The discussions
Setting up your own home network
In my Guilde I'd explaind how to host your own Web Servers on your own home network., Make sure your ISP company offerds free DNS hosting if thay do.,...
Download speed
Hello, I use a dialup modem.But its download speed is slow.I used dap premium 9.1 but I need a Much better one.Please tell me what is the accelerator...
Someone is cheating my wireless network
Hello, I am using adsl internate connection through my wifi laptop but since last month someone is also using/cheating via same wireless connection...
Aircel gprs
Hi, I am using Micromax Q3 and have Aircel GPRS activated. I want to use the same on my Laptop. I get an error message ''The PPP Link was Terminate''...
I got a problem of my browser
Hello, i have a problem with my browser. i can login to my msn,yahoo messenger. but i cant enter any website from my browser. i switch browsers bu...
Laptop gets connected to the routerwirelessly
Hello, My Compaq laptop gets connected to the router wirelessly but unable to load the web pages. Wireless Connection strength is excellant.
Wireless connection from home pc to laptop
Hello, i am trying to set up my computer at home so that i can connect to the laptop wirelessly using my home internet. does anybody know how to he...
Setting up my laptop that is not wireless
Hello, I have a laptop that I am trying to use wirelessly with the help of a usb driver. how do I do this? I've plugged in the usb driver then I don'...
My modem has only one ethernet outlet
Hello, Does anyone know it I can connect my direct tv on demand through my modem that only has one ethernet outlet?
Router setup
Hello, i have my router setup to my laptop but i have to stay next to the router because it is hooked to it. how can i have it to were i can use my l...
No wireless connections
Hello, Both my laptops hook up to my wireless network. I recently installed a Belking wireless USB adapter to another computer. The device manager sa...
How to connect to internet using samsunge1410
Hello, I have aircel gprs connection for using internet . I also have installed samsung pc studio in my pc . but whenever i connect my samsu...
Hello, you cannot log on the check the back of your network adapter and see one steady light and one flickering light.what does this tell ...
What is the hardware required for wireless mo
Hello, I have recently bought a wireless Modem (MTNL connection Model name DNA - A212) for my broadband. But my Desktop is not compatible to that, ...
Ip address
Hello, my friend, how to change my ip address?
Help me delect facebook account
Hello, my husband son ask me to use my computer i let him an i have a facebook account when i went to login his account pull up and i want to get...
Modem problem
Hello, I am asking a question about a problem I Have. I have a modem with one slot for an Ethernet cable and it is currently taken for the computer b...
Rca modem time warner, d-link wireless usb
Hello, I have an RCA modem from time warner on one desktop and I'm interested in connecting another desktop using the same connection. I purchased a ...
Encryption key.passphrase
Hello, I have a similar problem to above. My 8-yr. old Dell Dimension 4500 with WinXP had catastrophic hard drive failure. I bought a new Compaq (HP)...
Usb wireless adapter
Hello, I would like to buy a Usb wireless adapter with 54 mbps / 108 mbps. I want to know what will be the good product that will help me and the co...
Facebook not loading
Hi there..! im not able to load the facebook and also orkut...n few more sites..! from this morning..!wat migth be the problem ? any one plz ..
Wireless network
Hello, sir i m using a router at my home with which i connect my 2 neighbour want to use my router so i wanna just him to use my router .c...
Hello, i want the code for mtn browsing free pls
Low cost call using wifi to philippines
Hello, can u pls tell me the software for low cost mobile call using wifi to any landline & mobile from dubai calling philippines, u.s.a., canada.. th...
Getting pocket internet connection on k310i
Hello, i am using sony ericsson k310i mobile with aircel connection. now i need aircel pocket internet connection. i called to customer care they ask...
Will reinstallation affect wireless ip
Hello, I have very little knowledge of computers, but just enuff to clean install my OS. Recently i bought a wireless router to use at home and a...
How to connect my blue ray to an existing rou
Hello, I just purchased a Sansumg blue ray. The girl at the store told me that I did not need any cable connection only a USB adaptor. I bought it an...
I have problem in wireless in my laptop
Hello, i have problem in wireless in my laptop Fujitsu Siemens Amilo Pro V2035 and i dont know what i do?
Airtel and idea in trouble
Hello, i hav gfive u800 mobile i set all settings that u tell but that doesnt work what can i do i contacted survice providers but they didnt he...
Not having internet connection
Hello, I bought the new program windows 7 and took out vista, because I never like it. but after instolling the new windows 7 i cannot connect to the ...
Torrent speed
Hello, I am experiencing low download speeds in torrent. hve a BSNL wireless net connection of 256Kbps.plze tell me the exact settings for my torrent...
Hello, I have a nokia mobile 9300 comunicator....I takke new conection of Aircel and i don't know how to connect my mobile internet to pc plz giv...
Free internet access
Hello, i have huewai gprs modem is any way to access bsnl 3g data service without charges
Software instalation problems
Hello, Sir, i am having micromax q3 mobile. I want to connect it through USB cable to my computer.i am using windows XP in my computer. installatio...
Pc hang when bsnl net start
Hello, pc hang when bsnl net start Please guide me
Can i connect to internet through landline
Hello sir, i wish to ask u that can i make internet connection through landline bsnl by using DNS-A211-I& if so then how?
Need help connecting my pc to another
Hello, this is my first time setting up my network, i need to connect my pc to the internet through another pc that i have installed clearOS on that ...
I like to know
Hello, I am asking the some following question Q- What is difference between centralise device and distributed device Q- why do we cross ca...
Hello,how to start a internet on mobile through the pc
Hello, how can i download wireless drivers for my laptop(toshiba - satellite M100)
Accessing internet on new laptop
Hello, I just got a new laptop for Christmas and I cannot seem to figure out how to access the internet using the same provider I already have with t...
Netgear problem
Hello. I have netgear and i recently hooked up the wireless internet with something else. now the netgear connection wont work at all on my laptop. wh...
Other devices - network controller
Hello, I have a Compaq nc8230 Laptop. The wireless network has worked without a problem for several years now. Suddenly it will not connect to the ...
Internet on computer works,but wifi doesn't..
Hello, Basically I have a modem and a router as the internet doesn't work for the router.. I changed internet provider and they gave us the modem & n...
Connection problem
Hello, i hav hp laptop with windows vista. i'm not able to connect to the wireless internet connection at my new place whereas other laptops connecte...
Connect to internet via crossover cable
Hello, I connected a xp home ed with a desktop xp prof. The laptop is the gateway ip. The two computers can talk to each other & i can access files...
Failed installation
hi i m installing the adobe flash player but it shows the error that it cannot b installed failed to install
Connection of net
Hello, sir i want to bsnlnet from mobile to laptop .but iam disable to connect the net.error comes subcribe to packet data first