The discussions
Virus help
Hello, my computer wont even restart all it does is try to fix teh problem. what do i do?
Cannot renam regedit file to .com
Hello, I tried to do the answer of #10 on rundll32.exe not found, burt when I copy regedit.exe and paste to the desktop, when I selecte rename and ty...
Remove virus
Hello, i m prathee, im using n70 is affected by virus.pls help can i remove this virus?
Semaphore timeout period expired
SolvedHi, my computer got a nasty virus. When I started it up it would go into windows but then black screen. (i think the virus got the boot sector). I pu...
About mobile anti-virus
Hello, Is any Mobile Anti virus is Available if yes means please send me Mobile anti-virus to my Yahoo Account
Deleting hacked gmail a/c
ClosedHello, my id has been hacked and my password has been changed!!!please delete my gmail account!!!!!!!my account is
My sony laptop has a new running system!!
Hello, i turned on my sony laptop this moring and it had a completely new running system called SPLASHTOP i was very confused. Then about an hour late...
Xp shuts down at load screen
SolvedHello, I accidentally downloaded a virus. I know I'm stupid (an .exe file). Anyway, my computer immediately got the blue screen of death and shut dow...
Vista internet security 2010
SolvedHello, My lil brother opened his laptop and had Vista internet security 2010 pop up. Hes not sure how it got on his pc do to his uncle using it ear...
Hello,i cant do notepad my computer wont let me and i need tto fix my computer
To delete banner send sms
Hello, I got infected with something that shows a small window which has porn and say to delete banner send sms.. it also does not allow me access th...
Cant get into internet explorer and google
Hello,i cant get into internet explorer and google on my computer i have alot of viruses and cant pay for them i dont have a credit card
Hello, I have windows xp operated Pc using ESET Nod 32 as antivirus. When I scans pendrive using ESET, it doesnt shows any virus. But when I scans t...
My space is rerouting every time i go on to a
Hello, please help.. when i log in to face book it takes me to my space!!!!!!! i blocked my space and its still popping up scanned everything and the...
Vwindows vista
Hello, This is Safran, i have prob with laptop hp paviliond v2000, my laptop is getiing stuck when I am away from the laptop after 10 minutes. ...
Please help me. i have done all i could do.
SolvedHello, I need help badly. I tried to go on a website yesterday. And while it was loading my pc got infected with a virus. It says it is an Exploit Ro...
Downloading problem
Hello, ican't download any thing 4rm internet
Format no of xpress music
Hello, i want to know the cause of memory loss in xpress music5130,which had reduced from 25 mb to 324 kb&also want to know how to remove this proble...
Computer is getting "open with" message
Hello, My daughter's computer started receiving "open with" messages any time she opens any program like Firefox, or any other program. The only t...
Please tell me how to delete virus from my pc
Hi, i have a problem with my antivirus software.well it didn't delete the virus. it is difficult for me to work on computer,its hang on .will u pleas...
No desktop
Hello, my internet explore is stopped what can i do and my icons are gone even my stared button not there just my background picture that all what ca...
Get to pen guard
Hello, i have windows 7. actually my system has two viruses... 1 st one is regsvr.exe and second one is new folder.exe whenever i insert my pen dr...
Doseany one know how to sort this
Hello, i have wIndoWs vista and im trying to do everything on here and when i click on a programme or try to download something that will sort it out ...
Exe files
SolvedHello, everytime i turn on the computer is says that the exe file winlogon and jusched is corrupted but when i try to download something to help me f...
Fusion ace
Hello, sir I am getting fusion ace virus when I open internet explore fusion page is open it is very irritating to me. kindly give a solution of it
File changed into .exe & .dll due to virus
SolvedHello, I'm on a bad problem, when I took data from memory card, then that partition of the folder's properties changed into .exe & some other ...
Hello, I have this virus that will not let me go to this web site that i normally go to and sends me to another on is that because of the virus or i...
Problem with a fake anti- virus popup
Hello, i need help for like my sisters desktop computer, she accidentally clicked on this thing and the next day when she got on, only her wallpaper ...
Windows script file
Hello, if i start my system always a message will display that is C:/WINDOWS/script file/uj_bright antivirus..I didn't know the pls told...
Issues with facebook excepting pass word
Hello, Having trouble signing up for Facebook it does not like the password, i have tried different ones and I get a message saying that it does not ...
How to detect viruses
Hello, How to detect viruses without using scanners? If any suggestions, please help. Thanks.
Autorun virus
Hello, PLZ Help me i can't delete autorun.inf in my pen drive.. i can use command prompt attrib comand also but 'm deleting its simply display " T...
A virus i cant find a cure for
Hello, i somehow got the same virus everyone is getting from windows xp....and now i cant even reach my desktop on my computer....please someone help...
Free space on the c: drive unaccessible
SolvedHello, I am unable to open any setup files of any antivirus softwares,anti-malwares or anti-rootkits.Their windows just flashes across the screen and...
Anti-spyware problem
Hello, everything I download something and want to "Run" the program on my laptop (like anti-spyware for example), I keep getting that "Launch Applic...
Format my pendrive
Hello, My HP pendrive which is not getting fromated i have tried many times but i cant ,that is fully affected with virus
Icon problem
Hello, "my computer" icon is get disable from my pc. i try my level best to get display the icon on the desktop. but "my computer" icon is not disp...
Hello, someone sent me a video on my facebook from you tube. when i opened it, it was a virus. i downloaded a malware and scanned my computer found...
No disc space
Hello, my notebook has no disc space memory it wont let me delete programs and my system restore has been suspended
Pop up pc virus warnings on my g4
Hello, Every time I log on to the internet with my Yahoo browser, I get a pop up window that warms me that I may have a virus. The window offers to...
No icons no task bar
Hello, My computer restarts by its self then after I login. I cant see any icons my task bar is not there my task manger not working this anit viru...
Personal security problem
Issues with mbam
Hello, I have the security tool virus. i downloaded mbam and it installed fine and updated but when i run the program just the back ground of the pr...
Hello, i got a virus on face book from opening a youtube comment, now i cant even log on to the internet. PLAEASE help
Personal security
Hello, i puchased personal security but on the process i was unenable to get the Activation key, pls i need some help to rescured my laptop by prov...
Removing virus with out formating
Hello, hi frnds i waana remove virus frm my pc with out formating ... wat 2 do
Infected pc
Hello, i have infected my pc by this program's virus (Security Tool) in presence of my Avast Free Anti-virus program please help me because it stucke...
Dr. guard virus
SolvedHello, i have windows vista and w I downloaded this virus called dr guard. and i just i tried to remove the dr. guard by using mccafe. Then i left my...