The discussions
Wireless mini network controll drivers foe xp
Hello, it wont let me get a new pass word Configuration: Windows Vista / Safari 533.4
Gprs setting
Hello, i want to connect our laptop to internet through nokia mobile. i have a gprs connection of aircel, how i can connect. please give me answer?
Router properties
Hello, I was wondering if people on the same router/network as you can see what you are doing on your own computer. Like what you have downloaded ...
Windows vista wireless adapter switch problem
Hello, My problem is the. One morning i got on and turned on the computer, it worked the night before, and i found out that the internet wasn't wo...
Airtel gprs free use
Hello, I M Aakash Dave...From Rajkot... Now UCWEb is not working for airtel gprs...its stopped by airtel..year 2010 which software is working...
Model # wusb54gc
Hello, i need a set up cd for model # wusb54gc Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
Problem with hotmail
Hello, I recently got a new Toshiba Satellite, with Windows 7 installed. I soon found that, for some reason, I can't gain access to hotmail. When...
How to lan w7
Hi There Is there anyone who knows how to make a LAN connection between 2 PC or a PC & Laptop ???? Both PCs have Windows7 OS and I want to use a ...
How do i fix my ethernet not being installed
Hello, how do i go about fixing my ethernet not being properly installed on my desk top computer Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explor...
What do you do when ethernet is missing
Hello, how do you reinstall without being on the internet Configuration: Windows Vista / Internet Explorer 8.0
Hot spot
Hello, I have a Eee PC with blue tooth. I run my internet connection threw a wireless card. I want to jump off the internet connection on my laptop ...
Two pc's, one router?
For my birthday, my father's going to give me a PC. Here's the situation though. On our main PC, it's hooked up to a Modem, and from the Modem, we...
Msn sign in.code: 80070570
Hello, I am trying to log into MSN but it keeps on coming up with this code: 80070570. Has anyone else haad this problem? If so, please tell me how yo...
Kindly let me know my google email password
Hello, kindly let me know my google password because i m really worry about that
My wireless is bad
Hello, my computer has a very serious problem i get to many chicks and they farted on de webcam Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 533.4
Connecting 3 systems through wifi modem
Hi guys, Really sorry if there is another thread like this, but I have nowhere else to turn. I've got 3 computers at home- 1 is my laptop, one my ...
Wap problem
Hello, ma 4n normal tellz me invalid settings whenaver i wanna download anythng Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Ftp server missing files
Hello, I need to bring ftp server in my laptop for that i dont have xp cd so where i can download the missing files for that. Configura...
How connect wi-fi in red hat 5 in compaq
Hello, i m new in red hat .. plz give me ans. for how to connect wi-fi in red hat .. give me all step for connection Configuration...
My bsnl wireless huwei does not connect.
Hello, My BSNL wireless Huwei does not connect. error message says "a remote computer has stopped the application before it can be started" Ple...
Administrative problem
SolvedHello, I disable the server administrative logon though remote desktop connection.Now the server administrative password does not enabl...
Missing wireless network adapter
Hello, I reinstalled windows XP SP2 on my son's Toshiba Satellite laptop but the wireless adapter appears to be missing. I went to Toshiba site and ...
Bad request : http error 400
Hey, For the last two or three weeks, I have been trying to figure out how to fix this HTTP ERROR 400. But every time I do what some websites say, ...
Http 400 error
Hello, Everytime i try to get on myspace, this page pops up that says HTTP 400 pops up and wont let me get on myspace!! How do I fix this proble...
Wep key help!
Hello, I have virgin broadband, I want to know how to get my wep key so I can get online from my psp. Step by step instructions would be appreciated...
How do i find my wep code for my router
SolvedHello, how do I find my wep code for my new wireless n router from netgear? if anyone can help plz Configuration: Windows XP Internet Explorer 7.0
Write password and email wont log me
Hello, i have the write password and email . but when i hit log in all it dose is sit there and say its loading and it wont log me in ! so wht do...
Had to reinstall windows xp
Hello, I had to reinstall windows XP and now I have no connection to the internet. No network place. I went into the device manager and there a...
Hotmail account
Hello, Trying to fix someone's hotmail account. It was running until recently. The system they are using is very old. The specific issue is tha...
Hello, man iam using airtel gprs it shows 460.5 kbps but when i download it shows 8-14 kbps plsss help me i want to download faster at about 50kbps pl...
hi,i have dsl 360 r modem , but my download speed is only 100 kbps or friend have the same internet like me but he have 256 kbps...and when...
Reset router now laptop not showing wireless
Hello, I recently secured my mom's router with a password, on my laptop. (not her desktop) I was using the wireless fine until the firmware was upd...
My msn wont work
Heya I have just go a new laptop andinstales msn messager but everthime open my convosations when someone ha sebt me messge itget rid of the whatthe p...
Mobile browser
Hello, my mobile browser do not run even the internet is connected
Hello, cannot join party to play modern warfare 2 with a wireless connection xbox Configuration: Windows 7 / Safari 533.4
Messenger not working
Everytime i try to sign messenger on, it tells met hat there is an error and closes automatically, i am so frustrated, have sent the report to microso...
Wireless network
Hello, I recently bought a wireless linksys router /// i connected my pc and two laptops to it ... My pc has got win7 , one laptop has win vista and...
Problems with windows live messenger
SolvedHello, I'm a regular user of MSN Instant messenger. Recently I noticed that it would sign me out more frequently than normal and I would receive a ...
Cannot connect to wireless at home?
Hello, I have a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop and It connects perfectly to the wireless at my work, but when I'm at home, it says I'm connected with l...
Wireless can't see what lan could
Hello, Windows 7. Used LAN and managed to see all PCs and Devices with change to Workgroup. Now added Wireless and removed LAN. Can only see Media...
Alfa hwus036h (realtek rtl 8187) won't connec
What can I do to get a wifi connection to the internet via my PC (windows XP SP2, CPU P3) using the HWUS036H connected thru its usb port? Connection w...
Time warner and linksys wrt54g - windows 7
Hello, The connection keeps dropping and today it won't stay connected at all. I have downloaded current firmware, changed cables, etc. I know it...
Itunes won't open, says network timed out...
Hello, I can't connect to and it a message box saying "iTunes could not connect to the iTunes Store. The connection timed out." I have been having...
Win7 cannot access shares on winxp computers
Hello, I have several computers. I have a domain controller (NT4). I have a WinXP Pro desktop and Vista laptop on the domain. I have a WinX...
Why cant i connect to the internet?
Hello, I have a dell desktop and when i plug in my modem cable to my computer it always says limited or no connectivity or just a red X. Its annoyin...
Internet is connected but webpages wont load?
Hello, The history of what lead to this will hopefully help. I tried to get my desktop to recognize my xbox and laptop through a torrent progra...
Disable modem's wifi
Hello, I have a broadband modem (supplied by the ISP) with wifi to connect to the internet. I connect to the internet through the modem's wifi ...
How to disable modem's wifi
Hello, Configuration: Linux / Firefox 3.5.9 I have a broadband modem (supplied by the ISP) with wifi to connect to the internet. I connect ...
No ethernet control driver for dell inspiron
Hello, i have a dell inspiron 530 that had a virus i have cleaned hard drive restored vista but i am lacking an ethernet control driver...