The discussions
My yahoo id passward no working
Hello, dear sir, i m very unhappy because my id is not open, my id is this is my urgant id . i m invery problam when ...
Having problems joining same server
hello, me and my friends lan up on a router to play 1.6 we can host game and join them in lan but, when we all try to join the same server on the inte...
Hello, my laptop has stopped connecting to internet .my other laptop connecting no problem ,also my computer working fine . and sugestings to try .
Justin tv not working
Hello, Justin tv does not work on my computer. However Ustream tv works fine. When I run justin tv it shows buffering but actually it never loads. I...
Can't connect to internet
Hello, I have four pc connected to the internet. Three of them working fine, only one is not connecting to internet. when i plugg in-out wire, it t...
Speed of torrent during movies download
Hello, sir/madam my connection is going on the speed of 100 to 200 kbps but most of time it gives the downloading speed in torrent is aroung of 0.1...
How i can make vpn ????
Hello, how i can make vpn and what is the requirements of making vpn? p;eaaaase help me and answer my question?
Wifi connection help
Whats up Everyone!I found one of your post about wifi and am thinking you will be able you help me with some of the questions have got. I am really pu...
Pay extra!
hi there!! i have a question, if i`m using my ifone as USB to connest on my computer and get internet; my bill may be more expensive, because i am us...
How to set ip manually
Hello, I cant set maually ip address to my pc. When i configure ip manually,and restart modem and pc but i cant ping to Please tell me,...
Free gprs in aritel
Hello, i want to knw hw to do free gprs with mobile office in airtel up west sim card
Gprs setting
Hello, Sir i need gprs setting for my hand set 6300 my mobile no. 9773066690 its already let for gprs setting. on rental basis i cant download anyth...
Access gprs
Hello, i m using bsnl service and use sigmatel s 88 model set pls tell me how can i access gprs in my set
Internet window
Hello, I have bsnl broad band connetion, but internet connection account window is not apearing on desktop screen, please guide me. thanks regard...
I cannot chat with voice on my laptop
Hello, i cannot do voice chat with my inbuilt mic on my laptop.can someone help,,,
Sharing internet
Hello, i have a desktop and a Dell laptop and i am running internet on my laptop using wired netwok with a modem. i want to run internet on my desk...
Dstination host unreachebale
Hello, dear sir i have created a LAN in workgroup environment .here three PC having ip such as ,i a...
Is bit torrent safe???
Hello, Does anyone have any tips about using Bit Torrent? What are Good Torrent Sites and how secure are they as far as getting viruses? Than...
No desktop internet connection
Hello, I have a linsys wireless-G 2.4 GHz router. Recently I have not been able to acccess the internet from my desktop, but I can still access th...
I have nokia 5130
Hello,i hv nokia5130. i want to connect internet to laptop thro mob
Connection to the internet
Hello, My internet connection is fine on the modem
Hello, some time when i access shared folder in network by \\ on any pc in peer to peer the login windows display but user name box is k...
Server 2008 remote problem
Hello, Dear could u plz send me how to install and configuer and use the terminal services in windows 2008 i want to remote desktop my server i...
Home to office
Hello, I need to connect office system from home thru defalt dateway ..anybody can help me... i mean (remote desktop connection)
Hello, i'm using N-73 with vodafone . what should i do to connect my pc to net through the phone.
Hello, sir i want to join internet to my mobile on nokia plz send me a mail thanks, baljeet singh churu (raj...
Slow internet
Hi, is the lenght of the lan cable have something to do with slow internet connection?
Can't sign in
Hello, I can log in to read my emails, but when I try to use the live is giving me a message that my firewall is blocking, but is not...I ch...
How to make lan.....
SolvedHello, pls tell me how to make a lan connection between my laptop n home pc....... both computers has xp os and when i connect the lan cable betwe...
Hello, helo fb i wud like to make an enquriy to my account has been disbled i mean i havnt voileted any terms any terms pls cn u get bk to me pls ...
Plsss enable my facebook!!
Hello, i am very sorry the things that i've done...but,can the facebook company please enable back my facebook back?i really need it so much,once aga...
Can't enter d-link di-524 ruter
Hello, I have D-link DI-524 WiFi Ruter , after upgraid of furmwear I cant enter at all...when the IP on my LAN is on Obtaine, there is a masage "limi...
Pc suite
Hello, HI I am using NKTEL A-200 China mobile But i don,t have pc suite of NKTEL A-200 i want to connect my mobile with my pc For using internet so ...
I mean the code for nokia 5700
Hello,i need the code or site for downloading games like wrestling if u have an idear pls email me at
I dont understand what's going on!
Hello, I tried to sign into msn and it wouldnt let me it kept saying 'The Window's Live ID You Enterd Is Incorrect.' What should I do, I've only rece...
How to connect to nokia3110 through bsnl gprs
Hello, I unable to connect my handset through bsnl gprs .My handset model is Nokia 3110 c.Please suggest the correct solution.I am using nokia pc su...
My router is getting re set
Hello, my D link router is getting re sets every time i switched off the power.I need to use the cd to restart the router?
Using your phone as a modem
Hello, I Have a Sony Ericsson C905 and want to enable it to use it as a modem for our laptops for free, How do i do it for free. My Brother also h...
Setting up a lan connection bw computers
Hello, sir actually i want to set up a lan connection between 10 computers .so will u pleaze sort out the way as im nt able to do the same
Log in problem
Hello,i am having problem to log on to my page.When ever i give my email and password it shows ,"done ,error on page."Pls help me.
Hello, When ever i go on myspace it lets me go on everyone's profile except for mine. Every time i click my profile the only thing that comes up is N...
Connection prob.
Hello, Hi This is sagar act. my prob. is tht i m using an internet broad band conn. of tata-ind. ans i wnt to connect 5 pc with diff. OS (like XP...
Heeeeeey:) i need help because i want to sign into my msn but it wont let me the green and blue men just keep spinning round for ages not signing me...
Lenova thinkcentre (a55 tower e2180)
Hello, I am having 5 Lenovo coumputer in my office model no. A55 Tower \ E2180 purchase 15 Jun 2009, the problem is coming in all computers the com...
My orkut & gmail a?c is hacked
Hello, Sir my gmail account is hacked by hte person who called himself as Dr. Dang...FATHER OF HACKER.. Sir he changed my profile and written that H...
Getting wireless usb modum to work on my desk
Hello, I recently bought a wireless USB modem USB760, for wireless internet and set up an account with Verizon. It works great on laptop, but I wante...
Is my password of msn saved?
SolvedHello, I wondering if my passwords of msn, facebook and email are saved somewhere in my system, and if yes how can i find them?
I canot sign my msn
Mac address
Hello, how we check the MAC address of the system