The discussions
How to open mdf or mds format file
ClosedHello, can any body please help me, how can i open a .mdf formate file..thanks a lot,, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 5.0
I cant format my 8gb sd...
Hello, AL somebody help please,i try to format my 8gb SD but dialog box appeared windows unable to format.. what shall i do..?then when i delete the...
My computer does not recognize my scanner
Hello, I have a Canoscan 4400F that used to be plugged via USB to my Windows 7 computer and worked perfectly. This computer has stopped recognizin...
I cant find my at key it was working fine
Hello, I can not use my at key I am not sure where it is and i desperatly need to go to my email but how my laptop was bought in mexico so it is a...
Unable to open programs from desktop
Hi, After trying to download and save photo's from my email something has happened to all the programs on my desktop. They now all display as a ...
Stuck at the login screen
Hello, After runing a scan on my sony (vaio) laptop, I was stuck at the login screen when the system reboot. Could not move the mouse and the key...
I know what a ram is but what's a motherload?
ClosedHello, I have the problem with my computer giving one long beep and one short I found that question about it and it said something about RAM and...
Toshiba windows won't load
Hello, I have a toshiba and when i turn it on it shows the title "Toshiba" on the screen but after that it shows the screen mircrosoft corporation wi...
Urgent black screen
Hello, i got my desktop at a yard sale so i didnt have the password so i tried to fix that n all i did was make it.worse. Now i turn it on n its all b...
Windows xp
Hello, sir how can i make > Boot Windows From USB Stick plz tell me sir, and which software make xp usb Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.13
What is the new name of gpedit.msc?
Hello, I'm a windows 7 user, and no matter how many times i try to run gpedit.msc, nothing happens, and it says that it is not found, what is the n...
Windows xp won't work
SolvedHello, I recently had to install a new operating system for my computer and now it gets to windows xp loading screen then reboots. Does anyone know...
Black screen after windows start tsk mgr fail
Hello, I'm using windows 7, but today after booting the PC, which ran fine (a bit slow), the windows start page was followed by a black screen. ...
Windows xp boot problem
Hello, I am using Intel p4 3.00Ghz, Intel 865G/GV/PE/P/848P (Mother board) For installing win xp OS , i set my DVD-RW to first boot device, but...
Hp and acer duel monitors
ClosedHello, Hello I'm trying to set up Duel monitors for my desktop. One came with the HP computer the secondary is an ACER. the HP monitor works just...
Windows doesn't start (please help)
Hi!, some months ago i installed windows 7 64bits on lg e500 notebook. Until now it has been running with no problems. Here's the problem: 2 days a...
Can't see my photos!
Hello, I have this kind of weird problem. I transfered a bunch of pictures from my mac to my windows as i wanted to reinstall my mac. However half...
Problem with directx while playing cod6
Hello, i bought call of duty modern warfare 2,but while i playing it stops,put me out and says directx error.whow can i fix it?
Counterfeit copy of windows rid of message
Hi. Help! I have a windows 7 computer and everytime I turn it on and log in, first thing a message will pop saying "Your computer may be running a c...
How to unblock msn account?
Hello, I was wondering how to unblock my msn account. I was on it 3 days ago and the next day I went on it and it was blocked. I didn't block it. I...
Black login with cursor need help :[
Hello, I recently ran my anti-virus, it asked me to restart my computer and then this happened. Any mode I run in, Normal,Safe,Safe with networkin...
Windows 7 serious problems
I have Dell Latitude E5400 Laptop. A month back, i scanned windows 7 and deleted some files and data which i thought were infected, in order to clean ...
Laptop microphone not working
Hello, When I am trying to do call ,i can hear but opposite side can't hear anything. please help . Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.2...
Unbootable mount volume on dell laptop
Hello, i have a few problems with my dell laptop (xps m1330) and i need some help please,When my computer boots it gives me an error after loading wi...
Performance got decreased in windows 7 home
Hello, I'm using window 7 Home Premium I accidentally off my power supply while my com is running, the next day i on it whenever i go to f...
