The discussions
Hello, how can i install window xp through pain drive ,reply me.
Windows installewr
Hello, My windows install keeps poping up everytime I want to open a file. Nothing installs. Help
What's on my computer
Hello, I recently had my computer rebuilt to where it is 99% new. I was told that Windows 7 was installed and the screens and programs are diffe...
Error 9
Hello, i am connected to the internet properly but my message keeps coming up "no network connection error 9". i have e-mail all working properly. pl...
Cant see my files
Hello, my slave hard disk is about 18gig. It shows that 15gig is used but i cant see files. How do i get to my files which are hidden? Thanks in adva...
Windows won't open after updates
Hello, After the nightly updates were run, this morning when I turned on my machine, it will not open windows. I get the following message: We ap...
Mointor goes black every 30 minutes
Hello, Yes the users monitor's screen saver and background goes black every thirty minutes when she is working . she has to go in to it and reset th...
I have a serious prb
Hello, i have the problem of the keyboard that it makes very bad writings... the prb is like this (ill write the start fast enough to "turn on" the p...
Monitor shows no signal after windows loading
Hello, Here is the problem: Computer starts fine. Passes bios control. Starts loading windows. Right after the win loading and before the pass...
Display power
Hello, my dispaly power all the time in power save mode even i push FN bottom with up arrow but no change so please advice me what can i do to incres...
Cant connect
Hello, I have a toshiba laptop.I dont have a wireless router. I use an Ethernet cable, the internet works when i go to my uncles house because he has...
Acer aspire one
Hello, My computer keeps shutting off when I turn it on. it goes to windows then shuts itself down. i have tried removing the battery and plugging it...
Factory reset problems with dimension c521
Alright, I have been trying to factory reset my Dimension C521 Dell Computer for about 3 hours. I keep getting this Diskette 0 seek error and I go in...
Acer aspire one kav10
Hello everyone, Acer Aspire One KAV10 computer is locked. Screen say's: Harddisk Security Primary Master WDC WD1600BEVT-22...
Please specify the driver for audio
Hello, I have reinstalled windows xp through usb but after that ther is no sound i checked with the control panel sounds and audio devices there...
No icon desktop
Hello, when i starting win xp-2 but my desktop plan no any icon what i tried so far----- insert the xp cd & repair ...
Hello, sir i have a querry about an error occurring at run time of my pc.. It shows the "Memory feeds synchronisation" error... sir could u please he...
Pls help
Hello, This is Raj from Mumbai.I'm using china mobile Qwerty E71 pro. My network is BPL.I manually connected Pocket Internet in my mobile. I wan...
Laptop no welcome screen
Hello everyone, My lap powers on but does not bring welcome / logon. Ctrl + Alt + Del takes me to task manager and can run applications from inside...
Renaming a file
Hello, i want to rename a set of files in a directory . i have one directory with files such as "acb1.txt" , "abc2.txt" and so on.... i wzn them to...
Discover how to make money catering
Hello, Are you still searching for the unavailable job? stop the search . Teach yourself catering at the comfort of your room. We offer training for...
Fatal error
Hello, sir,as i got the solution for fatal error in counter strike. But i am not getting the way to download the file from deposit files.So t...
Bg image ko transparent karana k lay js
Hello, hi sir plz tell me bg image ko transparent k lay png_bg /js ka bhi use karn par 1e6 ma img top ma aa jatha h tell us succession me
Sound problem
Hello, my sound not working it says noaudio what can i do?
No oigo nada
me quede sin sonido mi compu es una acer aspire M 5700 y ya descarge los drivers y controladores y sigue igual no se que hacer y me urge
I phone sync to pc
Hello, hi please help me out about my newly purchased i-phone 3g from china.When i connect my i phone to PC ,it only shows removable disk.I was insta...
Sound card lost
Hello, Due to some Viruses problem I had formated my machine and re-installed windows XP, but it was found that there were no sound drivers in the CD...
No sound in my computer
Hello, In my desktop there is windows xp which is having the no signal problem then i have formatted and installed windows xp through pen d...
How to speak from pc to free local mobilecall
Hello, I am shanmugam.I want speak to local mobile calls from pc internet connection . so hence i request to you give information about ho...
Laptop shuts down
Hello, My acer laptop shuts down, no more power and can not be powered on anymore. what must be the cause? The power circuitry? Is it embedded on boa...
Vista reboot loop no restore point
Here is what happened : After installing a list of windows updates ... Vista goes into an endless restarting loop. I've tried rebooting from Vista Rec...
Fatal system error
Hello, Im having a serious problem with my laptop. Yesterday it worked fine but later when i rebooted it just keeps rebooting. Ive tried lots of stuf...
Hello, help me i cant open my account.every time im trying to open it they use to say that my profile is not available.what happend please help me to...
Xp on vista platform ?
Hello, mine is vista OS with 64bit. i would like to install xp on my laptop...and i don't want vista on my laptop can any one tell me which xp OS...
Win xp activation problem
Hello, i have a problem with activation my win xp pro 2002 , i already installed it but i don't know what to do with the msg "you need to activate ...
Toshiba laptop vista to xp
Hello, I'm having toshiba satellite A200 system precompiled with vista. I want to format & install windows xp in my system. So can any one help me...
Xp not seeing my second hard drive
I reformatted and reinstalled XP on my main HDD. I have another drive in the machine with data on it. When I finished reformatting and reinstalling,...
Hello, How hav u change ur laptop language ???plz tell m laptop languag is in french nd iwnt 2 change it in english
Direct 3d device
Hello, sir, i want to know about the direct 3d device..sir i have a software...when i need to install the software it creates an error message that y...
Dual displays
ClosedHello, I am having ASROCK 915GL motherboard I am having onboard display working and one PCI graphic card, I want display on both cards as one connect...
Need to change to english
Hello, I just signed on and everything is in Spanish. I don't know how this happened or how to change back to english!
Sata drive supported motherboard xp install
Hello, I am faceing a problem of installing xp os which have sata supported mother board like ich7,ich8 onwards,i dont want to use sata driv...
Connection (n)
Hello, when your have been signed out of the playstation network .... what should i do about it HELP ME :)
Sound stopped workin when installed windows 7
Hello, I installed an upgrade first to Vista then to Windows 7, Now my sounds are not working and all my games seem to be running slow. I have a De...
How to reload xp on new laptop hdd
Hello, My Dell XPS laptop HDD is failing. I need to replace it. How do I reload windows XP? I do not have the original disc(the version I have is cer...
Ma bluetooth isn workin suddenly
Hello, ma bluetooth isnt workin suddenly i dont know what happened it doesnt even show for devices when bluetooth is on can i download some kinda sof...
Installasion of xp os
Hello, how to install os for 100+ new system
My pc goes on restart
Hello, sir, when i am type msconfig command for safe mode then i restart my pc xp windows displaying safe mode but it continuasly restart after30 s...
Need to recover data
Hello, Accidently I format a (d:) partition of a hdd with fat32 & installed xp on it. Previously this partition is also fat32 & i format it with...
Registering dell system(purchase from retail)
Hello, I had recently purchased a dell desktop from a retail do i register it with dell online??? Pls help