The discussions

Looking for help with a macro/vba for find/copy/paste

I have a lot of data in column A of a spread sheet. I would like to "search" for part of a string, and then copy the row of the cell with this data in...

7 replies Last reply on 2 Feb 2015 by

Enter current time in a cell by clicking it

Hello, I followed the instructions and it works great. My problem is how do you turn it off with out deleting the visual basic entry? AJ Co...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2015 by

If function date problem

Hello, i am trying to use excel to give me two values depepnding if its a monday or a wednesday i have a date box so every week a person will pu...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Feb 2015 by

Comparing two lists of names in excel and then sorting them

Hello, I am wanting to compare two columns of information containing names from two different excel sheets. Names that do not appear on both list...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2015 by

Can i accomplish this with conditional formatting or another way

Hello, I have two worksheets. I would like to enter values in a column of sheet 1. When any of those values match a value in a table on sheet 2, ...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2015 by


Hello, I Want to change date format dd/mm/yyyy to in MS Excel 2003 Please solve my problem urgently

1 reply Last reply on 2 Feb 2015 by

Removing false in excel


=IF(D5>=150000,D5*21/100,IF(D5>=100000,D5*15/100,IF(D5>=70000,D5*21/100,IF(D5>=50000,D5*7/1000)))) What,s wrong in this formula Please Help!

2 replies Last reply on 2 Feb 2015 by

Increment a cell value - conditions applied


Hello, I needed a formula to add a value to a cell when the cell next to it contains a value where that value is obtained by incrementing the value ...

2 replies Last reply on 1 Feb 2015 by


Hello, I am Having enormous difficulty with my MAC keyboard operating in Excel. I feel i must have put the scroll lock on but cannot find any ...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Feb 2015 by

Want to copy sheet1 data to sheet2

Hello, hi there i am just new to excel and iam trying to understand by praticing by own i want to copy sheet1 data to sheet2 when im typing in she...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jan 2015 by

Apply a negative until 0 is reached in excel

I am trying to create either a formula or a macro (which I do not know how to create) so that the following rule works: (1) If last row of data (ie c...

3 replies Last reply on 30 Jan 2015 by

How to merge the data from 2 different sheets into 1?

I currently have 2 spreadsheets which show payments from 2 different companies. I'd like to be able to merge them into one spreadsheet which updates i...

3 replies Last reply on 30 Jan 2015 by

Rating from parameter lookup


Hi.. I have some data that reference parameter to fill Rating in my excel sheet. The problem is those parameter are in Text Type. Here is the e...

11 replies Last reply on 30 Jan 2015 by

Nesting if() functions?


Hey guys, I'm relatively new to Excel, so bear with me here. I'm making this spreadsheet to check if the payments of certain products are either la...

3 replies Last reply on 29 Jan 2015 by

Excel macro create new sheet copy & paste cells

Dear Sir I need help in a macro to create a new sheets with colum A name and copy row cells to the new sheet. Name Age Gender XX 25 M ...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jan 2015 by

Automiatic email

Hi all, I have used excel for years but never at an expert level. I am currently in a position where I need to view multiple tabs of data daily to...

2 replies Last reply on 28 Jan 2015 by

Help help help excel formula

Hello, I really need help trying to figure out this formula, as I have tried so many different formulas and can't seem to find one that works. I nee...

2 replies Last reply on 27 Jan 2015 by

Due date reminder with an email to the filtered list

Hello, Here I have a filtered list from Master Sheet to DueReminder Sheet In which column I represents Email address Now my motive is to se...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Jan 2015 by

Change date format using excel macro

Hello, In SAP BI I have created a BEx Query. We can see BEx reports in MS Excel. Date format in the report is DD/MM/YYYY and I want it to be displa...

9 replies Last reply on 27 Jan 2015 by

Comparing excel sheets with only a few overlapping records

Hello, I have two worksheets (1 & 2) that have different info, with not many duplicate records. I need to identify the duplicate records. I can ...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Jan 2015 by

Mtch formula required

Hello, In one column - A i have name for eg -Anuj Muchhala and another column B - Anuj & column C - Muchala - I want to know how to match maximum ...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Jan 2015 by

How to make a cell flash using excel 2011 for mac

Hello, I have Excel 2011 for Mac. Is it possible to make a cell flash using the Mac version of Excel 2011? If so, how is it done? I would apprec...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Jan 2015 by

Replace cell content in excel 2007

Hello, I've two columns like below and i'd like to replace the one in 1st column with the one in column B in another table. Name_A Name_B Joe ...

1 reply Last reply on 24 Jan 2015 by

Macros or vba for data validation

Hi, I have a data in sheet1 with ID, name ,area, amount,January amt,February amt.....(below month column particular dates are mentioned) Anybo...

1 reply Last reply on 24 Jan 2015 by

1 time data entry


Hello, is there any way that make a condition for a cell which don't let to any body change the cell after they enter the date. i mean when i enter...

Last reply on 23 Jan 2015 by

Add an x to cell if other conditions met

Hello, I've got a list of products for an e-commerce site. What I'm trying to do in Excel is flag any items that have a quantity of zero AND are i...

