The discussions
Dell laptop boot issues
SolvedHello, My dell latitude will not boot past dell screen, it just keeps repeating itself. I currently run windows 7 32 bit. I recently switched back...
Hard disk is not responding some time
Dear Sir, I am getting this problem from few months hardisk is not responding..some...time. When i format my pc then some month is work ...
Computer no audio
Hello, i can't play anythings when i play the computer said that i do not have a no audio sound install so i cheek and i try to download but can't ...
Can not find my bluetooth on acer laptop.
Hello, I am hoping anyone can help me. I own a Acer TravelMate 8572 running Windows 10. When I bought it I thought it had Bluetooth but at the tim...
Password change
changed my password but still wont let me in to my pc any one know what i can do
Laptop hp windows vista
My laptop is really gone When i turn on my laptop and then there is a sound comes up(loudly) but when the symbol hp show up and then there's is a ch...
Internet shortcut icons not working (ie;emai. buss. sites)
Hello, Icons there but I get message; Unable to open this internet shortcut. The protocol "https" does not have a registered program. This just st...
Cpu goes up to 30% only by opening task manager...
Hello, Its a little detail here that seems very weird to me... once i open the task manager CPU usage goes up to 30% or more and suddenly drops...
Cannot access the d and e drives in windows 8
I am unable to access the d and e drives in windows 8.. every time i am trying to do so, it is showing "Access denied".. i think it is probably not bc...
Resizing and saving photographs
SolvedHow do I resize photographs, and save them without deleting the full sized original?
Bsod when installing xp
Hello, I have an HP Compaq 2510p Notebook PC. I want to install Windows XP, but... BSOD. I got this at least 5 times in a row! Please help! Co...
Blank screen
Hello, My Laptop shows a blank screen when I turn it on. What do I do.
Acer laptopwon't start and black screen
hello; please someone help me, my Acer laptop has a problem; I can open it but the screen is black I used it yesterday, but when I open now it has...
Hard reset on my toshiba satellite series
Hello, Nothing helps just like zo i have tryed everything from the 0 button to the F12 button the F2button continues times nuthing is helping me s...
My pc take a long time to start up anyone can help ?
Hello, my PC take more than 1 hour on inter screen then "bib" sound then start normally whats the problem ?? windows 7
Startup problem
Afternoon there, So I'm having a bit of a booting up problem. On startup, my HP laptop enters a loading screen in which only the blue HP symbol appea...
Keyboard doesn't work if you hold down shift.
Hello, I held down shift to long and it now isn't working. It will only work if I hold down the key for 10 seconds.
My laptop won't work in normal mode as far as seeing it. sos
Hello, So i had a rabbittv chip i was using while in an app called PlutoTv, i had hooked up a HDMI cord to the tv to play it off of there, well it n...
Picture transfer from picasa via flash drive
Have copied pictures from Picasa folder to flash drive on my Windows 10 computer. When flash drive is inserted in other computers, flash drive appear...
Shutting down problem
My problem is that when i try to power on my laptop it just shows me the screen with the loading circle and the words "shutting down" right under. I t...
Wd my passport detection problem
Hello, I have been using my WD My Passport portable hard drive for nearly four years without a problem whatsoever. Yesterday, it accidentally fel...
I want to know something about the forum its contribution clearly around business.
Get the spanish out of the english on my facebook
Hello, Get the spanesh out of my english on my facebook Configuration: Windows / Chrome 51.0.2704.106
Problem occurs when windows try to installing.
Hello, last night i was trying to get install windows from my usb stick by manually. i gave the cammand from system management for boot w...
Dell inspiron one2020 no display
Hello, I have a black screen and my desktop starts but I can not see anything. Please help. Configuration: iPhone / Safari 9.0
Monitor no display, mouse works but keyboard doesnt
Hello My computer would not turn on, fans, lights, wires, are all perfectly fine, but the monitor would display no signal, and the mouse works but th...
Toshiba booting failure
Hello, When I start my Toshiba satellite c55d it says checking media(fail) then it will say no boot able device --please restart system, is ther...
How to install windows xp using pen drive
Hello, How to install windows xp using pen drive over Windows 7
Real player downloader "unable to download"
In IE, Real Player download button appears, shows message "unable to download" In Chrome, shows message "No video found at this location"
How to install vista pack 1
how to install vista pack 1 I don't have the cd
Hello, where do you go to desktop....and where do you go for more ??? Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 51.0.2704.106
Hard disk not showing in my computer
hello, I have WD my passport 1tb it was working earlier in my laptop but suddenly it stopped working n not showing in my computer i have checked in o...
Keyboard typing other letters
SolvedHello, when I type "h" it will come up as "ih" its other letters too..
Laptop processor around 60%, no major processes running
Solvedhi to you all After a couple of days of simple web browsing and listening to music on my laptop i've found out it has become really slow. it can ...
Inspiron 3521 won't on
Hello, My inspiron 3521 dell won't on when I plug the charger after sometimes a beep of flash light has been shown help me plz
My computer does not see cd/dvd rom drive ico
SolvedHello, sir.pls help me. my computer in not see cd dvd rom drive to find in my computer. Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 5.0.1
Help i've been hacked
SolvedHello, I've recently updated my computer to windows 10 and not long ago I was notified that my computer has a virus from downloading something. T...
Downloading music
Hello, how do i download music on your site.just joined,can't figure it out Configuration: Windows / Chrome 51.0.2704.103
Windows script host is disabled
Dear: sir/miss My laptop always display a message I do not find how to resolve every time I switch it on "Windows script host is disabled on this ...
Im unable install windows 7 in my pc .
Hi , Sir/mam , my name is Amar I'm installing windows 7in my pc but its saying driver/usb flash driver missing . I browsed so many times & a...
Computer frozen
My pc won't let me do anything, as soon as I log in I can't do anything, can't type, load up anything, open browser or even click! I really need help ...
Access is restricted!
Hello, Unfortunately, I was trying to block access from a remote computer (a whole other topic ) and I restricted access of an application, file, o...
Audio drivers for windows xavier p professional ser
Solved/Closedi own a macbook laptop and I installed indows xp professional service pack 2 and there is a roblem with my audio drivers pls send me the necessary au...
System gets frozen after i start, gets fixed by task manager`
Hello, I have a dell laptop and I have installed windows 7 ultimate 64 bit on it. I am getting a strange issue there. When I am starting the system...
Computer will not let me click on anything.
Hello, Computer will not let me click on anything. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 51.0.2704.81
Windows\system32\config\system is corrupt
Hello. This is my problem. My win xp pc crashed. The error msg reads, "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WI...
Sound not working
Hello, i installed intel 965 express chipst family drivers and all the contents of it but sound not working. also install realtek ac97 sound card d...
Adding a second monitor to my acer aspire 5515
Hello, I am trying to add a second monitor to my acer aspire 5515 I have up graded it to a duel core 5050 processer and 4g memory chip. I am trying...
Monitor stuck in power save and no beep from computer
Hello, Yesterday I turned off my monitor real quick so that I could bring my dog in, but when I came back and turned my monitor on, it wouldn't wo...