The discussions

If statement errors and using multiple if statements.


Hello, I am self teaching excel spreadsheets, and I would really appreciate some help to anyone that would graciously be willing to offer it. I ...

3 replies Last reply on 12 Feb 2013 by

Merging more cells into one cell


Hello, how to merge 3 cells into 1 cell? we tried and tried but we didn't get it.. even the formula, we don't know.. we are just a first timer. w...

10 replies Last reply on 6 Feb 2013 by

How can calculate days between twodates


Hello, I HVE TO CALCULATE THE DIFFRENCE IN DATE. e.g: there is a two coloums as per below, purchase requisition date purchase order date ...

2 replies Last reply on 6 Feb 2013 by

Transferring data from one sheet to another


Hello, I have been using Excel for a number of years but fairly new to formula etc. I need a VBA code that can copy data from costing(raw data) to ...

15 replies Last reply on 3 Feb 2013 by

Time calculations on a 24-hr clock


Hello, I need a formula that I can apply to my spreadsheet that will calculate how much time it takes someone to complete a task. Everything is b...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2013 by
Zohaib R

Auto notify or mail when excel sheet updated.


Hello, We have a Excel which is saved to a network drive and used by multiple users. What I need is when somebody updates the excel sheet or puts ...

Last reply on 1 Feb 2013 by

Excel 2007 resetting cells to date format


Hello, I have an Excel 2007 spreadsheet that is resetting all the data cells to Date format. Have anyone seen this before? I don't think I have a vir...

Last reply on 30 Jan 2013 by
Archit Badwe

Conditional formatting


Hello, I'm using Excel 2010 and need to conditionally format a cell based on various values in different cells. Specifically, if cell A2 states B...

4 replies Last reply on 27 Jan 2013 by

Simply cannot find an answer


Hello, I have a spread sheet - column B lists dates for the last time a report for each product was completed. Each report is due every 28 days. ...

8 replies Last reply on 25 Jan 2013 by

Vb issue with delete rows with specific values


Hello, I am using 2007 excel and have the VB doing 2 things: 1) looking at specific Column for EXACT values and deleting row 2) looking at speci...

8 replies Last reply on 23 Jan 2013 by

Macro help: copy data from a range of sheets to a master sheet


Hi, I'm looking for some help developing a macro to collect data from a range of sheets in a workbook, but not all sheets. The macro needs to: ...

7 replies Last reply on 23 Jan 2013 by



Hello, Hi! Is there anyone here knows how to speak Tagalog? If so, please let me know..I just have a few questions regarding in Excel. I cant ex...

2 replies Last reply on 21 Jan 2013 by

How to convert number into text in excel


Hello, pls.send me formula to convert number into text in Excel e.g.100001 in words like' one lakh one only"

Last reply on 21 Jan 2013 by

Adding a new entry into a list - excel 2007


Hi Hope that someone can help me with this problem..... I've created a list in Excel 2007. I've added 3 colours in the list (blue, red, green). I ...

Last reply on 18 Jan 2013 by

Vlookup range question


Hello, =VLOOKUP(A4,OLD!$A1:$B1404,2,FALSE) I'm using this formula in my spreadsheet and it is working EXCEPT when the new spreadsheet has inse...

1 reply Last reply on 17 Jan 2013 by

Adding the same action to every second line


hi guys, i wonder if you could help me with the following: there is a worksheet where column A is full with numbers. I would like to add to ever...

8 replies Last reply on 15 Jan 2013 by

If, then formula


Hello, I am creating a spreadsheet for the company airplane. Part of it is to calculate how many of the miles flown were "occupied" (had passengers...

2 replies Last reply on 14 Jan 2013 by

Convert date into month name


Hello, suppose date has mention 1/1/09 and no month name then how to get the month name

Last reply on 14 Jan 2013 by

Copy excel 07 sheet to other & keep formulas?


Hello, Is it possible to copy an Excel 07 spreadsheet to another window spreadsheet (not another tab but completely different spreadsheet) and keep t...

Last reply on 13 Jan 2013 by

Excel - active x combobox, selecting sheets


Hi, Am a newbie in trying to automate Excel. I have a workbook with 50 worksheets and a menu sheet. On the menu sheet I created a Actixe X ...

5 replies Last reply on 12 Jan 2013 by

Many columns return into fewer columns.


Hello, I have a spreadsheet that was exported from Survey Monkey. So the format cannot be changed. There can be data in any of 100 columns. Howeve...

15 replies Last reply on 8 Jan 2013 by

Msoffice 2010


Hello, How can I customize Naira Symbol in MS excel Office2010. Thank you.

1 reply Last reply on 6 Jan 2013 by

Short cut to merge cells


Hello, If there a short cut on the key board to merge cells in excel?

Last reply on 31 Dec 2013 by

Formating date


Hello, I have date in a cell now i want to see the next cell red color if the next cell is not filled up by the next 10 days from 1st cells date. ...

9 replies Last reply on 19 Dec 2012 by

Match barcode between 2 sheets


Hello, I have two diffrent sheets. One sheets has tens thausand lines with barcode value,description and quantity of product. another one has 2...

