The discussions

Find records in different sheets

Hi everybody, I'm having a problem, Iam not an expert using excel and I don't know how to find a record in different sheets. In the sheet1 I have a...

7 replies Last reply on 7 Jul 2010 by

How to compare two data (excel)

Hello, I have two separate data with same number of cells and locations (eg, A1:C10 and D1:F10.........or A1:C10 on sheet 1 and sheet 2) I want...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Jul 2010 by

Help!!!! excel dummie here

Hello, I am trying to create a formular in excell and i dont ave a clue what im doing i have a spreadsheet with candidate information on row by...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Jul 2010 by

Ms excel 2007 macro/formula problem


Hello, ##Please help! I am new to this and so fed up!! I need to transfer data from two worksheets onto another worksheet and I just cannot do it!!...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Jul 2010 by

Excel macro help please


Hello Everyone, I am sking for some help with an Excel macro please. I have a 1,900 hundred static HTML pages that I have converted to text for ...

45 replies Last reply on 7 Jul 2010 by

Compare two worksheet, match with 2 columns

Hi, I have a workbook with 2 worksheet (April , May).it consist of 4 columns for each worksheet.i need to compare column A and column C with May wo...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Jul 2010 by

Compare two worksheet, match with 2 columns

Hi, I have a workbook with 2 worksheet (April , May).it consist of 4 columns for each worksheet.i need to compare column A and column C with May wo...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Jul 2010 by

Need to declare a cell as numeric in macro


Hello, i need to declare a cell in excel as numeric so that only numbers can be entered in that cell and if any other text is entered then it di...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Jul 2010 by

Excel insert row after 4 rows

Hello, For some reason I am having the hardest time figuring out this simple macro I need to insert a row after 4 rows for a large amount of data. I...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Jul 2010 by

Copying data from multiple worksheets

Hello, I'm trying to copy data from multiple worksheets to one central worksheet using a macro. The data from each worksheet - which is constantly...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Jul 2010 by

Excel vba


Hello, currently i have 2 worksheets one which users would use to complete a template and the other to store the information in. i am trying to...

13 replies Last reply on 6 Jul 2010 by

I cannot open any internet browser on windows

Hello, My windows xp cannot open any form of internet browser. (I had to use a different computer to ask this) IE looks as though it is loading but t...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Jul 2010 by
Shailesh Jha

Excel conditional format across sheets

Hey there, I have been racking my limited knowledge of excel trying to work this out but cant get it right! I have searched and searched but just cant...

11 replies Last reply on 4 Jul 2010 by

Convert certain rows into columns

Hello, Hi all. I need help on how to convert excel data from certain rows into columns. Let say I have data in this way: x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Jul 2010 by


Hello, i have to find latest date for each item whenever i open the sheet. ....there r more than 100 items...and data is modified ...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Jul 2010 by

More than 3 conditional formatting excel 2003

Hello, I have the need for more than three conditional formats for rows in a table based on conditions in a specific cell.... PreConditions Con...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Jul 2010 by

Merge information from two cells into one

Hello, I have a workbook that contains two sheets. I want to take numbers from two separate cells in sheet 1 (ie a numerator and denominator) and ...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Jul 2010 by

Excel 2007 time and date problem


Hello, I have a sheet that has a date column and a time column (brought in from a csv file). My date column is showing in the format of MDDYYYY wi...

4 replies Last reply on 2 Jul 2010 by

Need a macro

Hello, Hello, The invoices should be sorted in ascending order and I need one row gap in between the set of invoices and should also check whet...

1 reply Last reply on 2 Jul 2010 by

Excel vba colour alternate rows


Hello, I am creating a report, and I want to shade alternate cells in a light grey colour. I need all columns and rows, starting at A5, that conta...

6 replies Last reply on 2 Jul 2010 by

Help with excel

Hello, I am a super novice on excel. I am creating a database with names phone numbers and addresses. It is a total of 16 worksheets. One of t...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Jul 2010 by

Excel conditional formatting for colors

Hello, Here is what I am trying to create and I am running into some trouble. Maybe someone could help me out with this. Is there a way wh...

3 replies Last reply on 1 Jul 2010 by

Need an excel macro

Hello, I am trying to create a macro where i can take for an example column A with phone extenions for all employees and make it where it will aut...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jun 2010 by

Timesheet making in excel

Hello, I am making a time sheet for my staff. In one coloumn A i have the weekdays and in coloumn B i have the attendance.Weekly off is on friday. ...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jun 2010 by

Uneditable selected columns/rows/cells excel


Hello, Kindly teach me how to keep the slected [Column or Rows or set of Cells] in Uneditable Mode in Excel, so that users can not change the info...

