The discussions

Excel macro help, hiding columns


So I'm trying to figure out an Excel macro that would hide row A-K on every worksheet in a workbook. Thanks for any help

3 replies Last reply on 22 Aug 2013 by

Need help to create an excel macro (combine columns)


Hello, Inputs Col A and Col B ( all data ranges are variable), need out put in C Col. (MACRO), I not good at vba/e , kindly help. Col A ...

3 replies Last reply on 20 Aug 2013 by

Add two type mix font in one cell in excel 2003


hallo i have a excel 2003 userform with textbox . I have problem in my data base . I have 2 type font in my data like DevLys 010 and arial. I want to...

9 replies Last reply on 17 Aug 2013 by

Recurring date formula


Hi All I have the following formula in my worksheet =IF($AA$2=2,B8+28,IF($AA$2=1,B8+7,IF($AA$2=3,EDATE(B8,1),IF($AA$2=7,EDATE(B8,12),IF($AA$2=4,...

10 replies Last reply on 15 Aug 2013 by

Cant format date in excell


Hi, When I enter the dates as number with out forward slashes, and format them by right clicking on format cells and choosing date the date appear...

5 replies Last reply on 15 Aug 2013 by

Lookup same entry a1 in 2 worksheet & return b1 from 2nd w/sheet


Hi, I have 2 worksheets. "Master" = Sheet 1 "Status" = Sheet 2 In "Master" Worksheet there are 3 columns, A1-User ID, B1-Username, C1-Status...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Aug 2013 by

Macro range


Hello, I am somewhat inexperienced in the world of macros in excel. I have a looping macro that runs from the bottom and i want it to stop at ...

4 replies Last reply on 10 Aug 2013 by

I am just learning the basics


Hello All, I am new to this community. I have just started learning Excel and am having a problem with a formula. the community here from what I have...

10 replies Last reply on 8 Aug 2013 by

Create a macro


Hello, Please help me. I am new at macros, and I need to create a macro that will automatically total a column as below: # Name ...

3 replies Last reply on 8 Aug 2013 by

Need help with an if function


So, I am trying to get this formula to work. The situation is that one of our items have changed names. In the spreadsheet, I am trying to get a f...

4 replies Last reply on 7 Aug 2013 by

Excel date problem


Hi, How can I change the date format from a format such as 22042013 - (this is not a text format). One formula I have been given is: =IF(LEN...

6 replies Last reply on 7 Aug 2013 by

Any part of string in cell matches part of string in another


First post after hours of fruitless googling :-) Working in Excel 2010.. I have merged two data sets and where there are instances of exact dupl...

9 replies Last reply on 6 Aug 2013 by

Conditional formatting can't caputure text...need vb code please


Hello, I understand i can't use c formatting to insert text and therefore am looking for a piece of code that will perform the following. Consi...

6 replies Last reply on 5 Aug 2013 by

Conditional formatting based on changing dates


I am trying to keep on top of dates that are changed weekly based on last weeks dates, but i need to highlight the changed cells only. Example: ...

4 replies Last reply on 5 Aug 2013 by

Find and compare calues in two columns


Hi i need to look for values (strings) in column A and see if exist in column B. if exist return the line number. (tried vlookup but i get only ...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Aug 2013 by

Help with cell programming!


Hi everyone. this is my first time here, and in desperate need of help from some Excel Genie to make my wish come true! Ok, here is my "urgent" pro...

10 replies Last reply on 1 Aug 2013 by

Conditional formatting in excel2010


I wish to have the following CF in more than three colours. I have placed the following in Data List L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,M7,M8,M9,M10,M11,H12,H1...

2 replies Last reply on 30 Jul 2013 by

Help needed in using marcos


Hi, I need to write a marco that is able to compare the specific column in 2 different worksheets within the same workbook. (i.e Names of staffs) ...

4 replies Last reply on 30 Jul 2013 by

Conditional formatting in excel - off of a range of cells


Hi I've never used these forums before but this issue has been bugging me for some time now.... so i thought i would leave it to the experts.... I...

6 replies Last reply on 30 Jul 2013 by



I want to write a macro from the start, I have date of employee name and their attendance on a workbook and on the other workbook I have a calendar. N...

Last reply on 24 Jul 2013 by

Excel help on if formula


I want to say IF cell L27 equals the word 'low' then do sum of cell x * cell y, if cell L27 equals the work "expected" then do Sum of Cell a * b and i...

5 replies Last reply on 24 Jul 2013 by

Combining two separate macros into one


Hello, I currently am using these two separate macros independently but would like to combine them into one with the archive one being first. I'm...

Last reply on 23 Jul 2013 by

Macro to search/replace text from another column


Hello, I didn't realize I was being rude on my previous post, that wasn't my intention. I tend to have a "too the point" personality sometimes, and...

2 replies Last reply on 18 Jul 2013 by

Urgent ansin excel


a table caring 4 rows, first row is Name, second is address, 3rd row is date, and forth row is house name. how i arrange this in excel in date wise...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jul 2013 by

Popup reminder based on date and additional celll values


Hi, I am new to this site and have seen a lot of great information and helpful tips here. I have been trying to figure this out for a very long tim...

