The discussions

Create a dbr - database reporting tool for a list of exceptions!

Hello, I am new to VB programming. I need your help to make a DBR - Data base Reporting tool for the back end process at work which could be als...

5 replies Last reply on 26 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R


Hello, how to convert numeric to alphabet in excel ? Thanks Configuration: Windows XP / Opera 9.80

1 reply Last reply on 26 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Macros in my spreadsheet

Hello, I managed to create a macro to show the following: If (I30,I3*G3,H3*G3) and this repeats itself for cell N3,R3, V3,Z3 ETC. I need this...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Nov 2012 by


hello , i used to make a report on excel which exceed more than two hours every day i will mention the report in breif i have a big report whi...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Nov 2012 by

Macro to move rows in excel automatically

Hello, I need to create a macro for Excel2010 that moves one to two rows of information to a preceding row and adds each row as a set of new colum...

9 replies Last reply on 25 Nov 2012 by

Covnvert numbers to single words


Hello, In excel 2010 i would like to convert numers to words i.e. 123.00 (one two three point zero zero) or 1006235.23 (one zero zero six two thre...

3 replies Last reply on 23 Nov 2012 by

Leaving a cell blank if one value of the formula is blank

Hello, I was making a template to be distributed to multiple receivers. Since the template is blank and must automatically count the number of day...

2 replies Last reply on 21 Nov 2012 by

Using multiple if functions with data validation

Hello, Im trying to create a pull down menu with data validation, however for example if M4 = VT-901 then I want to be able to select a size 1080,...

5 replies Last reply on 21 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Compare and copy data from one column to another


Hello, I'm trying to compare column A in Sheet 1 with column A in Sheet 2, then copy corresponding values in column N from sheet 1 to column N in ...

4 replies Last reply on 20 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Excel mini challenge

Hi, I need to compare 2 versions of the same data which reside on 2 different worksheets (within the same workbook). On the first sheet (the...

3 replies Last reply on 19 Nov 2012 by


Hello, I am using Microsoft office as well excel, I am not expert in excel. Could you give a favour for its formulas and their applying tricks and...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Nov 2012 by

Ms office excel


1 reply Last reply on 16 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Excel formulaes


Hello, If there are two conditions, how to use the IF formulae. Regards

3 replies Last reply on 16 Nov 2012 by

Help on generating a number series using a macro


Hello, I would appreciate your help with a macro I am trying to create in Excel 2010 my Data is as below Column1 Column2 Column3 (Name) (start nu...

2 replies Last reply on 15 Nov 2012 by

Hide rows meeting multiple criteria and search for unique values

Hello, While hours reading posts and forums have increased my knowledge of VBA in which I can create parts of the following request I am still unab...

1 reply Last reply on 15 Nov 2012 by

Conditional formating a word within a sentence - resent

Greetings, I am trying to highlight a word in red or blue that is located with a sentence in excel. The word "Reversal" exist in several sentenc...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Nov 2012 by

Dynamic range and named ranges


Hi, I have a list of students in Sheet 1,2,3 where being updated regularly. They are named ranges "Boys" & "Girls" in Column A & B respectively. In...

8 replies Last reply on 13 Nov 2012 by

Excel 2003

Hello, Can you help me, I am trying to write a conditonal formula in Excel 2003 that goes something like: If current date is 6mths from date o...

3 replies Last reply on 13 Nov 2012 by

Complete payroll computation

Hello, i would like to learn how to do payroll transactions. can you help me? thanks Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23.0.1271.64

1 reply Last reply on 12 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Compare 2 cells in different worksheet and place the value

Hello, I am not expert in excel, and i need help to use a formula to compare 2 cells in other worksheet and fill the value in a blank cell if it is t...

3 replies Last reply on 12 Nov 2012 by

Delete certain data from excel

Hello, Im playing with big numbers of data in Excel. I want to do data cleansing process. How I want to delete certain rows that unnecessary anymore...

3 replies Last reply on 12 Nov 2012 by

Excel dates

Hello, I have two excel sheets. In sheet one i have certain dates associated with certain IDs. In sheet two i have certain dates associa...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Calculate sales

Hello, I want to keep track of my sales.I have four columns.Below is excel data. Show only one day at a time. Date X Y Z 08-11-1...

2 replies Last reply on 8 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Macro - add row, auto fill text and formulas with relative offss

Hello, I have very big problem and I can't find answer for it. Maybe You can halp me. 1. In Sheet "Intro" I have row (5), in wich are formulas:...

7 replies Last reply on 8 Nov 2012 by

Compare dates in excel

Hello, Hello, I have two excel sheets. In sheet one i have certain dates associated with certain IDs. In sheet two i have certain da...

