The discussions
I just answered my own problem
Hello, I just posted the problem RE: my Dell Studio 1737 and print screen not working. My problem is I go too fast and when I clicked on Windows...
Error msg system restore disabled by group
Hello, Please help me someone!!! I have been trying for 2 wks now to fix this. I keep getting an error msg system restore has been turned off by gr...
Micro sd help
Hello, i have a sandisk 2gb micro sd card and it isnt being read by the computer or any other device. is there any way possible to fix this.
Dual boot error
Hello, i have one desktop with gigabit motherboard.i installed two operating system one windows7 and linux.after installation complete when booting t...
Not able to get photos from card recovery
Hello, I tried the disk recovery and it didn't work. Tried a few different sites. Is there anything else I can do or anywhere else I can go? Would ap...
C drive
Hello, my pc's c drive capacity and use both cshows 0. Only c drive Ntfs other drive Fat32. What's problem. Please help me.
Blue screen after formatting
Hello, Plss help me.. i got a blue screen after i format my hp hard drive.. i format it on other computer cause my laptop dont have a cd rom or ...
Open attachments
Add languge
Hello, Hi i want to add arabic language to my windows xp or to my computer
Hello sir, i lost my sound driver pls i want hp celeron p4 1.4GHz Laptop - sound drivers free download
Why cant i watch video
Hello, i have windows 7 i cant watch videos on utube etc. it keeps telling me i either have java off or don't have the latest version of adobe flash...
Windows system 32 corrupt or missing
Hello, when i start up my computer it reads windows xp system 32 is corrupt or missing. I have tryed to use the windows disc to repair the corruption...
Hello, ok heres goes got a strange one here......cant get my internet to open ...but my yahoo mess works plus my outlook works....why cant i get on ...
Hello, does internet connects more than 109 million computers that use the internet protocol for communication true of false
Help with changing the primary drive
Hello, I recently got a new hard drive and I reinstalled vista but the Hard Drive was coined as the D. I am now having a hard time downloading certai...
Can't find partition in windows xp sp3
Hello, I have three internal hard disks. I wanted to re-install windows xp with sp3 as the windows was corrupted. I tried to install the wind...
My pc keeps logs on & off 20 times in 1 min.
Hello, My PC logs on and off like 20 times in 1 min over and over again. could it be my wireless router? this is so annoying. why does it keep doing ...
My sytem getting shutdown automatically
Hello, I have system with Intel (R) Pentium (R) 4 motherboard with microsoft service pack2 edition 512 MB of RAm. When i starting the system it autom...
Can not find my product key
Hello, I would llike to find my 25 key code for microsoft and I do not have a microsoft cd. My computer did not come with a cd. Can you help me pl...
Hello, when i click c"drive then msg will apper that accis denind
How to install webcam w/o cd
Hello, hey i have this webcam but i lost the cd so i want to know if i can download a driver to istall it again can you help please? please ! i real...
Application not installed in my new hard driv
Hello, when i install any application, application display error something e:1406 error & then install administrator account. hard disk is new.
Xp keeps bsod and restarting at loadup
Hello, iam new to this forum and only writing this because of a problem i encountered today. As i booted up my computer, everything seems fine until i...
Keyboard problem
Hello, multimedia functions of my keyboard doesn't work in windows 7, wat is the problem?
Sound cutting in and out during television
Hello, Please help. My surround sound works fine when I play a DVD or PS3 but cuts in and out while watching cable TV. I have noticed some commerci...
Script to read first six characters of a file
Hello, I am trying to write a script to read the first six characters of a file and move it to a folder in a new directory with the same name as th...
Hello azerty
Hello, I lost my webcam driver and I dont know her type my pc is HP G7000 please help me thankyou
Setup cannot access the disk
Hello, Recently i had uploaded windows 7,but as some softwares were not compatible with it i started to reinstall windows xp.But it was unable to set...
Laptop screen is black after log on
Hello, My laptop is a Compaq Presario C500 running Windows Vista. I recently got a chord to plug up my laptop to my LCD TV and ever since then I ha...
No volume control, icon or laptop buttons
Hello, I have a compaq presario v2000. After getting a virus I can no longer control the volume through the volume icon (as I don't have the icon and...
Blue screen followed by instant restart.
Hello, i have a hp laptop which is about 3 years old and runs using windows xp, and its now blue screening then restarting straight away. is it...
Can't find hard drive while formatting
Hello, I accidentally instal virus from skype. Then trying to format my pc using w7 file from my external HD.. but using this method won't clean my...
My vga driver lost phonex 845
D drive ishow1/2 full but nothing to be found
Hello, I'm need to know how to see what is on my d drive (data), it show about 50 % full, that is more then my c drive. But when i g to d drive i...
Pc restart again & again
Hello, Hii This is nirav , i have same problem in my desktop. When i start the desktop ,direct come to the screen start with safe mode star...
Delete h drive,move space to c drive
Hello, I currently have H drive dedicated for music recording program. I want to delete the H drive and move that free space to the C drive. There is ...
Window xp installation
Hello, i have a problem in installing win xp.everytime it shows the error.stop:0x000000(0xf7abe524,0xc0000034,0x000000,0x000000). please help me as ...
Cell phone to pc connect for internet
Hello, I had purchesed Nokia 5800 Express Music.from available CD I tried to down load software which I can use my cell phone to PC as internet ...
Hi i have one problem in my computer
Hello, I am Mudesser , I have problem in my computer , i have created two account one is admin and user account, in user account when i open gpedit.m...
Sound card
Logging on problems
Hello, When Im try to log onto things such as, Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, Youtube, and some other sites, the page that says "The page cannot be displaye...
My computer won't boot up
Hello, A virus has attacked my computer and whenever my computer boots up and I log into my user account, It logs on for about a second and automat...
Dell inspiron 6400 power button not working
Hello, i have dell inspiron 6400. changed hdd recently but............ i cannot start my laptop with POWER BUTTON rather i have to press MEDIA DIR...
Drive local area cunnection
Hello, i am lost local area connection. notebook acer aspireone zg5, how make it back, thanks
Problem in dell lapotop
Hello, i got dell latitude d630 laptop, whn i keep it steady for few minutes its getting log off automatically. plse tell me solution for this pr...
Bsod - serious issues
Hello, currently having problems with my desktop, when i turn on the machine, i get the two choices f2 and f12 then the screen shows we apolo...
Hello, sir,i have problem in my computer when i connect pc to net after sometime computer restart automatically and shows winlogon.exe problem.pleas...
Hide my files
Hello, I downloaded free trial of Hide my files and mi trial period has expired and the file is still hide and i don't know how to get it back, plea...
Laptop shut down automaticaly
Hello, my laptop suddenly get off and restarts automatically while playing games or wen i do something like watching movie etc..ts gets 2 hot wen it...