The discussions
Connects to wireless router but no internet
Hello, I just recieved my laptop today and I tried connecting it to my wireless router and it connects but I get no internet access. HELP PLEASE!
Secure wireless router on desktop to laptops
Hello, The electricity went out the other night and it messed up our linksys connection. It also made my wireless internet on my laptop no longer sec...
Internet connection
Hello, I reinstilled xp on my aspire 5315 lap top and now i cant connect to the internet can someone help me please.
Gateway wireless loptop not working at all
Hello, I am unable to do anything I can't get on line, doesn't show network, security off, con't turn back on. It is like a zombie. Can it be fixed...
Is there a wireless internate cable [/content
Hello, is there a wireless internate cable modem that i can buy to use in instead of using my cable company cable internate modem
Connecting a wireless printer and laptop
Hello, I have a wireless Kodak printer and a wireless laptop. Is it possible to hook these together if I have dial up internet? Do I need a router?
Why i have lost internet explorer
Hello, I dont know why i have lost internet excplorer i have tried to reinstall it wont let me
How to connect net thru wifi
Hello, how can i connect net thru wifi in my laptop. i have bsnl type 2 modem nokia siemens network
Ip address
Hello, after entering ipconfig in command prompt,,,,,the output is quite different from what you hav said... plz help me out.....m vry confused...n ...
Wallpaper size
Hello, How many wallpaper size for lava mobile kkt 24
Cant open programs using vista ask to open wi
Hello, I tried doughknox,com but after i try to run it says all files have not been written. I need more help
Gprs manual settings
Hello, i want manual gprs settings on my mobile
Change ip address on wireless router vista os
Hello, I have Vista OS and i am connected by a wireless router with at&t uverse. how can i change my ip address. I have read all of the suggestions ...
Gprs setting
Hello, why cant i set my gprs on my phone, please do something about it.the product of my phone is G TIDE, W520. and it is a china product. thanks.
De-activating internet
Hello, i hav a limited usage of internet,n my brother uses it can i disable internet from his user account.
Msn error code 8e5e0152
Hello, i keep on getting error code 8e5e0152 when i try to sign into windows live messenger. i have vista. i've tried deleting my contacts in C:\User...
Wireless problem
Hello, i have a problem with my computer laptop finjitsu siemens. i install the new window xp but the wireless is not working, can someone help me ab...
Problem on my facebook
Hello,how could i fixe my facebook?
Peer to peer connection
Hi, how to make a peer to peer connection between 25 systems and to make one system as server.. plz anybody send me the details to my mail id..
Instant messenger failure
Hello, please i have been trying to open my yahoo messenger in my opera mini5beta2 but gts not working. can someone please help...
Etthernet connection
Hello, I'm dave and im trying to set up two computers via ethernet hub from Vista to XP
Help me to configure lan on my pc & laptop.
Hello, I Want to connect my Laptop to my pc with wired lan. I have a dell Laptop with OS Windows 7 and a PC with OS Windows XP sp2. I use a dial-up c...
Wi fi problem
Hello, My laptop ACER 4720z was formated, then the wi-fi is not working my wi-fi allways show the messege "driver is not installed" but i instal...
Netgear wg311v2 wireless pci adptr - yellow ?
SolvedI recently had to restore my wife's computer using the "destructive" method.. The computer is an EMachines T3504 and has Windows XP. When I re-instal...
Hello, i have a netbook and it says limited or no connectivity but also i have wifi the laptop knows there wireless but wont connect. wat is the prob...
Use windows to configure my wireless connecti
Hello,I have just gone wireless with a BT Home hub and when I check the box use "windows to configure my wireless connection" it connects no problem b...
Settings in create connection fields in micromax q
Local area connection
Hello, My Laptop DELL nothing Local Area Connection after I already click icon Network Connections. How I can to know install Local Arena Connection...
Hi there
Hello, i wasnt able to open my fs account for two months now...i hav this photo posted,(75%naked) i thought okey lng gawin prima...
How to find download speed
Hello, I have 1Mbps dedicated link (Leased Line) and i have to down load 1mb file,pls tell me how much time it will take,and how to calculate No...
Inspiron 1525- will not connect to internet
Hello, Same problem laptop will not connect to the internet. Getting 10mbs connection through wireless card and Network inferface card, however it ...
Need to sign up
Hello,how do i get to sign up on my pc to log in on myspace on my bb
Hello, can u explain lan connection between two laptops for windows 7
Facebook issues
Airtel mobile setting
Hello, i have subscribed twice @ rs98/- through my mobile No 9936731574 in last two days but still i could not set mobile office in my phone (Nokia 7...
Connect internet to9 notebook
Hello, please help me,,to connect internet to notebook by nokia 5310 give me asnwer asap.. yhanks a lot..
Tantric sex
TANTRIC SEX : According to Tantric philosophy, lovers who have practiced these ancient techniques can learn to direc...
This is not good any more you cant get any wh
Hello, face book not working wont let me log on i was getting the animal i needed to level up and i am not happy i have been on level 32 for 3 weeks...
Mobile speed
Hello, sir i want know sigmatel s80 mobile internet speed,because my mobile internet is slow so, give me sagsation i what to do My mobile number...
Access to my desktop
Hello, I have my desk top connected to my landlords wireless router. He has a laptop can he see key strokes and other information and files that ...
I need lan configuration
Hello, I Hv a dell Laptop having O.S. windows 7 and a PC having O.S. Windows XPsp2. I hv purchased a D-Links Ethernet PCI Adapter and installed it ...
Hello,i am aritel preped uuser,i want to connect to laptop through gprs .my mobile belongs samsung W-299.please send me settings on my email id ,i cou...
Internet connection
Hello,my hp pavilion dv2000 internet connection is not functioning
Connect wireless printer to notebook
Hello, I have a lexmark wireless printer, I need help linking this to my notebook...I cant install with a cd what can I do?
Live messenger
Hello, I am trying to get rid of live messenger trying to get me to sign in every time I start up my computer,I am old and I have never needed it, I...
Connection timeout on internet
Hello, Last night my mac stopped connecting to the internet. It kept saying connection timeout. I tried restarting many times and it still does not...
Network controller problem huhu
Hello, i had a problem with my network controller.. its missing.. it has a yellow question mark.. what should i do?? can anyone help me this proble...
I need wifi software for my blackberry pearl
Hello, I need wifi software for my mobile phone blackberry pearl 8100? Please help me where i can download it, I will be thankful for this. T...
I want to browse using my mobile nokia
Hello, Please i want to activate and have internet browser in my phone using the mtn cameroon and orange cameroon network in precisely cameroon, i wi...