Fatal system error
ClosedHello, I have powered up my (ThinkPad) laptop and although it showed the Windows XP icon at the very beginning, I now have a blue screen which tells ...
Solution for auto restart while playing game
Hello, my pc restarts automatically while playing games but after restart no error message comes. Please give me a solution please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Stuck on background image and cursor/hourglas
Hello, My computer loads windows xp. it asks for username and password. I put in password and loads background pic and no icons and cursor stays...
Dhcp client service stop automatically
Hello, I am ashok... I have problem in my pc... My pc DHCP Service getting Stop automatically.... Then I need to start manually or n...
Blue screen error while installing xp2
Hello, I have Siemens Dual Core laptop with 2GB RAM and 120GB HDD.Once my sysytem was hangup and also while palying media players blue sc...
How to format my pendrive
Hello, What to do with this ? C:\>format J: /q Insert new disk for drive J: and press ENTER when ready... The type of the file system is RAW...
Lost and invisible my data
Hello, i m charan Actually i had unistalled software folder protect. Some of the files are not visible but showing the memory of that data. ...
Failed to open control panel
Hello, i have tried to open control panel but failed instead i see a message on screen "this operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effec...
Help with hibernation mode
Hello, My wife was looking at a church website and up pops a "R" rated Youtube Video. Shed tried to close it but the computer locked. She turned ...
My passport external hd not work
Hello, my western digital works on my PC, but when i tried it on my ACER notebook it said " Drive :/F is not recognized."i try to go to disk mnge but ...
My number bar wont work
Hello, when i try to click on a number on the number bar at the top of the keyboard it doesn't type in numbers it types or copies whatever i did b...
My monitor has no signal and my pc won't boot
ClosedHello, hey, i have a dell dimension 4400 note i don't no that much about computers ! anyways i have a dell dimesion 4400 and i got a new video car...
Laptop keyboard
Hello, I have a laptop,OS windows XP. When i type in letter "k" number "2" appears :( This happens when i try to login into the laptop while enter...
Blue screen and cd/dvd r/w won't work
Hello, Got the Nasty S.M.A.R.T. HDD virus!!!! Dell Inspiron 1520, Windows XP, SP3, OS begins to load and at Windows LOgo, get blue screen, all selec...
Windows services automaticily close
SolvedHello, I am Ashok,,, I try this way but still i have same problem... After sometimes(May be 5 or 6 minits only working) then stop Automa...
Stuck on windows setup screen
Hello guys, can you please help me with this problem I am trying to install windowsXP SP2, so the keyboard stuck on welcome to windows setup ...
Powerup problems for laptops
Hello, i have a dell,an hp,compact,gateway and everytime i go to turn them on the lights come on then they shutdown never showing a picture on the sce...
I have certificate problem,,plz help
Hello, i have certificate i can solve plzzzzzzzzzzzz help me? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.10
Hard disk is not detected
Hello, i have 500gb toshiba external hard disk drive .one day i am working with that disk suddenly i got the problem.problem is the external hard driv...
No desktop, no taskbar
Hello, I can't access my desktop computer's anything after i have being booted by avast. Even taskbar I can't access it says there is no .exe files...
Hp cd7600 factory setting
Hello, i removed my cmos battery for 20 second to restore my hp dc7600 factory setting but my computer is unable to boot up it keeps on restarting a...
Formatted the pc twice but nothing appears
Hello, i formatted my dell (case ) but nothing appears to be good .when the format is done nothing appears but a black desktop . what can i do ? :S ...
Changing a desktop background in mini laptop
Hello, jus wana knw is it really possible 2 change a desktop background in mini laptop ??? coz m too fed up wid dis background... plz answer sm1 ...
Pls can't open partition d,e,f
Hello sir, Please can somebady help me, ine my computer i have 4 partitions: C: D: E: F:,when i try to open partition D, E F, it shows message: ...
Booting failed insert system disc mssg appear
Hello, While switching on my pc i am getting that "booting failed insert system disc and try again" in pc But my hard disc is working in my friend...