1 reply Last reply on 8 Nov 2012 by

If row in column contain word, insert text next column

Hello, I have an excel files, and in column B I have a file path, but if it contains a specific word like "proprietary" I need to insert into the ...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Multiple data in one column

Hello, How do I plot multiple data in one column? Example: I submitted 10 for today. So my column chart will show a column with a value of 10...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Nov 2012 by

Multiple data in one stacked column


Hello, i am trying to plot a column chart and I want multiple data to appear in one column. example: I am plotting all the submitted inspections...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Matching columns in one spreadsheet

Hello, I have a spreadsheet that has last names in column A and first names in column B. Somehow they no longer match. For instance -Mary Smith...

2 replies Last reply on 5 Nov 2012 by

Formula 3 books open in excel

I have 3 books open in excel (Book 1) I would like to make my template. (Book 2) is a spreadsheet of stores. (Book 3) is a spreadsheet of opera...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Nov 2012 by
Zohaib R

Array example to remove duplicates entry

Hi there, I have three column for lookup and i used combination of all there as a primary key to look into master sheet. want to remove the dupl...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Nov 2012 by

Creating a macro

Hello, I am trying to remember how to create a macro that will allow me to compare values in column A from sheet 1 to column A on sheet2 and if th...

3 replies Last reply on 31 Oct 2012 by

Matching similar data in 2 columns

Can any super Excel guru help me please? I am trying to find out the same item from 2 different database: I have 2 columns of product code, for exa...

4 replies Last reply on 31 Oct 2012 by
Zohaib R

Vba for deleting data in row but not formulas


Hello, I am working on a spreadsheet where I have to copy data over to a new sheet, once the data is copied I want to delete the data in the row f...

7 replies Last reply on 31 Oct 2012 by

Drag the mouse

Hello, i could not drag the mouse. how to do drag the mouse to down, what are the settings ? Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 16.0

1 reply Last reply on 31 Oct 2012 by

Automation of running excel macros


Hello, I have a macro in excel which needs to be run twice a day and I dont even want to open the excel sheet. How can I make this process automati...

11 replies Last reply on 31 Oct 2012 by

Help in writing vba macro excel

Hello, I wish to write a macro for following: 1. Delete entire rows if column L or column M contain DATE. 2. Move deleted entire rows to other...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Oct 2012 by

Comparing two cell in different spreadsheets


Hello, I'm currently struggling to do the following: Spreadsheet A Sheet1 Name Expenses Date ...

5 replies Last reply on 29 Oct 2012 by

Insert x number of rows below based on value of x

Hello, I have in Cell (B,3) a count indicating number of rows to be inserted below without deleting values in subsequent cells, in cell (B,4) anot...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Oct 2012 by

Search & copy function (macro)

Hello, First of all, i will thank all who reads this question. And such a good forum. I have a question regarding a Macro. Basically i have...

9 replies Last reply on 28 Oct 2012 by

Comparing two lists of id numbers in excel


Hello, thanks in advance for reading this. I have a list of student ID numbers which I would like to use as a student check-in. Column A is the num...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Oct 2012 by

Update cell value by command button

Hello, I would be very grateful if someone can help me in the following issue. I have excel sheet with almost 300 rows. One of the columns I fil...

7 replies Last reply on 23 Oct 2012 by

Reminder in ms excel 2003

Hello, I would like to add reminder which displays reminder message once it opens. Onething I dont know the VB or something extra programming soft...

2 replies Last reply on 23 Oct 2012 by

Excel i want to sum only numeric values except alphabetic values


Hello, in a school resultsheet where each student having numeric values of their marks in 5 subjects.i am using formula =D6+F6+H6+L6+P6 for total ...

2 replies Last reply on 22 Oct 2012 by

Change cell color based on input in a range of cells


Hello everyone, I have formatted a cell based on a specific text entered in one cell. Example, A1 will turn green if I write "yes" on B2, using cond...

2 replies Last reply on 22 Oct 2012 by

Nested if's


Hello, I would appreciate if somebody could help me in solving this problem. I am trying to make exel decide in an scheduled soccer games which team ...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Oct 2012 by

Excel date format won't change


If I enter a date into a cell in my Excel spreadsheet using the shortcut (CTRL+;), I can no longer change the formatting (right-click, format cell). T...

Last reply on 19 Oct 2012 by


Hi, Guys! Can anyone help me with this code below. I want to make the range of the ActiveChart.SeriesCollection to be from $C$3 to my last cell wit...

2 replies Last reply on 19 Oct 2012 by

Pop up reminder

Hello, 5 day Pop up reminder for excel in vba that runs in excel 2007 I'm new to this hope you can help Thanks djandpj Configuration: Windo...

3 replies Last reply on 18 Oct 2012 by

Macro to merge rows but keep column data

Hello, I am new to this and I have seen there a number of questins regarding merging rows in Excel. I hope someone can help with this one: I h...

1 reply Last reply on 17 Oct 2012 by
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