Last reply on 13 Dec 2012 by

How can i eliminate #value in calculated cells


Hello, I am building an Excel calculation sheet for cookeries for christmas. In cell H$7 I have the input for how many times I would like to ...

14 replies Last reply on 9 Dec 2012 by

Help with vba


Hello, I'm trying to program a macro in Excell 2010. What I need it to do is look in a Range for the NotEmptyCells and change their property fro...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Dec 2012 by

Copy data into next empty cell in new sheet


Hello, I am trying to make a 2 sheet workbook which has the input details in Sheet1 A1 and this is changed weekly but the info in this cell shoul...

15 replies Last reply on 1 Dec 2012 by

Auto filter problem


Hello, when i am filtering any item for adding value in that item, it will gets filter but the blank cell coming at last is much further behind th...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Dec 2012 by

Splitting list of names with formula - can you spot what's wrong


Hi everyone, I have a list of 1805 names which are gathered in a single column. These names range in length and "format" (e.g. John Smith, John C ...

4 replies Last reply on 30 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

If function in excel


Hello, my formula is =If(or(A5="016f7",A5="016b8",A5="017a3"),The monthly instalment is equivalent to...........,"") I want in place of ..........

5 replies Last reply on 30 Nov 2012 by

Comparing two excel worksheets


Hello, I am trying to find an easy way to compare and extract data from two excel worksheets. This is the scenario.. I have an excel worksheet ...

Last reply on 28 Nov 2012 by

Cut/copy in vba


Hello, I am fairly new to Macros but I am trying to write vba code in Excel 2003 version that will enable me to cut/copy a table from one worksh...

3 replies Last reply on 26 Nov 2012 by

Covnvert numbers to single words


Hello, In excel 2010 i would like to convert numers to words i.e. 123.00 (one two three point zero zero) or 1006235.23 (one zero zero six two thre...

3 replies Last reply on 23 Nov 2012 by

Compare and copy data from one column to another


Hello, I'm trying to compare column A in Sheet 1 with column A in Sheet 2, then copy corresponding values in column N from sheet 1 to column N in ...

4 replies Last reply on 20 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Excel formulaes


Hello, If there are two conditions, how to use the IF formulae. Regards

3 replies Last reply on 16 Nov 2012 by

Help on generating a number series using a macro


Hello, I would appreciate your help with a macro I am trying to create in Excel 2010 my Data is as below Column1 Column2 Column3 (Name) (start nu...

2 replies Last reply on 15 Nov 2012 by

Dynamic range and named ranges


Hi, I have a list of students in Sheet 1,2,3 where being updated regularly. They are named ranges "Boys" & "Girls" in Column A & B respectively. In...

8 replies Last reply on 13 Nov 2012 by

Multiple data in one stacked column


Hello, i am trying to plot a column chart and I want multiple data to appear in one column. example: I am plotting all the submitted inspections...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Vba for deleting data in row but not formulas


Hello, I am working on a spreadsheet where I have to copy data over to a new sheet, once the data is copied I want to delete the data in the row f...

7 replies Last reply on 31 Oct 2012 by

Automation of running excel macros


Hello, I have a macro in excel which needs to be run twice a day and I dont even want to open the excel sheet. How can I make this process automati...

11 replies Last reply on 31 Oct 2012 by

Comparing two cell in different spreadsheets


Hello, I'm currently struggling to do the following: Spreadsheet A Sheet1 Name Expenses Date ...

5 replies Last reply on 29 Oct 2012 by

Comparing two lists of id numbers in excel


Hello, thanks in advance for reading this. I have a list of student ID numbers which I would like to use as a student check-in. Column A is the num...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Oct 2012 by

Excel i want to sum only numeric values except alphabetic values


Hello, in a school resultsheet where each student having numeric values of their marks in 5 subjects.i am using formula =D6+F6+H6+L6+P6 for total ...

2 replies Last reply on 22 Oct 2012 by

Change cell color based on input in a range of cells


Hello everyone, I have formatted a cell based on a specific text entered in one cell. Example, A1 will turn green if I write "yes" on B2, using cond...

2 replies Last reply on 22 Oct 2012 by

Nested if's


Hello, I would appreciate if somebody could help me in solving this problem. I am trying to make exel decide in an scheduled soccer games which team ...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Oct 2012 by

Excel date format won't change


If I enter a date into a cell in my Excel spreadsheet using the shortcut (CTRL+;), I can no longer change the formatting (right-click, format cell). T...

Last reply on 19 Oct 2012 by

Excel,problem with if function


Hello, i am working with excell with follwing formula- =IF(H33>=75,"A",IF(H33>=60,"B",IF(H33>=45,"C",IF(H33>=33,"D",IF(H33>=0,"E",IF(H33=AB,"E"...

4 replies Last reply on 17 Oct 2012 by

Highlight cells based on drop down list selection


Good day, I would like to have a row highlighted in color based on the drop down list selection. I have inserted the following in Worksheet but I e...

4 replies Last reply on 8 Oct 2012 by

Excel 2003 days before a certain date


Hello, I am making a spreadsheet which has, for example, a given date of 1/1/2012. When I enter that number into cells A1, I want it to return ...

2 replies Last reply on 5 Oct 2012 by
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