The discussions
Excel - if then statements
Hello, I have 8 columns total and want to create a if then statement for the sum of column D IF in column A contain a + for that row. Almost lik...
Excel search and copy macro
Hello, I have a large spreadsheet generated by Blast, a program for determining similarity of genetic sequences. I am interested in copying out on...
Help!!!! excel is driving me nuts
Hello World, i will make this short. i am trying to transfer data from one sheet to the next in the same work book. however all the originally dat...
Problems with the filters excel 2007
Hello, I have a excel file with one object (PDF file) for each row (>200 rows), but when I create a filter the object files don't move to the co...
Cant add flash player in browser
Hello, I have installed the adobe flash player but it does not show it in browser. Though i have installed it, whenever i used to play the video ...
Free browsing
Hello, i have the nokia 3110c with idea i want to browse free internet in my mobile can you suggest any way to do this
Associating two different cells
Hello, I am trying to find a formula that will allow me to associate two different columns. Example Sheet1 A B Jim 5 Bob 3 Jim 2 On another sh...
I need vba help please!!!
Hello, I need help trying to write a vba code that will look at a column of data and see weather if the cell is red or green, and in a column of data...
Compare two columns and return text string
Hello, Does anyone know how to write a formula in excel which compares column A to column C, sees if the numbers in these two columns are the same...
Excelvba-in a column, change only cells that
Hello, In Excel VBA, In a column, I want to change only cells that has only one character and add a "0" (zero) prefix. for example if column C c...
Microsoft excel 2003 column and row missing
Hello, Am using microsoft excel 2003, and when am opeing excel it is showing only blank sheet, no colum and rows are appearing, please let me ...
Excel - adding +8 on a button click
Hello, How do write a macro for adding a specific number to different cell on a button click. Each Click adds 8 to cell I30 Within the sheet your in....
Delete all rows except first and last row
SolvedHello, I have an excel file, I need to delete all rows in this file except for the first and second row. First Row = header row last row = contai...
Excel 2003 vba code for filtering
Hello, I need to perform an Autofilter function in Excel 2003 that allows me to filter a list using the contents of another cell as the criteria. F...
Hello, I'm constructing a spreadsheet as a monthly staff workrecord. Column A reflects the date the work request was received. The worksh...
I cant open my office 2003 (word,excel,etc)
Hello, im a new user of windows 7.. im using office 2003 for my school homework.. but it seems its not compatible to my system... i wonder what s...
Excell problem
Hello, How do you add cell values if they identical reference cells by using VLOOKUP. Employee Supervsior Cust Handled ...
Unable to open youtube with any browser
Hello, For last two weeks I'm unable to open youtube, all the other websites are working fine except this. please guide me if any of you have suggest...
Unrecogrized file format in ms-excel
Hello, i m ff, i need help in ms-office 2003, i installed an antivirus, but now my ms-office files (ms-excel) r not opening, it gives me message that...
Excel 2003 conditional formatting help
Hello, trying to highlight a date that is 5days old, than a differnt color for 10 days old and a different color for 15 days old. For instance, ...
Paste table from one worksheet to another
Hello, I'm looking for a macro (or a formula- whichever is easier) that will copy and paste a range of cells from one worksheet to another based on a...
Return data from one spreadsheet to another
Hello, I have a workbook with 3 spreadsheets. Spreadsheet 1 is for data entry. The spreadsheet has 3 columns, Description, Income, Expenses. O...
Excell calculations
Hello, I am a programmer and not use to restrictions when calculating formulas. I would like to know if there is a way to calculate a number and plac...
To know about to sppeed browsing and download
Hello, i have problem in browsing and downloading. the speed is so what is the solution for that?
Excel formula
Hello, I have a excel data file called BOQ. in which i have around 2000 line items in it. and many are repeating in many areas it is like a furniture...
Help in excel data comparison
Hello, i need to find a solution to my problems. Can anyone help me ? 1.Data in column A of a worksheet are compared with Data A of another worksh...
Excel column comparison
Hello, I am trying to compare severalcolumns in excel which have very large data sets- eg. column A & B- (A1:A3000) and (B1:B380). I want to find ou...
Excel help
SolvedDear All, I really need your support with my issue: I have around 70 tasks in Sheet1 some of them done with 100% (according to other numbers in th...
Transferring data between tabs in excel
Hello, I need to transfer data between sheet tabs to only take certain information to the second tab is there a formula or a procedure that I need ...
I cant access my wap browser
hi i cant access into my wap browser it always says "connection failed"
Vba code that will find, copy and transpose
SolvedHello, I'm looking all around for a VBA code that will: 1 - Search down one column for the word "ADDRESS" 2 - Once "ADDRESS" is found, I need t...
Excel formula help
Hello, I have two columns - one can have 1 or blank (so I can SUM the 1s). The other has an H or A . I need a formula that will look in each col...
Excel formula, or macro
Hello, i need a formula or a macro for Excel 2003 that will do the following: i have a list of logins in column B, lets just say 1,2,3,4,5 going ...
Browser for g'five u800
Hello, I am deepak i am useing g'five u800 phone. It is having wap browser. can i load any browser for accessing having no built in ...
Unable to browse free wth my pc
Hello, pls send free browsing for my pc and using nokia e65 with mtn
Function of excel
Hello, Sir I am facing some problem in Excel worksheet. How to convert numric value into english ward. Thanks, Praveen
Excel worksheet event to calculate cells
Hello, My worksheet has two columns that need qualitative values chosen from drop downs that users select depending on risk severity and likelyhood...
How to count rows which show specified dates
SolvedHello, I am trying to get help with stats. I have a spreadsheet which shows the date a specific action was started in each row. I need to be abl...
Excell match and replace
Hello, I got end of the month stock report sorted AZ with item code , qty ,value, end of the moth sales report sorted AZ with item code ,qty ,v...
Select y in all 3 columns and return value
SolvedHello, There are 3 columns where range is unknown for all the 3 columns( A, B & C). Macro need to selcect "Y" in all the 3 columns then No action ...
Free browsing
Hello, I av downloaded opera 5 on my n95, but I dont know d 4 d installation and browsing
Macro for deleting row with condition
Hello, I need a Macro for deleting rows when none of the cells in the row contain one of two numbers "103526" or "103527" the number of rows is ...
Reg: macro - auto run
SolvedHello, I need to run a macro automatically when i open an excel sheet. and aslo to run a macro when i close the sheet can any one help me...
Need to compare 3 columns and return value
Hello, I need write a macro There are 3 columns in a sheet which has Y & N. If Y is found then it is should give comment in 4th column as No act...
Hello, I unable to open Excel file Im getting a message that says> Message shows default 1311. Can't find the file in D:\MSOCache\All Users\90000404-...
Free browsing
Hello, pls i want the settings on how to browse with my pc using my fone as a modem u can send me the email on
Free browsing
Hello i just want to know if i can browse with opera, am having my opera. The model of my phone is samsung E250. The opera i downloaded on it ...
Sorting and matching data in several columns
Hello, I am trying to determine if there is a Excel solution for the following: There are three sets of data from three differenct sources, each d...
Need help with excel !!!!
Hello, my name is Mila , I’m trying to do this: I have a list of golf courses {Sheet!B3:B100} with different rates {Sheet!C3:H101} so on the SHEET 2...
Browser problem
Hello, sir my web page not correcr view site address ( Internet explorer old version(IE6 and from back version why? please give me ...