5 replies Last reply on 23 Jan 2015 by

Convert numbers to words in excel

please clarify my problem "convert numbers to words in excel"

1 reply Last reply on 23 Jan 2015 by

Mm/dd/yy and dd/mm/yy and mm-dd-yy and dd-mm-yy in one column

Hello, I have the problem of having all the 4 date formats in the very same column: mm/dd/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy mm-dd-yyyy dd-mm-yyyy I would nee...

5 replies Last reply on 23 Jan 2015 by

Replacing duplicates

Hello Trowa Sorry to bother you again but a problem has arisen. Everything was working OK until I tested "Pair names 4" Column Q. When I ran the code...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Jan 2015 by

Due date reminder in excel to new sheet?


Hello, I Have a problem in this code =INDEX(Master!$B$3:Master!$B$1067,MATCH(TODAY()+30,Master!$H$3:Master!$H$1067,0)) HERE I HAVE COLUM...

5 replies Last reply on 22 Jan 2015 by

Copying a row to another sheet with a trigger

Hi All, I was preparing an excel workbook, based on the sales pipeline. To simpify, The first sheet has company name and contact column. Titled "...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2015 by

Format based on another cell with a letter.

Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to apply a format formula to a cell but to use a letter as criteria instead of a number? Example:...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2015 by

Regarding pivot


Hi I am doing Pivot for multplie data . In the Value field ( bottom right ) , I need SUM as default instead of count . I have to drag multiple ...

2 replies Last reply on 22 Jan 2015 by

Paste at end of data

Hello, I'm trying to write something that will copy and paste cells AC10:AQ15 from a sheet called "Format" to the end of column AC on the sheet ca...

4 replies Last reply on 22 Jan 2015 by

Counting words, names as number values

Hi, Ive been searching for a way to count a list of names as a number. I currently have to place a 1 in a column next to the list of names. And have ...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Jan 2015 by

Find the first available (empty) cell on a worksheet.


As a newbee to VBA, my boss has given me an impossible task ... Basically I need to be able to enter one cell worth of data from one sheet of a wor...

19 replies Last reply on 21 Jan 2015 by

Trying to see if i can even create a macro! please help!

I want to know if its even possible to create a Macro whenever I copy/paste information that is provided to me weekly, which in this case is in th...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Jan 2015 by

Lookup problem.


I have a column of 20 dates in col. B spaced by 2 or 3 weeks, and a number beside each one in col. C. In cell C24 I need a formula that returns the v...

5 replies Last reply on 21 Jan 2015 by

Copy paste data in same column for multiple time


Hello, i need following manipulation.... Data Before Column "A" 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 ( After )Column "A" (After copy p...

Last reply on 21 Jan 2015 by

How to change text color dep.on the value of another cell.

Hello, I have 2 questions: 1. I'd like to change one's name color to red if that is in debt. 2. want to count a. all names (number of all people); b...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Jan 2015 by

Multiple if functions with dates

Hello, I am rather new to creating Excel formula I want to create the following rule working with dates: IF date in A1date in A2, then date ...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Jan 2015 by

Compare a cell whit itself (conditional formating)

Hello, i want to know is that possible to compare a value of a cell with itself. for example i enter "10" in cell B2 tomorrow i want to change it...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Jan 2015 by

Due date reminder ahead of one month and mail that to customers?

dear sir/madam Here there are 6 columns with 'n' number of rows. Column 'E' represents DUE DATE of particular 'Sol ID' and this date is common...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Jan 2015 by

Replacing duplicates


My Excel spreadsheet is set out as follows: A B C D E F 1 2 14 0 14 14 2 1 13 0 13 13 3 4 4 1 4 4 4 3 3 1 3 17 ...

Last reply on 20 Jan 2015 by

Compare and copy in column

I want to copy data in column 'B' when column 'A' is not blank. 'A' column has some blank rows. please give me solution!

3 replies Last reply on 20 Jan 2015 by

Excel - macro to highlight rows with duplicate values in a cell


Geetings, Kindly help us in creating a macro that highlight rows based on duplicate values in a cell [this cell may contain Alphabets, Numbers or ...

Last reply on 19 Jan 2015 by

Key board shortcuts to navigate along an excel sheet

Hi all, I would like to know if there is a keyboard shortcut to navigate from, for example sheet 1 to sheet 2 on the same excel file without using th...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2015 by

If function with date in excel


Hi, hope someone can assit. I need to create a sheet where I must take the current date and add a fulle week or two weeks to the date by selecting an ...

2 replies Last reply on 19 Jan 2015 by

How can i create worksheet as date from 1 jan 15 to 31 dec 15

Hello, I would like to create 365 worksheets with sheet name as date. Could anyone help me. Many thanks in advance. :))

1 reply Last reply on 19 Jan 2015 by

Macro for copying data from different sheets


Hello, I am trying to copy data from different sheets to master sheet under the following criteria 1. Master sheet should be generated when ev...

Last reply on 16 Jan 2015 by
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