"Open with" option not showing Windows 7: how to fix

"Open with" option not showing Windows 7: how to fix

The "Open With" function is a very useful option to have as a Windows user, especially when opening unknown files. If however, your "open with" function has gone missing on Windows 7, do not worry as we will show you how to restore this feature in the article below.

How to restore the Open With function on Windows 7?

  • Click on Start > Run.
  • Type "regedit" and press Enter, to open the registry.
  • Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Unknown\shell\openas\command.
  • Set the value of this key to "C:\%Windir%\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,OpenAs_RunDLL %1".
  • Save your settings and close the registry. Your "Open With" option should now be visible when you right click on documents.
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Windows 7