Security settings don't allow files to be dowloaded: fix

Security settings don't allow files to be dowloaded: fix

Security settings are an integral part of computing. These settings guard against unauthorized access and protect against any kind of malware or virus attacks from the internet or external drives. It is essential to choose these security settings judiciously. Otherwise, day-to-day computer activities like downloading can be hindered. Follow this guide for a detailed explanation.

What does "Your security settings do not allow this file to be dowloaded" mean?

You are trying to download a file or software, but the following message is displayed:

  • "Your security settings do not allow you to download this file......."

How to solve the issue?

  • Open Internet Explorer.
  • Go to Tools/Internet Options/Security/ Custom Level
  • Scroll to "Launching applications and unsafe file"
    • Select "Prompt".
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  • Click on OK to validate.
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