10 replies Last reply on 15 Jul 2013 by

Hide rows with zero value in multiple sheets


Please help me in making a macro in the Excelsheet that: I can hide the entire rows if a cell value or (range of values) has a zero value in multiple...

2 replies Last reply on 10 Jul 2013 by
Excellent answer

Conditional formating


I have a spreadsheet with Excel 2013 that has text drop down lists. I want to use conditional formatting to highlight with a different cell color, dep...

10 replies Last reply on 9 Jul 2013 by

Convert a date field in excel to day of week


Hello, I know how to format a cell with a date in it so that it shows the day of the week. WHat I am trying to do is sort on the day of the week so...

Last reply on 7 Jul 2013 by

Some help needed about if function with dates


Hello, i m making a sheet with this function =IF(H1

3 replies Last reply on 5 Jul 2013 by

Creating pdf from selected cell range


Dear all, greetings. firstly , I would like to thank those who have helped me to get below code (to create pdf file for selected cell range) whic...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Jul 2013 by

How to compare two coloumns in excel



Last reply on 4 Jul 2013 by

Trying to write a code to insert a blank row above a cell value


I am trying to write a code that will auto insert a blank row above a certain cell value ie: existing: Column G 5 10 20 22 999 2 22 55...

3 replies Last reply on 26 Jun 2013 by

I cant open my exel .slxs files


Hello, am not able to open my exel files(office 2007) which are in .slxs formet. when am trying to open that file windows is showing this message: ...

6 replies Last reply on 22 Jun 2013 by

Enter time by clicking on a cell


Hello, I need help setting a code in Excel. I am new to VBA but have used Excel for awhile. I would like to set Columns D & E up for time. I want...

7 replies Last reply on 21 Jun 2013 by

Conditionally insert a duplicate row


I have a table with hundreds of rows but here's a basic example: __a___b_____c____ 1 Color Dates Completed (headings) 2 red Date1 No 3 red Dat...

7 replies Last reply on 17 Jun 2013 by

Macro help copy specific text from one cell into another


Here is the scenario: I have a large excel spreadsheet and I have a column in which I only need the last ten characters of each line copied or move...

5 replies Last reply on 16 Jun 2013 by

Excel - create a bulleted list in a single cell from a list


Hello, I'd greatly appreciate some help with this: I'm trying to get a list of data in cell "D5" only from cells "A1:A10" that do have informat...

3 replies Last reply on 13 Jun 2013 by

Adding 1 to an existing number if criteria is matched?


In column A I have a set of initials and in column C I want a number that corresponds to the number of times the initials have appeared... Column ...

5 replies Last reply on 8 Jun 2013 by

Find the sum of data that has multiple conditions in excel


Hello, I have a large data table, and I want to find the sum for certain data that fits a few criteria. Here is a simplified example: __a_____b__...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Jun 2013 by

Error when creating mailmessage


Hello, Using Excel and Outlook 2007 I want to create an emailmessage with a Macro. But I am running into an error I can not find any "comprehensi...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Jun 2013 by

From excel, open a word document and goto a page question


Hello, I have an Excel document which I have inserted some VBA code to open a word document; Set WordApp = CreateObject("word.Application") Wo...

9 replies Last reply on 1 Jun 2013 by

Max value in one coulmn based upon another column


Batch Price Column C 00015 2.75 00015 2.9995 00016 1.89 00017 0.56116 00018 0.1421 00018 0.11808 00018 0.1605 00018 0.12575 00018 0...

2 replies Last reply on 30 May 2013 by

Highlighti row/ colour fill through vb


Hello, I am after a code which enables me to highlight/ colour code a row on basis of expiry date and update every time I open that exel file. f...

3 replies Last reply on 28 May 2013 by

Comparing data in excel


Hello, I need to compare data in one column to that in multiple other columns to find missing data. Column "A" is static data, and can be entered ...

1 reply Last reply on 27 May 2013 by

Re: make a macro run when data entered in a cell -multiple event


Hello, I have three macros in the module and I want each macro to runs when the user changes the values in the cell (Cell F2) to "first", "second", ...

1 reply Last reply on 27 May 2013 by

Conditional format


Dear reader, I was wondering if there is a possibility to specify the number of charakters in a conditional format in Excel. Example. NL08569638 ...

2 replies Last reply on 27 May 2013 by

Convertion number into word


Sir, How can convert Number into word in excel sheet. suppose there is 253900 in cell B2 in excel sheet. How can I convert this number as Two lakh ...

1 reply Last reply on 21 May 2013 by

40 % add formula in excel cell


i want to increse 40% amount in my excel sheet and I have total quantity 90 can anyone like to tell me that how will I entre the 40% in excel cell tha...

1 reply Last reply on 21 May 2013 by

Insert row data into every second row


Hi I have an excel sheet with blank rows every odd line (i.e rows 2,4,6,8...700 are empty). I have to paste a row of data (the same all the way th...

1 reply Last reply on 16 May 2013 by



Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' Macro recorded 13/05/2013 by dhale ' ' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+a ' Application.Goto Reference:="onecell" ...

6 replies Last reply on 16 May 2013 by
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