. I use a Dell Inspiron 15 5000 series laptop. Recently, while I was using it I noticed when I click the WiFi symbol of Internet Acces...
How do i remove the administrator
I have just brought an older PC with Windows Vista for the kids to play games on. The seller said they would leave the software on it for me, which i...
How to fade in and fade off in a div part of html
Respected Mam/Sir, I want to know how to make fade in and fade off some messages in the div part of html
Need to know how to delete my account
Hello, I hope you are having a great day. I need to know how to delete my account. Thank you for your help. System Configuration: Windows / Edg...
Problem resetting pc wont start up
I tried to factory reset my Acer windows 10 and it ended up saying "there was a problem resetting your PC" and took me to a blue screen with options a...
Shut down at loading screen help
hello gys i have a problem in my computer when i turn it on and giving the windows load logo it shutdown automaticly and i cant turn it on until i unp...
Pc starts.. monitor shows black screen
Hi, PC starts.. Monitor shows black screen, keyboard and mouse does not work! I have a MSI 970A-G46 MB/8gb ddr3 RAM/ FX 8320 processor /HD 7850 V C...
How to conect xaomi redmi note 4 to pc
How to conect my xiaomi redmi note4 to pc?