Script to automatically display webpage in fullscreen mode

The Full Screen option is available on most web browsers by clicking on the relevant link. However, IE and Firefox can support a software code in windows API that is heavy in flux and enables the automatic full screen display of a webpage. JavaScript can work in IE and combines the small order even if the window is closed in the Firefox web browser. It works for versions 2.0 or older.
If you are looking for a generic JavaScript to generate a full screen in your web browser, you can find an online one for Microsoft IE and Mozilla Firefox. The full screen can also be generated on most web browsers by pressing the F11 key.
What is the issue?
If you are looking for a script (usually Javascript) that reads a page in full screen (F11 manually) and you have found scripts, but you have to click on a link to view the page in full screen, keep reading.
What is the solution?
Here is a little trick to force a fullscreen window:

This code is compatible with IE and Firefox.