2 replies Last reply on 30 Jun 2010 by

Update multiple sheets simultaneously

Hello, How to update two identical workbooks in different locations in same pc simultaneously. I have two identical excel workbooks. When I upd...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jun 2010 by


Hello, I want to write a code that finds the last enterd data in sheet 1 and copy that data and paste it in another sheet3. Configuration: Win...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jun 2010 by

Excel 2007 filter not working

Hello, I am Mohammad Asif and using excel 2007 from last 8 months.I am facing a problem of filter.The problem is, i have 1050 rows data and want t...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jun 2010 by

Star browser history help

Hello, PLEASE HELP. I'm unable to find my internet browser history folder. I really need to see this urgently, but there's no option for viewing...

2 replies Last reply on 30 Jun 2010 by

Condtional formatting - other workbook vba

How can i use conditional formatting to extract data from other workbook? i tried, =IF(LEFT(B26,3)="SSS",VLOOKUP(B26,'XXX.xls!$A$4:$E$119,4,FALSE))...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jun 2010 by

How can i compare one excel sheet to other


I have 1 main sheet of all the data which i send to my client, now he has slelcted some thing and sended it in new sheet. now i wanna highlight his se...

2 replies Last reply on 29 Jun 2010 by

Excel unique data rows


Hello, I need to compare two columns of data for uniqueness. Column a has a list of names and column b has a list of date/times. I need to be ab...

9 replies Last reply on 29 Jun 2010 by

Excel pro

Hello, i have one file with ext.r.a.r and want this file to open in excel plz help.. it's urgent Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explor...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jun 2010 by

Unable to copy selected cells - autofilter

Hello, I am using excel 2007. In my dataset, I have following: Column A - Set of locations and Column B: Number of times location appears. When I ...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jun 2010 by

Color shading vba

Hello, Please does anyone know if there is a VBA code that can help me to perform this: If a phase starts with M then look up column 4 and 5 in d...

3 replies Last reply on 29 Jun 2010 by

Excel 2007 formula needed

Hello, I have an excel spreadsheet i created with a dropdown list in column a which is picking up the information from another sheet within the sa...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Jun 2010 by

Easy pc connects but i cant browse


Hello, after recieving the new easy pc e700 series netbook I tried connecting to our wireless internet and it will let me connect but when i try to o...

Last reply on 28 Jun 2010 by

Excel 2007

Hello, Please let me know how to use stat formulas in excel guide me thanks Configuration: -- [url=http://...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Jun 2010 by

My excel macro silently exploded... :(


Hey, so I have a set of macro that were working, then dropped dead on the spot. before i paste the macros I'll give it some context So I have seve...

4 replies Last reply on 28 Jun 2010 by



Hello, please see the attached to see what i want done. Configuration: Win...

28 replies Last reply on 28 Jun 2010 by

Copy worksheet by formula

Hello, Hi, I have a question regarding my excel worksheet. I have a worksheet 2 that contain details of account that due daily as per below. _...

13 replies Last reply on 26 Jun 2010 by

Comparing columns in two excel files

Hello, I have read through many of the solutions here, but cannot find one that works for me. I have two excel files containing different data ...

1 reply Last reply on 26 Jun 2010 by

Bring different number into another sheet

Hello, I will try to explain myself in the best possible way. I have a spreasheet in excel. I also have a list of number like this: Cell C 2...

10 replies Last reply on 26 Jun 2010 by

Vba excel- copy and paste different documents

Hello, I need ugent help in this task! The only thing i have to do now is to copy and paste range of texts from one document to another by using MACR...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Jun 2010 by


Hi, Can anyone help , How can i search value in x column of sheet1 by that value how can i insert y column value in sheet 2 For Ex: N...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Jun 2010 by

Delete all rows where qty = 0

Hello, I have a HUGE spreadsheet (60K lines). If column "E" = 0, then I want to delete the entire row. I've worked on this for a couple of days ...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Jun 2010 by

Excel spreadsheet need formula please : (

Hello, I am STUCK and it's driving me bonkers!!!! I have a 2003 EXCEL SPREADSHEET ISSUE: If Column B (FROM worksheet TEST PAGE 1) MATCHES wh...

5 replies Last reply on 25 Jun 2010 by

Excel 2007- compare columns - return values

Hello, Excel 2007. I have 5 columns A, B, C, D and E. Column A and B are of equal length, column C is longer. Columns D and E are still empty. ...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Jun 2010 by

Formula to dup information between sheets

Hello, I want to be able to type information into one sheet in an excel doccument and then based on the information i input into column E have it ...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Jun 2010 by

Background color of cell in excel


Hello, I am trying to write a simple formula that will give me the backgroud color of a cell (in Excel). Something along the lines of, if background ...

3 replies Last reply on 25 Jun 2010 by
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