The discussions
I could not create a new yahoo account
while creating the account it asks me to enter my phone number for a confirmation but I do not receive no codes which constitute a big problem because...
How to block camera interference while listening voice
Hello, I have found an annoying feature in whatsapp which is not e.g. in telegram. When I listen to the voice message like when I am walking outside ...
How to disable grouping messages by dates in yahoo?
How to disable grouping messages by dates in Yahoo? For example, in the outlook we have the “don’t show date header in the message list” option to di...
Go to first message in a chat
Does the whatsap team REALY NOT have the ability to give us a button to go directly to the first message in a "whatsap" chat, similar to the current T...
All subfolders are open
Hello, When I want to save mail in a folder, I'm wondering why all folders are open so that subfolders can be seen as well. How to set the list of fo...
Can’t pin chats
Hello, I’m Richard I haven’t pinned any chats, yet when I try to pin a chats it says I can’t pin more than 3 chats why??
Yahoo mail free stationery icon missing
SolvedHello, what happened to Yahoo mail stationery at bottom of toolbar?
Unable to restore from google drive
Hello, When I un-install Whatsapp from my Android phone, then re-install it again - and this to restore my last full backup done on Google drive - I ...
Yahoo stationary
Solved/ClosedHello, The Yahoo stationary disappeared at the bottom compose page, how do I get it back?
This phone number has been used too many times
Hello, Ashley here I use my iPhone 7 all the time and I wanted to create me a google account I entered my first name as Ashley and last name as Ja...
Visit-nosteam-forum.html error
Hello, Please when installing I get an error message saying windows can't find visit -nosteam-forum.html. please wats the solution
Location update
Hello, Why is it that when someone else's location is shared with me in real time for 8 hours, the location update is not in real time and it takes 5...
My whatsapp isn't working
Hello,my WhatsApp isn't working because I am using mtn let's stop buying mtn sim since dey can't do anything to our problem and whatsapp should do som...
Whatsap hacked and keeps saying you have guessed the code so
Hello, Whatsap hacked and keeps saying you have guessed the code so
Folders not visible when moving emails
Hello, When I try and move certain emails out of the inbox in to folders, I am seeing an issue where specific folders are not showing in the folder l...
Can't log in to yahoo account
SolvedHello, I can't log into my Yahoo account. I know my email address and password, although Yahoo sign in says 'Sorry, we don't recognize this email.'...
Voice email
SolvedHello, I received a voice email to my yahoo acct. From another email acct and I can not get voice email open
Whatsapp otp issue
Hello, MY WhatsApp verification otp not coming On My WhatsApp please help me
I know my yahoo email address. i need to reset my password
SolvedHello, I got my email address but forgot my password. It’s been months since I’ve opened or used it. Please @ thank you. Can you help me recover my p...
Please unban my whatsapp
Hello, Dear Team WhatsApp, my WhatsApp account is still closed, a lot of my work is on hold due to the account being closed I have requested you many...
You have been logged out
Hello, My whatsapp account have been logged out automatically for 3 times within this week alone. And after whatsapp is done with my review a calle...
Deleting a blocked contact that is not in my phone contact l
I don't know how I got it, but in my WA settings under Privacy I have one blocked contact. That contact shows up as blocked, and I would like to delet...
Voice note recorder
Hi, When i send some body a voice message on my android phone i get this black nag message saying "Voice note recorder" which is a pain. Can that be...
Email alias is missing in yahoo
Hello, I have a Yahoo email account. I would like to add an email alias however this option is missing. I have gone to Mailboxes menu, I can see op...
Chat syncing
Hello, I recently broke my phone and because of it, I cannot backup my whatsapp for a few days. If I use whatsapp desktop before buying my phone, w...
Can't receive email from a particular email
Hello, I am having challenges signing into my OctaFx account as an email from OctaFX is not coming through yahoo. I need to get a code that is send t...
Whatsapp doesn't restore chats from backup
Samsung A54, which had WhatsApp installed with two phone numbers, broke down. Google Drive contains backups of both the phone itself and WhatsApp chat...
Hello, when are you going to fix
You need the official whatsapp to use this account android
SolvedHello, I am getting "you need the official whatsapp to use this account android" when i try to login in WhatsApp using my number. I downloaded Wh...
Whatsapp keeps saying download official version
Hi, On my huawei nova 9 se whatsapp keep saying download official version. Yet i am using the official one from play store. What to do?
Can't join whatsapp group chat
SolvedHello, I'm having problems joining group chats, beek going on about a week now. Basically when I click on a link to join a group chat it takes me to ...
Google and gmail account reset without sms or verifications
Hello, i cnnot change my google password and i cannot receieve any verifications via email or sms I dont have access to receive an sms or email
Folders disappearing
Hello, I moved email into a folder (pension), when I received another email a few days later I wanted to move the email, but the folder had disappeare...
Yahoo is bouncing messages from my org.
Hello, In recent months my org has sorted out its mail sending: DKIM, DMARC SPF blablah. But Yahoo is still deferring mails with: Messages from 92.24...
How to access yahoo (original), not yahoo+?
SolvedHi, I cannot access my Yahoo (original). How do I access Yahoo (original), not Yahoo+?
Yahoo mail vacation response - contacts
SolvedHello, Yahoo's help article on vacation response says, "Set up a vacation response to let your contacts know why you're away…". I can't tell if "cont...
Find and download previous chat backup for whatsapp
SolvedHallo, I changed my iphone on 19.03.2024 and accidentally made a Whatsapp chat backup before downloading the chat history. But I urgently need the da...
My screen turns off when i play whatsapp audio.
My screen turns off when I play WhatsApp Audio or when I call. What can I do?? ????
Bringing back notifications for downloads on macos
Hello, before Meta made their whatsapp app for macos really worse, I received notifications for every download that, clicked, brought me directly to ...
Gmail forgot password
Forgot goggle password and lost phone but have a computer, how can I reset my password.
Gmail account hacked, unknown phone is using it
Hello, Hey my gmail account was hacked an password was change an there is an Samsung AU11 that I don't know whose using my account can you please rec...
Uh-oh we can't recover your account
Don’t remember my password yahoo email
Hello, I don’t remember my password for yahoo email
Transfer whatsapp videos
Transfer of WhatsApp was part of the Sony setup new phone process between old and new Sony phones. It did it without asking me. My chat is all on the...
Need to change yahoo password but recovery number outdated
SolvedI cannot remember my password and so I am trying to change it, but my recovery information cell number is outdated so I cannot get a code. I have bee...
My yahoo account no longer exists
SolvedHello, if yahoo does not let me will sue them for removing my email and password