The discussions
Windows vista
Hallo, How to change windows vista interface language to english. Now is brasil, so nothing can understand. Help Help Help
Win xp vol. key
Awhile back i bought $16000 Corporate copy of win xp 4 my company, it required no activation crap so you could use it on as many pcs as u want at once...
Internet connectivity
how i connect internet through my samsung s5560 to my pc
Sigmatel d10
HOW TO RESTORE THE D10 SIGMATEL PHONE? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6.3
Startup repair failure after system recovery
Hello all and thank you for taking the time to view my post. My computer is a HP running Windows Vista 32 bit, home edition Well this is what m...
My laptop crashes very time it boots.
I have a computer that has been infected by some virus. It does not let me open certain programs and such. I tried to boot on safe mode but if I boot ...
Downgrade fro vista to xp
How can I downgrade my Toshiba laptop from a Vista os to XP os??
I need to rest my pc to a earlier spot.
how do i reset and delete my pc to a clean space Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Os installation
how do i install XP from a usb? my notebook doesn't have cd or dvd drive but my OS has been corrupted. please give me a step-by-step method on how to ...
Vista fallback to xp
Hi there, I have a Dell Inspiron E1705. I have the above laptop and upgraded XP to Vista Home :-(. With the XP version, I could "reinstall" XP at bo...
Computer restart
My computer is restarting when im try to open the Microsoft word or any office document come blue screen and restart give me a solution pls. thanks ...
Why do i have to do it from the login page?
same thing, i have to press ctrl, shift and num/scr lk ever time it boots in order to enter my psswrd from the login screen...WHY? Configuration: W...
Windows shut down - restart attempt fails
Desperate need of help! My computer froze and I had to manually shut it off to restart it. When it restarted it came up with the blue screen/white let...
Retrive deleted images from xp
hi all, i deleted my images accidently from my laptop its os is xp, but i retrieved with a software. but images is not displaying how can i retrieve ...
No audio after re-installation
Hi, We recently re-installed our windows xp, ever since, we do not here sound and the volume adjustments have been disabled..we check the sound i...
I cant download itunes using windows 7
I cannot download itunes from apple of any other website. It freezes as it gets towards the end of the download. One suggestion was to download the 64...
Laptop auto restarting when plugged in?
Hi, I have an asus eeepc 900HA with XP & IE. When the laptop is charging it won't shut down, it automatically restarts after you shut it down. Pr...
Speed problem
can the speed increase similarly for utorrent application download.Because my bandwith is 128kbps and my current download speed is not more than 15.
Desktop icons dissapeared
Windows Vista extreme edition r2 my desktop icons and the taskbar and the start menu is missing
Wap settings
Hello, I want nokia 5233 wap setting urgent
Spooler stops in installation of hp c4680
everytime i try to install my hp C4680 it says my print spooler has stopped. i go to services and try to start it manually and it will not work. i get...
Windows xp dosent want me to repair it!!!
ok so i was trying to install world of warcraft on my laptop (dont judge me) and i needed more room in my hard drive for all the patches, so i went in...
Can detect viruses only format "c" partition
i believe my PC already inflected by viruses or mall-ware , so i want to know can i disinfectant or detect or delete them Only format my PC "C" parti...
Dell drivers
i need drivers for a dell laptop 2600 sata driver for slip stream tag no f5r1f11 Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Conversion-vista 64-bit to xp & bluescreen
Guys, I really really need help with this, i have read multiple posts & done quite a few things, but nothing works, here are some facts 1. i have an...
.exe file is not executing
Hello, i have downloaded a executable file from internet.when i open it opened with adobe reader and all documents and .exe files started openi...
My internet is not responding
How do i fix my internet explorer? If i click on it, it pauses first, then later, doesn't respond at all. And it makes my mouse to jump around my desk...
Computer won't play any sound or video
Hello, I have a new HP with Windows 7. We just moved and transfered our internet to our new house...the idots at Verizon took a week longer to get it...
Blinking cursor when installing windows 7
Hello, I am trying to do a clean install on a brand new hard drive of Windows 7 but I cannot get the CD to boot when I start my laptop. I went into...
Can't start my pc
Hello i'm sitting now on the computer of my father because I can't manage to start my own computer. Every time I start it, an application error app...
Urgent, downloading flshplayer 10 4 windows 7
Install xp2 in a toshiba satellite a205
How can I
How can i downgrade my hp dv5-1225ee laptop?
Hello, I need to downgrade my hp laptop (dv5-1225ee) into XP; coz I don't need Vista. Can someone please tell me what is the procedure? I have also...
Arabic vista to english
I got a new laptop running on Vista Arabic-display and commands, I wish to switch the system to English Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explor...
Computer help
I have a windows vista and i'm trying to open a downloaded file but as soon as i click on it, it won't open it just opens a new tab and i don't know w...
It would be nice if there lots of answers.
Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0 Hello I tried installing the program and, the chip in my computer. But try everything, why it say no...
REGSVR.EXE file is missing how to restore it Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
My compaq presario notebook crashed
i installed avg 9.0 on my notebook for a virus protectot and i was told to delkete it it has viruses itself when i deleted it my notebook did a restar...
<<sos>> volume control
Hello Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0I can't adjust Bass and Treble of my Audio device in Advanced Controls For Microphone dialog o...
Lost start menu
Hi guys I am missing start menu on my desktop. and My computer is Compaq presario How do I get back start menu on my desktop. Thank you
Computer isn't running any programs...
Alright so my computer had a nasty virus a couple of days ago, I downloaded and ran Spyware Doctor and it got rid of the virus. But that same day I w...
Problem with keys
i have a del laptop..!!my up,dowm right left keys r nt working but it is working while playing games..!!!
Change language
hi, pls. help me...I bought a mini laptop just 2 days ago A toshiba N305 windows7 starter..Im here in Italy, I bought it here but the problem was the ...
I can`t login
Hello, I can't login on facebook.Any time i login,wat i see is DUE TO SITE MAINTENANCE,YOUR ACCOUNT IS UNAVALIABLE. I will apperciate if ...
Where can i find hid-compliant device
Hello, I formatted my laptop Acer Ferrari 4000 last week, operation with Windows XP service pack2, after formatting, my optical mouse cant' be dete...
Bluetooth for my lappy...
Hi everyone, can anybody help me? I have an acer aspire 4732z here. i just dont know how to get the bluetooth thing to connect my phone to my lappy......
Bluetooth adapter sw for windows xp ?
Solvedfor nokia 6555 to trensfers pictures to computer Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0
Dns server disabled-media disconnected
I have a gateway computer with windows 7. I have a westell modem and a lynksys router. I was able to get onto the internet and everything was workin...
My cp shuts off during boot
My windows cp wont stay on while booting up it goes to the screen with the windows logo then it shuts off. what could be the problem? Configuration...
My pc keeps restarting
i have a pc working..when i installed another 1gb Ram on the PC at first it restarts. so i removed it..later i tried it again. it went ok at first...b...