The discussions
Changing where a url points to
Hi guys. I would like to impose on your good will again. I seem to recall from the dim and distant past that is it possible to redirect a websit...
Explorer.exe application error referenced to memory
Please help me resolve as i cannot connect to and network and windows explorer error appears. Referenced to memory 0x.....
Asus keyboard types letters with numbers
Hi! I'm currently typing through my phone because my Laptop's keyboard (Asus) types "3w" or "#W” instead of “W/w” and many other keys. I already tried...
Toshiba satellite c45 no enciende
Hola, mi pc es una toshiba satellite c45-c4201s, cuando presiono el botón de encendido sólo enciende el Led de dicho botón por unos segundos y luego s...
Nothing on the screen
I had the problem that on my laptop's screen i see the background only no icons no nothing , but no need to worry nothing will happen to your data . J...
No operating system
Hello, I updated my pc to the newest windows 10. Everything was working fine until the update. Now when I turn my pc on, only the pc logo comes up...
Windows explorer not launching
Upon my startup, on my Windows only the wallpaper appears, there is no icon, folder etc. And when i searched the Internet about this, then i got 1 sol...
Asus laptop wont boot
so, my friends got this Asus Laptop. He was Playing With me Yesterday, everything goes pretty well. until this morning, he dm-ed me his Laptop Wont st...
Version windows 7 n'est pas authentique.
SolvedBonjour toute l'Equipe il m'est un grand plaisir de vous retrouver. Ma question est : A chaque instant je reçois le message suivant : votre copie win...
Error while copying
SolvedWhen trying to copy a file from my windows 7 to a new pc(windows 10) over LAN , I have an error called "file path too long"? also no way via robocopy ... homepage removal
Can anyone tell me how can I remove from browser Homepage? It is keep redirecting to same page again and again
Webcam drivers
Hello, i lost the cd of the enet webcam that i used now i cant install it. I also dont know the model also... please help me fast
Probleme connection ethernet
En gros j'ai la fibre chez moi depuis 1-2 mois et la je viens de changer d'operateur, je suis passé chez bouygue. J'ai fais un test de connexion inte...
Windows 10 pro
It is recommended to update to windows 10 pro I currently use windows 8.1 pro?
Zoomed screen
Please help my screen is so zoomed that i cant do anything its my first time running this pc and all i can see is the wifi button on the lockscreen it...
Error code
what does error code 0x8019019a mean trying to put in my yahoo email account
I see a only my desktop wallpaper and nothing else.
Good morning/evening I was working with my laptop yesterday and then I thought to keep a password in my laptop for security reasons so I kept and sh...
Lenovo laptop will only type numbers (6 and 4)
Hello, My Lenovo laptop will ONLY type 6's and 4's when I press letters on the keyboard. I've tried pressing the FN key with the NUM lock key t...
Windows keeps blinking and it won't load
Hello, So since 2 days ago my laptop it's been acting unusual when I turn it on and log in, it sends me to my desktop as it should do, but there m...
Error id0x800ccc79
Get a window live error every time I open windows live. How can I delete it?
Factory reset dell computer
Which one of these two methods will work to restore a computer to Windows 10 factory setup and can I do it without connecting to the internet. My fat...
Email pr facebook ka confirmation code nhi aa rha
meri email id nhi to facbook pr update ho rhi or na hi confirmation code aa rha or na hi facebook open ho rhi open krte samay confirmation code mang r...
I forgot my folder lock password
Hello, I forgot my folder lock app's password. I didnot understand what i do and how to recover my password with my all family's photos, so please...
Mecer ca14d01 wizard 2,0
Hello, My lap-top suddenly blinks on and off and won't turn on what might be a problem and how I can fix it, please help and thank you in advance
Desktop, browser and lock screen zoomed in
Hello, I am having an issue where everything on my monitor is slightly zoomed in. On desktop, it causes the task bar and icons to be out of view. ...
Power saving mode at lg led 22e33n model
Hello, i plug my ps4 to the monitor and it show me tha message that d-sub no signal entering the power saving mode shortly. WHAT CAN I DO?
Toshiba nb100
Hello, I have a TOSHIBA NB100 Laptop I would like to install Windows XP on, when I boot to the setup (I’ve changed The SATA to compatibly) it hangs ...
Power button is on but hard driver light is off, no display
Power button is on but hard drive light is off, display not showing
Powered ssd to usb port drive recognised but not file system.
Hi, can anyone advise. Just purchased a new desktop and removed ssd from old computer to copy some files across. Using the old ssd with powered cable ...
My hp laptop is freezing with the logo faded
SolvedHello, My hp nx6110 once fell and now when i try to boot it,it freezes on the logo faded When i apply force at the right side near the mouse it so...
Version of windows its running on
SolvedI'm using windows 7 it was on laptop (2nd hand) but I'm unsure witch windows 7 it is
I can't sign in to anything
Hello, I can't log in or sign in to any website or application, and when I type my email it told there's something wrong "ERROR TRY AGAIN LATER I n...
Access steam menu
How can i access steam menu if i cant access steam? Thanks for the attencion for the question that have no answer.
Computer beeps once
when I turn on the computer it's beep one(1), how do I stop form beep
Bluetooth software/windows xp compatible
SolvedHello, I am looking for a free download of bluetooth software that is compatible with windows xp. I only really want to use this program to send musi...
Hp laptop will not boot up
Hello, My laptop turns on and I can get to the login page. I enter my password and then all it has done is say welcome and the wheel spins. I have tri...
I have a problem with my laptop it’s in a boot loop
Hello, I have a problem with my advent monza t200 it was my friends but he gave it to me but he didn’t wipe anything so I opened it and it had all of ...
Copy music
Solvedafter copying music from cd to hard disk can you download that music to a cd from computer hard drive
Disk partition d:\ not appear in computer, i can't explorer it or open it ?
SolvedI have a problem with my device, which is that "Disk Partiton D:/ Backup Data" I do not appear in Computer You notice the pictures, as you see in the...
I am losing my mind!!!!!!!
Please...please....***PLEEEASE!!!*** somebody.... ANYBODY help me!.... Apologies for the theatrics but I have been trying to fix this for about 2 week...
Toshiba laptop screen is blank
hi, someone smashed my screen onto the keyboard. when powered, the go round dots appear along with logo then, later the automatic repair message c...
Convention dbx en pst
Bonjour J’ai récemment changer d’ordinateur en passant de Windows xp pour Windows 10. J’ai des dossiers dans Outlook Ue je souhaiterais exporter. ...
Help me pls
so basically i did everything you said i entered the link and looked through the flags and couldnt find the webgl one all i found was webgl 2.0 comput...
The light will just be showing but nothing is showing on the screen
Hello, The light will just be showing but nothing is showing on the screen
Window key plus shift key press too long cause black screen
Hello, I press window key + shift key for too long and my laptop turns into black screen. What should I do?
Disque virtuel
Bonjour j'ai fait n'importe quoi en manipulation de mon fichier mesphotos.vhd (chiffré avec BitLocker pour éviter que les enfants effacent) . Lorsque ...
How to convert windows 7 folder to bootable iso file
SolvedCan anybody help me in creating bootable an ISO file from a folder copied from Windows 7 installation DVD? Please help me my windows Dvd is not workin...
Change name manually windows media player
Sometimes when I scan a CD into Windows Media Player it comes up as Unknown Artist and Unknown Album. I haven't been able to find a way to change the...