The discussions
Blank menus on my taskbar and control settings
SolvedI have all my icons showing on the taskbar, but when my clock went missing, I right clicked to see the task bar and it is all blank. When I went to t...
Hello, how can I use an usb on my Mecer wizard 14
Restore/maximize opera
I had minimized my Opera browser to resize it, but it disappeared. It didn't occur to me to right-click on the desktop and click side by side (lol). ...
How to update drivers in windows 10.
SolvedI've just formatted my PC and wondering what's the best way to update everything, drivers, bois and all that kind of stuff.Does anybody now how to upd...
Taskbar not working
Hello my taskbar and desktop ocons are not working please help
System repair disk
Good evening , a cd of réparation created with Windows 7 can it working on a computer that have Windows 10 installed on it ? Help me please.
Acer cb3-532-c473
SolvedHello, how do i completely wipe this laptop and erase googgle chrome to upload windows program instead
Dell magnifier
Magnifier is stuck, I guess. I can't even get my password in. The screen is half enlarged. Also, how do I get the on screen keyboard to turn off...
How to open web cam in compaq pesario cq40
Hello, sir, I have compaq presario cq40 laptop with windows7 os. the web cam icon not sowing in my laptop how to open web cab,, Thanks...
Hello sir please give me link to download audio output device
Hello, Give me link
How do i type @ on a dell laptop?
How do i type the symbol @ on a dell laptop?
What is the latest version of windows 10 pro
Does anyone know where I can get this latest version, I would appreciate it Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
Free upgrade windows 7 to 10 dell inspiron mini
How do I do a Free Upgrade windows 7 to 10 Dell Inspiron mini?
Cannot open any programme full error missing so many dll files
Hello, On my windows7 PC 4gb ram
Andy is not download
Hello, my andy is not download in window 10.and its show file message
Gpedit.msc was not accepted by my windows 10 program. why
I could not get by your instructions after typing in gpedit.msc and hitting enter, the screen that popped up was nothing like what you showed.
Request to block account for my kid
Let me know how we can restrict someone to play this game, is there any blocking id concept. Do let me know for the same , else i will complain aga...
Cannot install
Hello, Cannot install any program, writing cannot find autorun.inf file in c disk
Problemas con el hdmi y el cargador
Hola!! Yo tengo un laptop que está rota la pantalla, solo posee salida HDMI, por eso conecto mi televisor a la laptop para usarla, el problema viene ...
Mail down to my desk top
Hello, Hi i need to know how to down short cut to my desk top so i dont have to go throw every thing to read my email i want it where i can click o...
Afbeeldingen worden door windows 10 niet meer geladen.
I can't find yhe ''run" command in vista
Hello, where i can find "RUN" command in the windows vista OS i can't find it please help
Hello, my process is workd but my monitor is not display i try to another cpu but not work what is the solution
Can't turn on my laptop
Hello, I have this problem where when i finished playing, i minimized the game and pressed the button sleep then leave my laptop, when i came back...
Touch screen
I cleaned my touch screen while viewing a website and the magnification became huge as I cleaned the screen. However I cannot reduce it back to normal...
Help not finding the driver of my webcam
Hello, Help not finding the driver of my intex webcam INTEX PC V/C IT LITE VU 100
My product id isn't working
I have bought a new laptop since few days ago for my business startup. after that I put product key to activate windows, but windows is showing, that ...
Installer windows corectement pour un ssd
Bonjour, J'ai pris la peine de rechercher un peu les sujets qui en parlent mais je n'ai pas trouvé de sujet qui réponde précisément et entièrement ...
The article about relinking images to another app to open
The article concerning how to relink the app to open image files in Windows 10 is no longer accurate. The article states Settings>System>Default Apps...
Move temp internet files
Why might it be necessary or preferable to move the Temporary Internet File folder?
Toshiba satellite l875d
Turn on but turn off , How to fix it?
My acer laptop is stuck on the acer loading screen
SolvedHello, My laptop is stuck on the Acer screen and it turns into a black screen. I want to get back home screen. What should I do? Thanks!
Impossible de renommer mes dossiers
Bonjour Je viens ici afin d'avoir de l'aide sur un problème que j'ai découvert ce matin. En effet, lorsque je veux renommer un dossier, un messag...
Besoin d'aide personnalisée pour pc au ralenti
Bonjour J'aurais besoin d'une aide personnalisée pour désinfecter mon PC svp car il est très lent et me fait perdre énormément de temps. Merci.
Reset dell inspiron 5755
I have done the reset but it keeps getting to windows welcome s screen and reboots. Could anyone please help me get past this. Ii can open a pre boot...
Camera insyellen
Hello, hoe kan ik hem instellen kunt u mij helpen
Help to resolve windows laptop that can not start
Hello, My laptop can not start windows. It rather instead says press F1 key to start up and after doing still goes back to the same screen o...
Hp pc will not boot up
Hello, I am looking for help with a very new HP PC that will not boot up. It goes through a loop in which it attempts to repair, but is not success...
Retrieve windows media player library
can not retreve my music from files back to music library thanks >
How to fix windows error message "error:0x80300001"
SolvedHello, I use a laptop acer aspire 7415z. When I install windows vista then it shows "windows is unable to the selected location. Error:0x80300001" .F...
Windows xp not booting
So, I spent half a day struggling why my windows XP won't start on any of the safe modes with similar symptoms you all have been seeing. Here is what ...
Scrolling pdf + add audio.
Am on Windows 10. I use Noteworthy Composer to arrange music so can have a Noteworthy file & make midi & mp4 audio files as well as pdf. How can I mak...
Language settings
Hello, I need your help please I can't find English in the language settings of my Sony vaio laptop I'm using window xp, I was able to get ...
Windows cannot load realtek ac 97 audio driver ,the driver file may be missing
Hello, windows cannot load realtek ac 97 audio driver ,the driver file may be missing solution
Windows problem
Hello, I will like to ask about how to remove starting up windows again and again my computer doesn't show menu anymore so what must i do??
I got an error system_thread_exception_not_handled
Solved/ClosedHello, after installing my windows 10 os in my new laptop and doing some drivers update I got this error BSoD: please help!
Net connection
I am connecting my pc with wifi and the net is not working on my pc..... but the same wifi net works on other device. Not only this, any network is n...
Sound problam
Hello, Sir my leptop dell sound driver propaly not found
Problème du pilote vga
Bonjour chers membres J'ai un problème de pilote graphique sur ma machine, de que je veux mettre le pilote en jour on me dit que les meilleurs pilote...
Need xp drivers for hp pavilion media center
SolvedHello, I have a HP Pavilion Media Center m8226x Desktop PC, today I installed Windows XP on a separate partition so that I could dual-boot instead ...