The discussions
How to connect wireless usb adapter with out cd pl
Good day,,, i just want to know how i can install my usb adapter to my laptop,, i dont have cd player for this... Thanks...
Idrive backup windows service stops repeatedly
Hello, Every 1-2 days, I find iDrive backup service stopped on my Win7 64 bit laptop. I've configured it to restart on first 3 stops. But still, ...
System disabled can i bypass this?
ClosedHow do I bypass system disabled screen and bypass administrator password ?
Second hard drive is not recognized
Solved/ClosedHello, Recently i upgraded my pc with a ssd .... but now my old hard it's not recognized in bios .... i changed the cable ... the hard is working ...
Why does this system take time to open?
ClosedHello, Why does this system take time to open? System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 67.0.3396.62
Email account
I not knowing what I was doing, entered another account, ***@***. This has messed up a lot of things on my computer and I don't know what to do. Ca...
Internet failure
SolvedHello, I have connected my modem to my computer and the computer is telling me that internet is not connected
Removed windows, how to get it back
Hi, I inadvertently removed the operating system (Windows 8) from my Toshiba laptop. How can I reinstall it? When I turn on the computer I get the ...
Change desktop background settings
In My samsung notebook NC110 there is no option in control panel for desktop background setting how would I change background of my laptop kindly guid...
No display and flashing caps lock led
Solved/ClosedHello, I have an HP Envy(!?) On switching on - no display, caps lock led flashes twice, fan running. I understand the led flashes are a BIOS problem...
Everything on my computer is zoomed out
Hello, About a month ago I accidentally clicked on "fix blurry apps" on my laptop. After I clicked everything was zoomed out, everything is too sm...
Creating batch file in windows 10.
SolvedHello, Sir, I request you to kindly help me to solve my problem please. Sir, i tried to create a batch file from text document giving command as ...
Reset windows/pc won’t startup
Solved/ClosedI recently reset my pc but in the proses the screen went black and has stayed that way for a while, safe mode won’t work any tips?
Screen turned upside down
me buttons are not working on my laptop. The arrow keys, space bar, arc. Also, my daughter mistakenly turned my laptop screen display upside down....
Hello, I have installed it many times but is say the window in not allow the game System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
File download security warning
Is not working for Me it's showing me to [file download security warning asking if I want to save or download after that it won't allow me to click on...
Windows xp - system 32 corrupted
I have been using this computer for a long time and really rely on it for many projects. One day it just would not start up saying Windows could no...
No sound ac97 audio drive win 7
Hello, My hp pc i will install win7 but now i will miss sound i install ac97 auido drive this is ok but not coming out sound there so me jack ...
Forgot password
Urgent! Please hemp me to get back into my Email address! I forgot my password! Thank-you all! My telephone number is: 913**********
Admin password
Im using win7 on a dell laptop its 2nd hand so i didt get a disk iv never used a laptop i wana unistall win7 then re-install so its all my crap iv se...
Audio drivers problem
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87 Hi I have a pc, sound is not coming. But it was showing sound is playing.
Security center service
SolvedWhy should I disable the Security Center service? Is not it better to be active?
Blue screen
SolvedHello, My PC brings a blue screen upon booting then it shuts down. What could be the problem and how do you help me fix the problem
Shockwave has crashed
i keeping getting a message saying that my shock wave has crashed or flash has stop working .when i' m in the middle of say a game it starts and stop...
How to format hard drive effectively
Hello, Please help me how to format hard drive. System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 67.0.3396.99
Pc is slow to start and shut down
hello. my pc take long time(10min) for startup and also for shutdown take same time i use win8.1 32-bit please help me.
Computer shows blue screen and then restarts
Hello, I had OS of windows 10,it is working but automatically comes empty blue screen and restart itself. Some softwares are not working.again windo...
Pf auto typer game data not loaded
Hello i am using window 10 and i want to download pf auto typer but when i started this as running as administrator then It tell that game data no...
Unable to create windows live account
Hello, when I try to create windows live account,it keeps telling me that windows account is not available I wait for a little while and try again.w...
Downloading and installation of apps
ClosedHello, please i have tried to download and install apps like whats app, you tube e-cetera to vain may I know the right procedure in case I have been ...
Bit locker
my hard drive locked by bitlocker . I am trying to open but lock not opend
No icons home page no internet connection
Hello, Had no internet connection either System Configuration: Android / Chrome 67.0.3396.87
I did a factory and laptop froze
Laptop freezes at the end of factory reset st 1% update. What to do?
Windows ran into a problem and need to restart
I accident hit the network reset button twice , the windows logo "windows ran into a problem and need to restart in one minute " I used all the method...
Unable to setup win7/10.
Hello, I have a laptop and i was gonna boot windows 10 setup onto it and it took forever to do anything so i hit cancel and that did nothing so i ...
Windows server 2003 setup could not continue
Hello, I tried to install windows server2003 on my HP xw6400 workstation system. The system boots from the cd and shows that setup is loading the ...
Problem booting toshiba satellite laptop
Before my laptop can boot, I have to press the space bar twice. How can I rectify this problem.
How can i convert a image file to pdf file
Hello, I am actuly trying to convert my notes which is in image form in pdf form plese do help me System Configuration: Android / Firefox 48...
Oovoo credit for phonecalls
ClosedHello, How can I buy Credit on oovoo for making worldwide phone calls? System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 67.0.3396.99
Link for downloading windows xp sp3
can you please send me a link for downloading widows xp sp3
On but black screen of death
Hello, My PC is on some lights will come on and go off but my PC will show nothing System Configuration: Android / Chrome 61.0.3163.98
How do i get out of this login system
How do I get out of this login system pleas I can't cope with it
Connected to internet but can't browse
Hello, I got an Acer aspire 1 laptop second hand from an old friend, its running on windows xp, it says its connected to the internet through WiFi...
I7 sony vaio no display after win 10 update
Sir i have bought sony vaio i7 laptop from a person second hand. Now after updating to windows10 and further updates in win10 my laptop shows black s...
Apps dont apear on screen only task bar
Hello, On my wallpaper doesn't show any apps or games not even the recycle thing why? System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 67.0.3396.99
Free email program for windows 10
SolvedDoes Google make a free email application that works with Windows 10? I have been using Windows Live Mail on my old HP Desktop. I am in process of...
Keep going round in circles trying to download the
ClosedKeep trying to download the app for facebook windows 8 and going round in circles?
Can't type anything using mouse or laptop
First, my mouse was drifting upward. Now I can't even type in anything. I did see that a warning that the "Synapsis point device driver" or somethi...
Downloading (upgrading) ms office 2010
SolvedGood day I have a HP desktop and my operating system is office 10 and I am running Microsoft office office 2007. I need to urgently upgrade and ...